Toronto Pride 2013

Toronto Pride was a blast on Sunday. Danced in the street, had some drinks, and saw heaps of familiar faces. Ran into my sister on Church! Met a lovely deaf couple on a patio and fully had a conversation. It was nice to put my sign language skills to use. My ASL used to be pretty good but when you don’t use it, you lose it. This lovely boy on the left is my friend from Ted Baker’s 25th birthday party. Renaldo and I have photos from the last few years at Pride. Always with the great outfits! Love these outfits. Want one. Do NOT love his shoes. Those things creep me out. These animals really creeped me out. The rest of the photos below are less safe for work so this is your warning! Hope you had a lovely long weekend. Much love and light, <3 CASIE

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Broke Blog Mountain is Back w/ A Fountain of Fun

No really, I BROKE MY BLOG guys. You may know because you rec’d an Error just like me for the last day. It was horriblog! I’ve refreshed about 200 times in the last 24 hours. Well, my blog is finally back. I’ve got a HEAP of fun photos from the weekend’s festivities and I’ll be sharing them soon. Hope you’re having a stellar day. Short week, almost Wednesday already! HUzzah! <3 LOVE, CASE

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#BacardiBestSeats: Digital Dreams w/ Bacardi 2013

This was fun. It was super busy! Seas of people wearing neon and bad outfits. I didn’t take my DSLR, thought it might rain. Street style would have been a real hoot. Nice to see Azari & III on the Echo Beach stage. Heaps of people who were total zombies by the end of the night. You won’t believe the vibration from the speakers backstage. Overall, awesome experience for first Digital Dreams. Cheers to Bacardi for a fun day! XO CASIE CASIE Posted from WordPress for Android on HTC One

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Pink Hair, Don’t Care – Kevin Murphy Color Bug

I love love love this Color Bug product by  Kevin Murphy (Australia). I’ve been using it for a few months. Colour in, wash out. It works like a chalk on your hair and is a totally perfect perk up when you need to get your roots done! Works on all different hair shades and comes in a variety of colours including pink, orange, lime green, white, purple, and GOLD. This morning I was feeling Friday lazy, plus am about to go get my hair done tonight, so threw this in with a couple curls and VOILA. Stopped to snap a few photos with my new DSLR on the way to work. I’m looking to teach a Master Class in Self-Photography one day. Peace out peeps, hope you hae a killer Friday night. I’m heading for a drink with the girls from work, then hair appointment, and probably a wild night at home watching a movie with my love. Mum is coming to visit tomorrow and I’m so glad it’s a long weekend. Keep fit & have fun, <3 CASIE

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Red Bull Solstice at Cabana Pool Bar

On Friday night before the cottage we ventured up to Cabana Pool Bar to celebrate the solstice with Red Bull.  Thanks to the lovely Becca Lemire for these snaps. I coloured them in Picasa and used to animate them. Sending you sunshine, heard it might rain again today. 🙂 <3 CASIE

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These Flowers, For You

Currently en route to the Thompson Hotel for a media lunch with Grey Goose (client) for the Cherry Noir. I’m working though so just food and photos, no dranks! This weather is so weird, in wearing a mixed up outfit of cutoff overalls and a poncho with Sperrys. These are for you. I picked them with my phone camera 🙂 My hair is in a pony today. It’s getting long. Finally getting my lashes done today w/ JJ Cowan and hair is Thursday at Evolve Studio. These are the most gnarly roots ever! Much love and light, CASIE Posted from WordPress for Android on HTC One

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