It’s almost the weekend. I’ve worked hard. I’m ready to reeeeeeeeelaxxxx! Looks like we’re gonna get some rain, I’m working on a blog makeover so I’m ok with that. Won’t feel bad missing sunshine to nerd out ON MY NEW COMPUTER! Sean picked it up for me yesterday and I can’t WAIT to tour around this amazingly fast little machine. He also came home with meat pies from The Pie Comission. Seriously, what a dreamboat! I’m so stoked. It’s been a few years since I upgraded my Mac Game and I’m proudly replacing my 11″ MacBook Air with a 13″ MacBook Pro. Welcome to the family! Sean recommended that I got an external monitor for my MacBook to make my life a bit easier so I’m looking at reviews on bestbezellessmonitor and will keep you updated on whether I get one or not! I’m also going to be a lot more careful with this one, as I know that they’re susceptible to cracked screens if not looked after properly – I don’t want to have to fork out to repair it any time soon. All my Apple gadgets over the years have been named after famous men in history. This guy is yet to be named… Went to the Indie Ale House last night. Food was really good! She moved to the junction recently so I have another friend in the hood. Woot! The desserts, so good. Loving my hair short. Getting it trimmed a BIT shorter today too. Rode in my first TESLA yesterday. What a car! It’s so fast, smart, good looking, efficient, I can’t get enough. Snapped this out the sunroof. Beautiful day! Back seat is quite roomy and with TWO trunks you can fit heaps of clothes and food for a weekend getaway. Three cheers for…
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