Put a Smile on That Face and Share It w/ Someone

Hello and HI from West Queen West. I’m your host Casie Stewart reporting live from TEH INTERNET. It’s a beautiful 18 degrees in the sunny city of Toronto and I wish you an amazing day! Now, go put a smile on that face and share it with someone. With love & light, CASIE Posted from WordPress for Android on HTC One

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3D Printed Ikea Furniture? No Assembly Required!

Wouldn’t that be nice. One day, not too far form now, it’ll happen at Ikea. It’s already happening in the world. I hate putting that Ikea stuff together. Check out this wicked 3D Printed 28-Geared Cube that prints as one fully assembled object straight off the printer. I have such a heart on for 3D printing, it’s completely fascinating! The Shapeways site is an entire market of 3D printed everything. I don’t care. I love it.  3D Printed 28-Geared Cube How it Works This design consists of a cube with 28 gears, on each of 4 sides of the cube are 7 gears: 2 large outer ones that move in opposite directions, the outermost gear has handles on it so it can be easily rotated, the motion between the 2 large cogs is reversed due to 5 smaller gears set within the cube in a similar layout to a planetary gearbox to reverse the gear’s direction on each of these 4 faces. Each of these sets of gears on the 4 faces are all liked through the big gear on each of the 4 faces meshing at 90 degrees with the big gear on each of the 2 neighboring sides. This means that if any one gear is spun, they all spin in a memorizing pattern. [Read more]

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And she was fair as is the rose in May.

Earlier this months I was chosen by Lancome Canada as one of 20 artists in Canada to be part of their big digital show for Luminato Festival. I was super stoked to be chosen for this experience! The theme was ‘the rose’ so I had my BF shoot me with a dozen roses up at the cottage in the sunshine. Unfortunately, I submitted my photos LATE and they would not accept them for the show. See below for a bunch of photos. They are kinda big so I didn’t leave them all on the homepage!

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Don’t forget to smile. #surprisenotes

Happy Friday! Love, CASIE

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Muskoka Recycles

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HP Love Case Contest

[View the story “#LOVECASE HP CONTEST ENTRIES” on Storify] #LOVECASE HP CONTEST ENTRIES Thank you. This was so fun. Much gratitude to everyone who entered. Having a blog is a bit of a strange thing, I’ve been publishing for years and with people not commenting much anymore, it’s nice to get feedback! Storified by CASIE STEWART· Wed, Feb 20 2013 19:31:32 These are in no particular order and I LOVE THEM ALL. Happy Vday @casiestewart I Chooooooose you to be mah Valentine 😀 #LOVECASE http://pic.twitter.com/Tk3ZEDk8Kim Jones Yes, Parv.  My Valentine for @casiestewart #lovecase http://pic.twitter.com/28nGApMEParv 🙂 I love the Vine, thanks DV! Ahh! Finally finished my Illustrated Valentine for @casiestewart #LOVECASE Hope she loves it! http://vine.co/v/br7DrUgazAdDonna Vitan Delicious. When am I coming over? @casiestewart #LOVECASE http://pic.twitter.com/e4veBE8BChi Dr. Who! Good one Hollie. @casiestewart I love HP and well i find you rather.. #LOVECASE http://pic.twitter.com/WkADkDCVHollie Pollard Heart on for you too KH. @casiestewart Look what I found in the park. It’s fate. #lovecase http://pic.twitter.com/3fvVBlDfkathanley Printed this out and now I need a new book to read.  @casiestewart Happy Valentine’s Day and happy reading! #lovecase http://pic.twitter.com/UcGSIt9kOlivia Lasting You know I love vintage. Thank you Saminder! @casiestewart i am not an artist, but came up with some great vintage photos and arranged them for you. #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/OB2YzW0csaminder gumer Rock on! @casiestewart I have been working on a few Valentine’s for you. Pick which one you like. YOU ROCK!! #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/MpE5QlRdsaminder gumer @casiestewart here is another one i made for you. #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/T3hVNwcdsaminder gumer @casiestewart i love you!!!! be my valentine. #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/EIsGLc2ksaminder gumer I used to make pop-ups alllll the time. I hope someone got this one on VDAY. @casiestewart i #LoveCase and will you be my Valentine? http://pic.twitter.com/vNLZu3UXsaminder gumer @casiestewart the Coup d’état of my art for the night!! #LoveCase http://pic.twitter.com/KXiEAmbPsaminder gumer Love it.…

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