Mean Girls The Musical

My sister and I went to see Mean Girls the musical last week and IT WAS SO FUN. Cute show. Good music. A bit different from the movie but entertaining! Jenie and I got fully dressed up in pink outfits. Getting ready was super fun and we did car karaoke to Taylor Swift on the Uber ride. Was kinda surprised to see most people were NOT wearing pink but tbh that didn’t bother me, I love wearing a statement look! Mean Girls runs until November 27th at The Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto. Get tickets here!! Direct from Broadway, Mean Girls is the hilarious hit musical from an award-winning creative team, including book writer Tina Fey (30 Rock), composer Jeff Richmond (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), lyricist Nell Benjamin (Legally Blonde), director Casey Nicholaw (The Book of Mormon), and producer/proud Torontonian Lorne Michaels (Saturday Night Live).

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The Weekend: Girls Night, Dinner, Justice, Osheaga

We had girls night on Thursday, us five Spice Girls took to King West. Look out. Michelle, Lauren, Me, Sarah Irie, Hollywood Friday we had 1188 dinner at Parts & Labour for Sean’s birthday. It was nice. They make a mean beavertail. I had a burger but it was mixed up with Matt’s and came rare with cheese. I order ‘no cheese’ everything. Last night I went to my first concert at Fort York, M83 & Justice. M83 was great. I felt like Justice was a light show that went along with a pre-recorded mix. It was fun though. There were LED light sticks flying all over the place. Looked awesome with the bright lights and CN Tower glowing in the background. This week SummerWorks starts and I’m stoked to see some theatre. See my most recent interview with a ‘sexy transexual’ on the SummerWorks blog here. See the full festival schedule at . LMK if you have tickets to something, I’ll be around! Check out Matt’s posts from Osheaga. Would have loved to be there. He presents to you OSHEAGRAM! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Just had my nails done w/ Barbie! Huzzahhhh 🙂

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TGIF: girls who like boys who like girls that do

I know that following the previous post with this post is……..whatever. Everyone needs a little entertainment  in their day! Twitter Last night I had a Jersey Shore finale with with a heap of best Twitter babes and buds. Thanks to unbrelievable, irieras, CrystalGibson, LaurenBoutette, carolzara, jeniestewart,  kericdn for coming over. We didn’t get a photo of us all cause we were so into watching the show each other’s conversations. We decided we wanna raise money to get Snookers to come over to my place for a party. Awesome idea. Thanks jaggabombs. Google Just checked Google Trends and ‘sleep talker blog’ was trending…so I obvs checked it out….seems Sleep Talkin’ Man blog went viral today. Wonder when that’s gonna happen to me, I mean go viral, I think a Paris Hilton style is a sure way. The guys wife records/publishes stuff her husband says while he sleeps.  Some are pretty funny ex “Well if I’m the douchebag, you’re the contents, Titfuck!” Internet Today I learned that young Swedish women are more likely to have sex with each other.  In the Sweedish study the figures for women having sex with other women were “strikingly high”. Interesting eh? Facebook We’re planning the February edition of genyTO and it will be held on Friday the 5th which is two weeks away. Join our FB group for details. This week Erin Bury wrote about the TO Tech community coming together for Haiti at blogTO.

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Montreal | Hi-Speed Blogging in the Sunshine at 90MPH

This week was a busy one and I’m looking forward to a nice sleep at the Fairmont Montreal tonight. We’re on the train heading to Montreal for Nuit Blanche and thanks to Montreal Tourism. Remember that contest I entered and a bunch of you guys helped me fill the train? I didn’t win the contest but they invited me to come along for the ride and experience Nuit Blanche Montreal. Bae working away, looking all cute. Earlier this week I was working form the new 1188 Films office and dressed the place up with some spring flowers.  There’s 8 days until daylight savings, if you;re counting down like me. This is the before face of going through the worst pain I have felt in my entire life. I’ve been having high blood pressure along with those chest pains I mentioned so I’m unable to take my old contraceptive and got a IUD. I wasn’t expecting it to be so painful and felt nauseous after, it was brutal. Good thing it’s a five year plan. I’m thankful my doc was so lovely and took great care. Lucky for me, House of Cards is BACk so we binged a couple episodes last night while I was in recovery. Much better today and back to my regular bouncy self. Claire Underwood, I love you. Maybe I should keep short hair? This internal ‘cut it or grow it’ battle never ends. We’re on the train for 4 hours, currently going aboout 90MPH. I’m glad to have NextIssue and will be reading magazines once I hit publish. I’ve been reading magazines I never used to buy since I’ve got them all at my fingertips now (Nylon, More, Condé Nast Traveller, Dwell). This cover of Vanity Fair is awkward, no? Loving the images in Condé Nast Traveller. Makes me want to just…

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My idea of a good picture is one that’s in focus and of a famous person.

Hello & happy Thursday to you! Keri always says Thursday is the best night of the week and for me this week, it’s the first night I don’t have anything planned. I’m going to go home, accept first Grocery Gateway delivery, make dinner, do some laundry, clean some of the house, and watch a movie on the Netflix with my love. (If you have a reco LMK!) There’s such comfort in being domestic when you are always on the go! Last night COMMUNITY had an event with Bacardi and the Blue Jays, huge thanks to friends who joined us to open Bacardi at the Park on level 200, section 233. We had @BacardiCanada trending in Toronto, which, for (me) the Social Media Director is the best. The PR team and I were all like… Also, I love Mean Girls and I WISH THIS WAS REAL. In other news.. The film I am “It’s All About ME“,  premieres NEXT MONTH on the BIG SCREEN and tickets are now on sale. Give a ring to the box office at 416-362-5570 or reach them online at I wanna grow up to be a famous person. Title is an Andy quote of course. I’ve always loved him for his work and outlook on life. I’d like to think I carry some of that around with me everywhere I go. I have a category tagged Warhol if you every want some inspiration or a break from everyday life. Sending sunshine to you and everyone around you. The more you give the more you have, SO SHARE IT AROUND! <3 CASIE Buy Amoxil online Buy Clomid online Buy Flomax online Buy Fluoxetine online

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annoying department: excuse me for a minute

One of the most annoying things ever is when girls (any age) talk about you to other people. I’ve talked about it before and despite getting older, it never seems to go away. It is especially annoying when it is public, negative, the person has a high profile and they also don’t bother to say it to you directly. I was not Regina George in highschool and didn’t used to have the confidence I do now. I got bullied heaps growing up, mostly by mean girls. Today I got a message from a friend on my way home from the airport after six hours on airplanes and spending half the day before in an airport… “your tweets & blog post rant about parents with kids at airport is causing a shit storm with parents on fb” GREAT! Welcome home! First: Thank you for reading & linking to my blog Erica. I’m happy to have you as a reader. I’ve been a fan of yours since I was a kid. Circa 1991 here, lookin’ cute. We both worked at MuchMusic and I’ve often wondered if  we would work on a project together. We both blog & Tweet in Toronto. We have many friends in common. I always though of you as cool with great style.   Second: Why didn’t you comment/say ANYTHING TO ME? I know you’re not shy. Lots of options, Twitter, Facebook, Fan Page, blog , email? I am surprised you would single me out like that to your friends on Facebook without commenting as a mother yourself. I waited to see if you would say something to me since you were engaging your audience about my blog post. You didn’t. Your comment “what people without kids think of us who have kids” is a silly generalization about those who have kids and those who don’t. I…

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your green eyed monster is showing and it looks lousy

“Funny..because in the word “Jealousy”, there’s lousy. I think the reason why some people get jealous is because they’re not content or they want to experience what you experienced. Jealousy is when you get jealous because s/he went to this awesome place, it’s when s/he has a freakin amazing cool better version gadget, it’s when you wish you have what they have, it’s when you cry over your mommy or daddy because your friend has an ice cream and you don’t, it’s when the guy/girl in your dreams love someone else, it’s when blah blah blah. I think you get it. It’s sounds so silly, isn’t it? But you know it’s all true. I think being jealous is normal but sometimes jealousy can turn into madness that turns into an obsession that turns into “I’m fucked.” via walrusowl on tumblr Recently I saw someone acting out of what can only be explained as jealousy. I’d heard a few things she’s said then she threw a couple jabs here and there and I was “wtf is up, I thought we were friends”.  The most disappointing was the way she started acting, then after seemed to be nicey-nice again.  I don’t get it and I refuse to waste my time trying to understand. You live and learn I guess. We’ve all seen Mean Girls and we all remember highschool when girls act mean just because you’re doing well. What I don’t get, is how people don’t relize that negative thoughts and feelings become things and in the end  you are only hurting yourself making yourself look stupid. I really wanna send those people a GET WELL SOON card. I LOVE seeing people around me do well. I tell my friends to call me when something exciting happens, I say “you can always…

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The sun is finally out!

Yaaaaay! GUYS, spring. It’s like almost hereeeeeee! If you go outside today there are so many smiling people. ?????????????????? I mean it’s mostly the sun but it could also be 420. We are having pizza at the office. Tonight I’ve got a double date with one of my bffs to the Tokyo Smoke event at The Design Exchange. We’re planning a cottage visit this weekend and I wonder if the lake has thawed? It’s about time to start looking at water pipes for sale for my bff maybe to make use of it at the cottage! Today I posted on Instagram for the first time in over a week. I haven’t felt like posting on my own account. Behind the scenes, I’ve been manning client IG accounts but with the long, grey, freezing days, I’ve been so BLARGHHH. I stook outside on the roof patio with my arms up facing the sun, trying to charge my batteries. It’s amazing how much of a difference sunshine makes. I wish I was wearing this outfit right now and every day after. I love it so much. It’s a rental from the girls at Studio Fitzroy. A post shared by CASIE |Writer Speaker Director (@casiestewart) on Apr 20, 2018 at 5:08am PDT   Sequins, so hot right now and forever. I’m pretty sure my 10 years in dance as a kid are to thank for my love of sequins. I could wear them any time of day, any day of the week. A post shared by Duckie Confetti (@duckie_confetti) on Apr 12, 2018 at 9:46am PDT Met these ladies in Jamaica with Andrew. It was such a fun trip. They retired and moved there to live their best life. So happy and fun. Here’s to a great day!

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Don’t Let Opposition from Mediocre Minds Hold You Back

I’ve always loved this quote and on my first draft of this post, the title was ‘That idea is stupid’ because those words were the motivation to write this story down. Also, I know there’s a lot of ‘fake’ Einstein quotes so I hope he actually said this! Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. – Albert Einstein A long, long time ago I got a job at a Canadian media station. Most the girls there were not particularly nice to me. From what I gathered I was the weird internet girl and they didn’t like me. That’s ok, I’ve always been a little different and danced to the beat of my own drum. The boss I was hired by believed in me and my weird internetness. I was doing something unique and it was 2009, the start of mainstream social media. I was excited to learn from him and work together making cool internet as a team. Then he left for another job. My new boss had been there for a lonnnnnng time. Like before the internet long time. He was NOT into my ideas and along with the girls, thought I was weird. One meeting I suggested they put hashtags on tv screens while a show was on and he said “that idea is stupid“. Well, we all know how that turned out, don’t we… A couple years later I worked a full-time job as a Director at an agency. We were planning a big event for the launch of a new vodka flavour. I knew about this cool social media printer setup that would print any Instagram post with a pre-determined hashtag to a little paper that was also a sticker. I’d followed this company since it’s Kickstarter and knew it was finally available for hire. In…

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Simple Style, The White T-Shirt

I know this may not seem like a big deal to anyone (with small boobs) but today I put on a while tshirt and it actually looked cute. ???

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This Is My Life | Cyberbullying

Putting yourself out there on the internet or *IRL takes a lot of courage. Having a blog opens you up for all kinds of criticism, haterade, or anonymous comments. My world, the one I’ve created online, is pretty positive, but I’ve had my share of cyberbullying. It’s important to fight back against trolls, for example you could use an instagram story viewer app to save any abusive posts so that you can use them as evidence against them. It’s also important to learn how you can avoid being exposed to this kind of harassment and Telus has an award winning Canadian program about how to protect you and your family online. They offer online info and offline info like in-person training sessions for business customers and their fams. Thanks for this @TELUS! #TelusWise — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 20, 2015 Telus is one of my longest standing relationships and this program is one of the reasons I love them. Not to mention the owl for this campaign. I like owls. I’ve had more than one stalker over the years and had to contact the police several times about something internet related. I don’t share this stuff often because it’s hard to talk about. There’s also SO MUCH sad/bad news out there I want this to be a happy place for you when you’re having a bad day or want a cheer up. The things about bullying is it can stay with you forever. It’s hard to forget the way they made you feel. A couple of years ago a ‘friend’ had been commenting mean things under an alias for months. It was really hurtful, the things she said were spiteful, stuff only someone who knew me would say to be mean. I did some investigating and finally tracked the…

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On Wednesdays We Wear Pink | No Bully #DayofPink

Oh hey I’m wearing pink. Last Wednesday I wore my ‘you can’t sit with us’ shirt. Not really appropriate for the ‘anti-bullying international Day of Pink’. Beautiful day out. Gap khakis & cardigan Zara pink rose shirt Standing O Accessories bracelet H&M trench coat Toms shoes Glasses from my travels

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It’s October 3rd.

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For My Special Ladies

I intended to post this for International Women’s Day but to ME, every single day is a day to celebrate the wonderful women in my life. Two of the most very special people to me today, and forever will always be my beautiful Mum and my sister Jenie. I love them dearly. Rounded up these images from old posts. This ones for you girls, I love you and you mean the world to me. Us on the set of American Pie Beta House years ago. And this is for you too… For all you other ladies out there, don’t wait for a special day to tell someone you love them. Tell them now! Sending sunshine your way, <3 CASIE

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My 2012 on Storify: 46 stories viewed 30,553 times.

A bunch of stories have no views but they emailed this info to me and I thought wow, you made those. . It’s nice to know I have 46 memories in Story from the year. In 2013 I will create more. And better. I published 569 blog posts on last year. December 2012 (35) November 2012 (40) October 2012 (46) September 2012 (43) August 2012 (40) July 2012 (46) June 2012 (46) May 2012 (55) April 2012 (51) March 2012 (49) February 2012 (51) January 2012 (67) Below are some of my fav parts of the year told using Storify. [View the story “Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. ” on Storify] Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. Made a little roundup of some of my fav costumes. Storified by CASIE STEWART· Wed, Oct 26 2011 23:25:39 Zombie Girl (Toronto Zombie Walk – October 22, 2011) lessons in zombieism: halloween how-toyou will need chocolate syrup, cornstarch, red food dye, white face paint, black (eyeliner/shadow) and some green if you have it. take off your shirt. don’t wash your face or hair. dirtier the better. mix 2/3 chocolate syrup with corn starch and add a bunch of red dye drops. shake/mix. blood stained clothes, black eyes, i will eat your brainHalloween is JUST around the corner and I am stoked. I reckon I might follow the blood stained trend and wear some blood for the month of ROctober whenever I feel like it. The Zombie Walk is OCTOBER 23 at 3pm. Zombies meet in Bellwoods and I would love to have you join my Zombie Crew. Sexy Pirate I was a sexy pirate, but what should I be next? I went out as a Zombie and was sexier than the rest! I’ve been out as…

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Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.

I love when it rains. Joe Fresh denim shirt dress, Hunter wellies, Gap kids rubber jacket, Toronto Star cartoon brolly. Sadly, my brolly caught a bad case of wind on the way to the conference and he is no longer with us. Made it to Women in Business conference, found power supply. The guy on stage just used a word I don’t know, can someone explain ‘rolodex?’ See what I did here? We start filming Monday. I’m really excited. Been waiting for THIS for my whole life. You know how I always tell you to be positive and make the most of each day? Well, I really freaking mean it. The only way to attract good and wonderful things into your life is to put it out there. Like attracts like, the power of attraction is about particles of matter. Had a great sister date yesterday, look at these babes. LOVE YOU GIRLS. Thank you Bobby for this kind Tweet one day we will meet. Brands, listen up! “One of the best “brands” on social media is @casiestewart … she has leveraged numerous outlets to build a tremendous business & brand! #ff” — BobbyRettew (@BobbyRettew) June 1, 2012 Title is a quote by James Matthew Barrie quotes, Scottish Dramatist and Novelist who is best known as the creator of Peter Pan. Cheers to Tink, the original pixie fairy girl. Have an awesome day 🙂

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stella block party was a stellar block party, blog party.

Welcome to the party. Please drink responsibly. The lights were  my love of the night. More of this please. So pretty. These shots are so tumblrey or hipster bride. If you are reading this and getting married (I know there’s a few!) and don’t know Hipster Bride yet, well, be thankful you are reading this now. It’s full of inspiration. This one is cool. Beautiful clear sky & bright moon tonight. I love this city. Reminded me a bit of the supermoon, that night was special. Bit of a stalk party, cameras everywhere. I bet they make a wicked video from the night. Saw a couple videographers capturing moments in time. Look at that sky & view, so nice. Loved people walking by wondering what the heck this ‘pop up party’ was. Lights and music were in everyones eyes & ears. You couldn’t miss it. There was a lineup the entire night. You‘re alright but I’m here, darling, to enjoy the party. Now THIS is cool. Never seen one of these before… Say, wha? What’s a beer pumper? Oh yes, this is a beer pumper my friends. Trexxx on the TAPS! OMG YES! (Ok, wasn’t actually working but still cool.) Want that truck to put out MY fire ifyaknowhatimean. Had a bunch of peeps I’ve never met IRL who read my blog come say HI. HI GUYS, nice meeting you! Truly great meeting people who read/love this blog and no it’s not creepy/weird when you say “Hi, my name is ____ and I read your blog/follow you Twitter/FB.” (Google+ would be kinda creepy though to be honest. Ha. Seriously.) Always say HI, I love it. There were a ton of babes on the block. Seriously, babes everywhere. Nice one Keri for winning the contest & getting to host the party downtown.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

New BFF Sky & I car danced like crazy. It was awesome. Sky got twitter today and loves it. She is 11. Follow @skybenjamin. I could never be Mum to a race car driver. I’m having heart attack watching @kylebenjamin71. # This is really intense @skybenjamin @kylebanjamin71! Aaaah (@ The Pits At 5 Flags Speedway) # All you @kylebenjamin71! Your cheering section is rrrrrrrready! Cc @skybenjamin @ChantelleDay # Who makes their Dad carry their bike? I don’t care if you are 10 haha # Omg gonna be some more wreckage. These kids racing bikes before cars. So funny/cute/hilarious. LOLing so hard w/ @skybenjamin. # OH “I could run beside these kids” haha @skybenjamin # My new #BFF @skybenjamin. Live tweeting the races w/ her tonight. # Kids racing, mayjah wreckage RT @skybenjamin: wreck in turn 1 # Where’s ma chils support @Shashena @shawnhawaii! Haha #triangle # Its ok @kevinkvs, they’re just tshirt babies. # #ff @shawnhawaii my baby daddy to #triangle & Eviana # #ff @KeriBlog – bff & blog babe who makes videos & teaches me spy skillz # #ff @kylebenjamin71 – 13 year old who can drive better than all of you. #71 # watching qualifying times w/ @chantelleday & @kylebenjamin71 # I really should have watched Taladega Nights before coming to this. # Awesome qualifying time @kylebenjamin71! Killllll it tonight # Mmmmm RT @erinbury: This is AMAZING. RT @unbrelievable: Bored of plain old lorem ipsum? Try Bacon Ipsum! # Hacking wifi networks w/ an 11y.o. # In the rig @ race w/ internet, cable, xbox, AC. @chantelleday playing COD w/ #kylebenjamin # No @raymitheminx, not at all. I mean you might get perks or be seen as ‘influential’ on a specific topic. Cc @klout # Race day! #kylebenjamin #71 (@ 5 Flags…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

full bodied & bright, @senseappeal. # Fenway # Oct 21, 2009 – Interiors of "School Bakery & Cafe" in Liberty Village. For restaurant review. Photo: Charla Jones/Gl… # Photo: › Shalom Harlow wearing Marchesa at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › Shalom is always so freaking… # Photo: Body Parts # exciting day # Photo: mermaid # Photo: › Christina Ricci at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › I am obsessed with this Zac Posen dress. # I favorited a @YouTube video N'importe Comment – The Toxic Avenger featuring Orelsan # I favorited a @YouTube video Yelle – A Cause Des Garçons (Official Music Video HQ) # Emma Stone in Lanvin – › Emma Stone in Lanvin › › The Met Costume Institue Gala 2011 › › (Source:… # Photo: Stewart. # election tweet stream is like so fast man. #elxn41 # 1 for green. # this is not boring. #elxn41 # #tweettheresults # Photo: # PARTY LEADER # Whoa Jack, in the 80's. #movember #elxn41 # I can't believe how low the Liberal vote is. #elxn41 # trinity spadina!! #elxn41 # Photo: › Rihanna in Stella McCartney Costume Institute Gala in NYC. # my vote counted. # Photo: › Mary-Kate Olsen in vintage # Photo: › Ashely Olsen in vintage # here we go. the polls have oficialls closed! #elxn41 #blog # alonetogetherxoxo: # proud to be Canadian. # #THEPARTY #elxn41 (@ Canada Federal Vote 2011 w/ @melissaiscool @stephanieceline @danspr @rlangdon @withoutayard) # Photo: › Christina Ricci wearing a Zac Posen gown at the Met Costume Gala tonight › › Breathtakingly… # Photo: › Blake + Karl @ Met Ball 2011 # Photo: Giselle #…

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#twestivalTO 2011 – tweet. meet. give.

This photo means something really special to me. It reminds me how much I, we have grown and changed over the past couple years. Erin, Satish & I (below)  were on an aweosme team that came together in Jan. 2009 to create the first big Twitter event Toronto ever had. Twitter was slowly catching on at the time and the event was part of a global thing called Twestival. Last night, Twestival 2011 took place and it was awesome. It was a totally new team of people who took the initiative to create the event and I was proud and happy to be there. Twestival OG organizer group hug, my happy moment of the night. The first Twestival was at CiRCA and we donated to charity:water. Remember that place? My sis was there, she was a Raptors girl back then. She’s the blonde if you don’t already know/can’t tell. Once we had Twestival on a boat cruise. Renee you were missed last night, I had a shot for you. I need to get to SF to you v.soon. Another time we had Twestival at Tryst in the club district. See all the great pix Erin Leydon took last night here on flickr. My Olympus pix were not as great. I’m not familiar with the camera yet and had some issues. I’m used to having a point & shoot. This is me frustrated, haha. Don’t judge me, ok, judge me. I don’t care! Lady Blogga raaaaaaaaaa! #pawsup Lauren! #blondetourage #ftw Ava. Ally. Love you Erin. Allisaaaaaaaaan Bathroom party. I make the girls giggle. Marie your dress was GORGEOUS, designer was Cat Shanahan right? Sheldon. We met at the very first Twestival. Both had shirts w/ our @name on them. Word. Jon Crowley. Michael. Jeremy. Kevin. Andrew. Jonathan. Sean Ward, lookin’ good…

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can’t buy me love

8am, no problemo. Smilin’ & stylin’ in the sunshine w/ Brock before going to Rogers Daytime show. I’ve not seen it yet, I can’t seem to find it, PRV recorded a totally different Daytime show. Oh well. It was 2 seconds NBD. TV time, duck game face. This little one’s mama was on TV and she was pointing and saying “mama” to the TV. It was adorable. I hope my kids get to say that one day (my own show prefered just for the record). Somebody was here… Ally & Shannon chatting up the auction & Nella Bella live. I’m creepin. HI MUM! Hope you are loving the Bahamas, I’m just going on TV and being in the WSJ, nothing too out of the ordinary going on here. Miss you xo On the way home I saw this stylish lady in Yorkville waiting for the bus. Fur coat, big glasses, black lipstick. Gaga in 30 years, minus waiting fr the bus. (or not? No.) Valentights. Lover tights. Love you long leg time. Saw this from Virgin Mobile, for your valentine. Reminded me of this one time in grade school, I wrote a MEAN valentine to a boy who liked me, it was grade 4. I made it myself and on the inside in hard pencil it said “I HATE YOU”. I signed my name. I got in big trouble. Like huge. Who sign’s their OWN name? Duh. Anyhoo, came home to this huge package from Netflix Canada. So nice, thanks guys! Slippers, free Netflix subscriptions and all kinds of score cards/bingo for the upcomingOscars. Who is coming to my Oscar party/joining my cult? Getting mail is one of my favourite parts of my job. So is sharing it. I put together a few of these cards in packages and gave…

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hello LALA LAND, i’m comin’ w/ my @nellabellabrand!

Was frantic yesterday running around looking for something to wear in Dallas that is ‘Western inspired’. Have no fear, the tickle trunk I like to call my closet room is chalk full of theatricical outfits. Jeans hanging up there are my Shop Girls Yoga Yeans, only jeans I’ve worn since I got them. Really comfy and slimming, this all coming from someone who does not like wearing pants so, I mean serious. Keri also came through with a rodeo shirt that will be perfect. I knew exactly what I was looking for and it was surely not this. Well, in some variation but not together… Before shopping I stopped by to see the lovely Tarek at Nella Bella and look what I got… BTW took the nose ring hoop out (Mum :)) so Dallas and customs don’t think I’m a punk. Shaved head/mohawk style looks kinda punky but the blonde hair is distracting, so… I try to take the safest route and go for cuteness when I visit to the airport. I feel like thatis somehting @barbiestyle (aka Barbie) would say. Haha. I wonder if I will see that one customs guy again? Whoa, tangent. Back to this this lovely HUGE bag, he said I needed this colour for LA. SO true. Thank you! I picked up a couple others that will come out during my travels. One is the famed Nella Bella London bag in red. The small part holds my passport and essentials and the big part fits my iPad (Andy) and netbook (Robert) in it perfectly. The big yellow guy is so handsome. If you ever wonder the white rabbit furry guy is from Ruby Boutique in New Zealand. Ok, flight time. Catch ya on the flip side AKA, in the air on Virgin America!

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Blogging is a weird and interesting thing, so is life.

Piano typing my thoughts to the music. Things are so clear in my head. I love writing. I just downloaded a piano app for ipad. I don’t get why people are mean sometimes. I guess I should get it because it’s been a regular occurance where girls try to knock you down when you’re excited about something and feeling happy. What is the point in doing that? Seriously? You only make yourself look stupid and put out bad energy. It’s annoying. Being nice will get you further. So will being friends with girls who are doing well instead of trying to knock them down. Ya hear what I’m sayin? Sheesh! I need some new music. What are you listening to? What should I be listening to?

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

mum on skype ‘manhattan is just fabulous’ so cute 🙂 # shot from the smirnoff commercial – yep, that’s ME! # blogged: some stuff i did today, what i was wearing and what i got in the mail # can you unique URL your @myspace? why do i feel shame asking. fml. # RT @halfasophie: “you’re never going to have a boyfriend who likes the theater because he would already have a boyfriend” – samuel morgan # sabrina sprayed one of my perfumes – gwen stafani harajuki girls – FAK IS STINKS> EWWWWWWWWW. # even if we’re just dancing in the dark. # listening to “Tegan And Sara – Dancing In The Dark” ♫ # yup @myspace still sucks # two and a half men – man i love charlie sheen. # Untitled #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m a wicked multitasker. ftw. # i hate that it’s UG-Li. # Well done Dana 😉 RT @danadearmond: You’re like half of mount rushmore, two faced! -burn I just made up. @danadearmond 2010 # oh my BF, Gubler, you are so handsome. ILU> HEAPS. # been stalking a few people online. makes me feel good cause i know peeps be creepin on me and my blog w/out comments & shiz. totes fair. # uh huh @issarged. niiiiiiice. # lookin good @crystalgibson 🙂 #140characters # just for you my sweet @morgan_c_ross 😉 # anyone know someone at @TBWA? kinda stalking them atm. # Photo: omg. # thinking i will be a dominatrix style vampire friday night for people downtown’s halloweener party. yeah? # or bring me to your gym for a class. i dunno what i like or wanna do for exercise but i need to do something. beach trips in december! # omg love chatting w/ mates from NZ, reply “Na bro” sooooooooo kiwi. # have you got some yet today? # i need a trainer or fitness classes, something for 1 month. 30 day challenge > you will be blogged. email me: [email protected] # I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Matthew Gray Gubler: The Unauthorized Documentary # Photo: › FASHION HAIUKU: › › First page of your blog › › Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” Boots › › Navigate away. # Photo: Christy was my fav model growing up. › [Mystery solved] (you were right, @randtm!). › › Christy… # Photo: › my BF Gubler in Terry’s glasses. # Photo: my BF and terry terrysdiary:Me and Gubler in my studio. # i am in love with matthewgray gubler. hey mgg, calll mee! # “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve…

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Got no diamonds, got no wealth. I got no man, but I got my health.

Love this tune. How great of a movie is Beaches? I remember watching in in the basement on a Saurday morning, early, with my sister. Sad but so happy their friendship those two. The shirt above is Cybelle from NZ. My fav Orly nail polish in shiny Black Out and Joe Fresh matte lipstick in Poppy.  A couple of my recently acquired  new favourites. Went to Shopgirls Gallery Boutique the other day and got some Yoga Jeans. Great little shop it is, located in Parkdale and carries all kinds of Canadian designers. All the staff are artists and they have gallery space on the walls. They have a blog, Twitter and are on FB too. Michelle the owner took me around and we perused all the Canadian designers. Look at her in the gorgeous collar. I want! These are the Yoga Jeans I picked, signature limited edition made for Shopgirls exclusively, down to the last couple pairs ones. Check me out, Shopgirls logo there. This is the standard lunge test. It works, they are SUPER stretchy. Wont lose their shape. Retail around $110 which is totes reasonable. I never wear jeans and wore them all day yesterday, deff Casie approved. The best pants I’ve worn in a while. Go to the boutique and get some of your own it is at 1342 Queen Street West. They are probably open call 416 534 7467 to check first. It reminded me of a little shop I might see in Ponsonby, Auckland filled with New Zealand designers. I love all these kinda things with feathers and lace and leather. This table was so cool. Made from bicycle parts as you can see. I’d love to see Dad make one of these. Hey Dad, can you make this? I know you can, I mean…

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he said ‘there’s this woman, she’s a hurricane’

Lets do this. Here we go. Remmeber my Guns on Plane story from the summer when I went to Boston? Read it here. Anyhooters, being calm and was careful not to pack an firearms this time. Go through customs and doing bag check and who’s line do I end up in? Oh yeah, same dude who caught me with the gun. He says ” I remember you? Any guns this time? Do I need to search your bag?” We laugh. I say no. He explains what happened and that the dude last time should really have given me back my gun, 38 special (metal necklace). Then some other dude says “they always hassle the pretty girls”, I giggle, I’m always hassled. I gave him my card and I hope he reads this. HI, NICE SECURITY AIRPORT MAN! Ran into Marcel next in the Molson Pub. Fancy that! He was on same flight to EL EH. The bartender took this artistic-fuzzy one. Cheers mate! Guess who likes to sleep on planes and had TWO empty seats beside them? This girl. Snoooooooozefest. One beer prior to boarding, then pizza then gravol then comatose then almost in LA. Quizno pepperoni + cheese za was quite good. What’s in my locket? Your heart. My heart. i love this poem by e.e. cummings. one of my fav’s: i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you…

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