Retro-Inspired Eyewear + New Glasses for You 

Oh hey, it’s me, these flowers are for you and if you scroll down I’ve got new glasses for you as well. Happy Friday! Over the last few years I’ve done a couple giveaways with Derek Cardigan glasses via The recently launched eyewear collection incorporates a subtle cat-eye, key-hole accents, that same retro inspired look we saw on the runway at NYFW. You’ll find burgundy, emerald and amethyst jewel colours with metallic gold accents in the new Gold Collection. As a lover of all things vintage, I’m into it. Scroll down and enter to win a pair of these lovely lilac glasses by Derek Cardigan for yourself. Contest is open to anyone in Canada (except Quebec) and closes Monday, March 9th. Good luck and thanks for reading! <3 CASIE a Rafflecopter giveaway A video posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Mar 6, 2015 at 5:06am PST

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Days Go By and Still I Think of You

Hello darlings! Feeling fresh today with my new hair. Got bangs. Going for that Sia look. House of Cards has me teetering on the cut/grow hair situation and today I’m back to growing it. This is the awkward stage so I’m trying my best to make it through. If I can hold out a couple more months, I’ll be fine! Had an awesome rehearsal for Army of Sass last night. I can’t WAIT till the show. I will have tickets in about a week. I’ve had morning meetings and appts all week and today is my first morning dedicated to blogging. I’m about to make a nice brekky and catch up on the Y&R. Yes, I STILL watch it! Got new glasses by Derek Cardigan from Clearly Contacts and have a contest launching later today. If you’re interested in my sweet Carrera Marble laptop skin you can get one here. I make a small commission from each sale so if you do buy one, THANK YOU. This Wes Anderson book Sean picked up is so awesome. Ok, back to the drawing blogging board! Have an GREAT DAY. Enjoy that sunshine! ☀️ ❤️ CASIE * I’ve always loved this song/video!

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September Spec Styles

If you’ve been following my adventures this summer, or longer, you’ve noticed my vast collection of sunnies and spectacles. I love glasses. They’re fashion for your face. Over the past couple years written about glasses form, see them all here. The prices are good and they ship super fast (2 days avg). Spec! My most recent selection are this tortoise shell pair by Derek Cardigan with polarized lenses. I recorded an interview with him about a year ago, check it out here. Sunglasses are a great way to transition between seasons. Whether you’re looking to shield your face from the sun (or cameras, helloo TIFF!) or just jazz things up a little, you can get all the hottest styles from Clearly Contacts. CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. WINNER ANNOUNCED TUESDAY.

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Alicia Keys Rocks Canadian Designed Eyewear – AND THE WINNER IS….

I’ve posted about Clearly Contacts a few times over the last two years and built a pretty good relationship with them. Remember summer Sixties Summer Love, Ray Bans, and once I interviewed Canadian eyewear designer Derek Cardigan. Today, I got am email from PR that Alicia Keys is wearing Derek’s glasses in her new video! In support of Canadian talent I give props to Derek Cardigan AND Clearly Contacts is giving you a pair of these exact glasses. Deets on how to enter below! See Alicia Keys looking like a babe in these glasses…. Now see yourself in these glasses looking fabulous… How do I win? You know the drillio, tweet me and Clearly Contacts by clicking below. If you do it right away you have a better chance of winning. I would like to get your order in before Friday so you get them next week! The glasses retail for $89 and can are style ‘Derek Cardigan 7017 Shadow‘.  See his entire collection here and upload a photo to try them on without leaving your house couch.  I have a couple pairs and got Mum a sweet pair with polarized lenses last summer. You will be happy, trust me. Tweet to Win here Tweet to @casiestewart Clearly Contacts has awesome prices and is constantly offering great deals. They published a winter style guide if you want one more item to add to your wish list. Looking forward to picking a WINNER! I love the holidays and giving things away. Yippeee! Much love, CASIE <3 [View the story “And the @clearlycontacts winner is…” on Storify] And the @clearlycontacts winner is… Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Dec 20 2012 05:43:26 @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win the new Alicia Keys glasses by Derek Cardigan! Pick me! #happyholidaysCarly-Anne Fairlie @casiestewart @clearlycontacts I would love to win…

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Work, Work, Worker Bee Babe

Busy day today. This weather is great for working. I was invited to Blundstone, the Australian boot company to check out their new style of shoes.  They come from Tasmania, I’ve been there. Toured a brewery and went to a spa in Hobart. Will share those tomorrow. Have dance tonight at King West Fitness for Nuvo Burlesque’s Army of Sass. I’m stoked. It’s so much fun. Things are going great at work. I really love it here.  Do you love my new glasses? They’re ‘Love’ by Derek Cardigan for Clearly Contacts. I’m terribly excited for Halloween BTW. Hope you are having an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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The Weekend: Sprinkler City, Summertime Pretty

Vintage dress from Community 54 (Toronto/NY), vintage head scarf, polarized cat eye glasses by Derek Cardigan, leopard shoes Michael Khors, shellac nails by 1Body Bar

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