Subscribe to Behind the Blog – My Newsletter is Coming Soon!
Over the next few weeks I will be pulling the details for a newsletter I’ll be sending out in January called Behind the Blog. It’s for anyone with e blog or online business interested in learning about creating content, managing a website, having an online business, or other tech stuff like apps and gadgets. There is so much that you will probably have to learn though, and I know that I am still learning a thing or two. No one is perfect, even if I like to think that I am. However, I do think that I am good enough to teach you a thing or two, and hopefully, you will find it beneficial. For example, I might at some point talk about how you need to get a web hosting company involved (for example, a company like the one found at a I would like to believe that you would find something like this useful. It won’t just stop there though, I have loads of other things that I can tell you about in my newsletter. I’ll make sure that it’s all relevant for creating content, managing a website, having an online business, or other tech stuff like apps and gadgets. So it will be totally worth your time if this is something that you need a little bit of extra guidance with. I promise I’ll be able to help you. I won’t spam you and I really hope I can send it twice a month. Somehow when I am the busiest I feel like I should add another task to my life. I feel like sharing this information with you will help me be more organized. I’d love for you to subscribe/share. Email First Name Last Name Have a Website? Email Format html text
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