Blog Life: Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #9

It’s a weird and wonderful thing having a blog, a public diary about your life. I love going back and reading about my adventures, Googling photos and finding lost memories, but, sometimes I don’t feel like it. This week, is one of those. Although, there’s no shortage of Instagrams and Tweets, Pins and reblogs on Tumblr flooding the Internet daily, all posted by me. This weekend I’m packing up my condo to move to the new house and I couldn’t be more happy about it don’t feel like it. I wanna play outside! I can’t wait for my trips to NY & LA next month. I’ll be back up at the cottage next weekend too. I reckon I’ll catch up on posts this weekend and we’ll be back business in no time! Hope you’re having a stellar day and sitting in somewhere with AC. Remember you can always find me on the Twitter! Much love, CASIE

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Agility presents ‘Get Digital: Create Great Content’ at The Spoke Club

I’ve been invited to speak with some of my industry peers about creating great content in an upcoming session at The Spoke Club. The event is hosted by Toronto based Agility, they works with media companies and brands to help maximize the value of their online content. Their philosophy, “create great content, build your audience, make more money.” Now that,  is something I can stand behind! Read more about the event on the Agility blog. The event is free but you have to register! Visit this link and sign up. It’ll be a good discussion, trust me. <3 CASIE Share this event with your friends! Tweet

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The Tragically Hip to Play at Bridle Bash V on August 3

One of the BEST parties I’ve EVER been to is the Bridle Bash. It’s held at a friends private residence on the Bridle Path and brings together and awesome group of people, partiers, and musical guests. This year, THE TRAGICALLY HIP are playing in the ravine backyard for about 800 guests. It’s going to be so freaking awesome! Last time my sister and I went to BB, we ended up on the society page of the Globe & Mail, in the photo above. We put a  canoe in the pool and proceeded to give out vodka filled flasks to people all around. It was fantastic. Tickets for BBV can be purchased here and start at $500 each. All the money goes to the Bridle Bash Foundation which supports an array of charities and events in the city of Toronto. For more info on the bash visit the event website here. We’ve got our tickets and I can’t wait. It’s one of those parties  you’ll never forget. I have a feeling this year will top the last one! If you’re gonna be there LMK in the comments or Tweet me! Follow @BridleBash on Twitter and find the event on Facebook here. Much love, <3 CASIE

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Netflix Canada Contest: Orange is the New Black?

OK, I started this book today. Sitting on Queen Street in the shade waiting for (rain) someone boyfriend. Netflix sent me a signed copy from the author. Autograph is orange highlighter, naturally. It sounds good, the creator of Weeds made it. Scroll down if you want the prize only, winner gets the following.. PRIZE PS3 ($269 Future Shop) Six month Netflix Canada subscription ($48) Author signed copy of Orange Is The New Black book (Piper Kerman Priceless) I love Netflix and I watch heaps of moves. Last year they sent me a FIVE YEAR subscription and I am excited because more series are being produced for Netflix ONLY. [I was a subscriber before they contacted me.] WATCH THIS IT’S FUNNY Taryn Manning, Donna from That 70’s Show, Jason Biggs (American Pie),  and Janeane Garofalo. LOVE IT.  I like this story, from the first chapters, because I could be this person. So could you. It’s not that hard to get trapped in a cross-border love/drug smuggling scandal. I saw Broke Down Palace, I know how this works.   HOW TO WIN This is a totally made up contest – WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO SAVE ME IN JAIL? Tweet Basically this could happen to anyone, right? In order to pay her debt to society (for a 10 year-old drug money thing smuggling for an African Drug Lord), Piper must trade her comfortable New York life with fiancé  Larry (Jason Biggs) for an orange jumpsuit and prison life. It’a a wild roller coaster  I haven’t read it all yet but SOMEONE LIKE YOU can have a new PS3 to watch it. Imagine I was in jail… I’d be like a junior Martha Stewart. Naturally. PS3 plays Blueray.  This is a fun contest. Tweet or die FTW. Much love, CASIE  

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Where’s that ray of sunshine when you need it?

What a day! What a day! We lost power for part of the afternoon. I stepped out to have lunch at friends house in the neighbourhood. The boys played ping pong in the office when we had no power.   I thought we could use a little ‘pick-me-up’ so I loaded up my desk with snacks. Check out this handsome lunch date. Hope you day is not gloomy like this sticky weather. Tonight I’m posting a wicked new contest with an awesome prize. Stay tuned! Much love, CASIE  

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Crackdown on Public Drinking in Bellwoods

Was having lunch in Bellwoods with a friend today (as I so often do) and I must look like a hipster because I was interviewed by CBC about the recent crackdown on drinking in the park. Just another day, #CBC interview on my lunch break about drinking alcohol in the park. #thisismylife… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 3, 2013 Think of the Can Ladies: Don’t Crack Down on Drinking in Trinity Bellwoods via @VICECANADA — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 3, 2013   I’m not sure when it will air but if you catch me on the tele, snap a pic! Apparently neighbours of the park have been cracking down on reporting public drinking and drug use (joint smoking?) in Bellwoods. I’ve had my share of afternoons in the park drinking a few tall cans with friends, it’s really fun! All I have to say is, if you’re drinking the park, don’t make a mess or be too obvious. Enjoy the sunshine out there, it’s turned into a beautiful day! <3 CASIE

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