you captcha my interest, you make me smile

We all come across them. I used to write them down and make poems with the mismatched words. I wish I cold find that notebook. I take screen shots now. I started looking at some today, favorites were: have gayness, no dick, prostitution harmony.  I was working pants -free in a  cardigan singing away to Selah Sue and I got this captcha. Love it. It’s like the computer/internet are connecting to you on a different level sometimes. Deep thoughts in nerdism. What are some of your fav’s? Do you keep them too?

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unique mix of elegance & spontaneity

The package arrived safe and sound in Hillzy’s hands on Friday. I sent her a handwritten note on big colorful paper with some other stuff and a special edition of Very Irresistible called Summer Vibrations. It doesn’t come out until April 2010. I love getting handwritten letters, the main reason I responded to Hillzy’s call for a penpal. This year I’ve already send a couple packages out and I want to send more. It makes me happy to put stuff together and ship it off. Who doesn’t love getting mail? Liked this:  To be irresistible is not something you can choose: you just are! It is uncalculated, a state of mind, a certain innocence, a very special smile, a twist, a certain “je-ne-sais-quoi”.”

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TGIF: this is shit i like

Here’s my Friday roundup of good shit I’ve found around the interwebs. I’ve had a busy ass week of long days and late nights…that’s the price you pay for doing what you love! I try not to get down on myself for not getting everything done right away. I’m kinda anal about sticking to my own rigorous schedule.  I have to remind myself “there’s only 24 hours in a day Casie and you need sleep to keep going”.  Talking to myself really helps too.  haha joking. not joking. Twitter: Need I say more? No. Google: Featuring a YouTube video I found the other day. The put a very unique Coke machine in a College. I like this kinda thing, makes ya feel good in the inside. Where will happiness strike next? Here, right here. Internet: News about Conan went wild in online this week. Then, he put his show on Craigslist. Clicking the image will take you to the original posting. Facebook: I posted on twitter looking for anyone with a Haiti connection that wanted to be on MuchOnDemand. I was connected to Didier Dorelien, a Haitian residing in Toronto now via Lava. I arranged for him to be on the show. Here is the video: I was really touched watching this video on Facebook. I found out last night that his parents have been located but there are still so many people missing. . He’s coming back next week to talk about Haiti with the governor general. I’ll continue to help out where I can. Hope you all had a great day 🙂

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master disaster: help haiti. hearts on fire.

This morning I took a different approach to getting things done.  No stressing.  I’ve already checked a few things off my life list. I FINALLY mailed back my penpal @Hillzy. She wrote the first letter last year and it took me a new decade to get my act together. She’s gonna be happy. I packed a giftbag including a creative letter and some goodies.  I also mailed a package to my new BFF at Telus who’s sending me a new phone next week! Brought headphones today so I can hocus-focus and get lots checked off my list. There’s lots happening in my little world of rainbows & unicorns  but there’s real serious stuff happening in Haiti. I’ve seen heaps of Twitpics of disaster. I saw one this morning that was a childs head crushed between concrete and a fallen building. It was disgusting and sad. I don’t like seeing stuff like that but it’s amazing how social media has changed the way we receive information during crisis. This photo is insane, look at ALL the houses brought to the ground. These people really need our help. You can give $5 through SMS to the Salvation Army by texting Haiti at 45678 (Rogers, Bell, Telus). Money will go directly to the Salvation Army. Notable TV has set up a TO group for Wycelf’s YELE HAITI charity. We’ve got a special MOD today on MuchMusic at 5pm. If you or someone you know has a connection to Haiti and might wanna be on webcam or come down for the show email me at work [email protected]. Thanks & have a great day.

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tattoo your name across my chest

I’ve been so busy today, the thing is, I’m not complaining, I love it… I’m doing exactly what i want to be doing, I just with there were more hours in a day.  I like to have things done on time.  I also like the new tattoo’s from Chanel. They are like $50-75 but so beautiful. How awesome would your night be donned with one of these lovely things? Amazing. My entire day has been taken up with meetings about programming and the magazine and social media. I just got Notable TV‘s Julian Brass hooked up to be on MOD tonight. We’re talking about Haiti and how you can help. Julian has done some stuff with Wycelf and has a TO donation site set up on FB.  He’s almost here…gotta run down to the studio!!

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toronto life on the wild side

If you subscribe to Toronto Life magazine, I arrived in your mail box last night. I’ve not seen it yet but it’s out there….I got a twitpic from ModernMod. The article is about Cityplace the new-ish downtowen area where I’ve lived for the last two years. They chose a few people connected to the area to chat about living there and the lifestyle. They mentioned my rent (which is pretty easy to find out anyways) and that I was a Sunshine girl.  I hope my copy arrives today. Go get yours this week!

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