(New) Office Space

Came back from vacation and guess what, I have a new office! It’s very bare and needs some flowers and better lighting. Also some photos and probably one of those motivational posters or something.  Thinking of getting one of those sun/UV lamps to bringing some sunshine. Office Space is one of my fav movies though, actually. It’s nice to be back! I missed this place 🙂 Happy Hump day! <3 CASIE Buy fucidin online Buy lasix online Buy ventolin inhaler online

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Heaven is a Place on Earth with You

I love it here so much. xo Buy Buspar online Buy celexa online Buy kamagra online

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Over the Rainbow & Over The Moon!

Oh hey, today I am wearing a Canadian tuxedo (summer style)!  Tonight I’m heading to Over the Rainbow in Yorkville for a denim fitting.  I’m also styling two mannequins for their September back to School COOL windows as a ‘Rainbow Insider’ style influencer.  I’ll be posting a contest over the next week for a $100 gift certificate for the store and you can meet me at the Back to School event on Thursday, August 29th to pick it up. In other news, I’ve been selected by Toronto International Film Festival as 1 of 50 the city to partner with them for the festival in next month in two weeks. I’ll be first with the scoop on all things TIFF. So, in other words, stay tuned right here for constant updates on all things awesome. Invites are starting to roll out for lounges, events, and after parties.  Doing a little  press for the documentary I am in the premieres September 14th too. SO EXCITING EVERYTHING, OMG. My TIFF festival experiences from the last few years here. Took this panoramic on my way to work and check how long the streetcar is. I call this “Never-ending TTC”. Little grassy patches have popped up on around the trees on Queen Street. I like this. Adds  character to the little guys. Tonight after my shoot and styling at Over the Rainbow I’m zipping to the Thompson Roof for a Molson event then home to pack. We are off to LA at 10:30am tomorrow. No work, all fun in the sun with my BF and best friends. I am dyyyyying of excitement. Make sure you are following me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. I will be updating them ALL with Disney everything for the next six days. Hollah!!!! <3 CASIE  

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Be Someone Who Makes You Happy

Tonight was a good one. Hair did, cooking, cleaning, packing, and a little Netflix. Exciting (secret project) planning after work tomorrow followed by an event on the roof at Thompson  with work + Molson. This is my life, I’m grateful, nervous, and excited.  It’s funny [something] having a public diary, I feel like I’m writing to myself, or often Mum. [Hi Mum, ring you at work today, love you!] LA, one more day away. 🙂 And earlier today… Ted Baker + Thomas Sabo. (CLICK TO SEE POSTS FROM BEFORE TODAY) xo CASIE

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Quick Note for You <3

Have a HUGE meeting/workshop all day with an awesome client. It’s times like right now meow I am really glad to be a millennial, genY, person about the internet.  It’s beautiful out today so please enjoy it for me! I will be in the office till 5:30pm. Have a hair appt tonight in prep for LA. Can’t. Hardly. Wait. Smile and pass it on! Much love, CASIE Buy Cytotec online Buy Diflucan online Buy Doxycycline online Buy Finasteride online

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How do you get ideas?

Good morning! I did lots of cooking this weekend and got a main pedi w/ my man yesterday. It felt like being at the cottage without being at the cottage. I got lots of sleep too. Found this little book while cleaning up and as I started flipping the pages, I was reminded just how many ideas I have a day. My mind is like a crazy labyrinth with winding passages and ideas at every turn. It feels great to have had a relax-around-the-house weekend. He calls me ‘DomestiCasie’ when I’m in that mode, cute. We are off to California on Thursday for a six day adventure. I can’t wait! Picked up these gorgeous Rimowa cases for our travels. I snagged a couple goodies at the Blogger Bazar yesterday. If there is another, def worth stopping by! Will surely pick up a few things in LA too. Busy three days ahead! Sending you sunshine and hope you have a wonderful day. <3 CASIE Buy Flomax online Buy Abilify online Buy Aciphex online

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