nowhere else you’d rather be than there

You know those days when the sun is shining and you get in the car with a few friends and cruise to the beach or the park. You lay out a blanket followed by food and drinks and you lean back and feel the sun on your face. Your mind is free and in wanders as you feel complete bliss and serenity knowing that there is  nowhere else you’d rather be than there , that very moment in time. I feel like that today, well, a connection to that feeling. This is a me at Newport Beach on Sydney’s North Shore in NSW, Australia. I went surfing for my very first time. It was about 7am and the sun was rising. It was more than beautiful. I met this man in Bondi who’s called the Bondi Groover he said “Life’s not about being naughty, it’s all about 60/40” (in Aussie, that rhymes). 

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something from my old guy

I read over this blog and I think, I know I wrote all this stuff but it boggles my mind trying to remember where and when. I read it and I develop a feeling, a memory, something familiar. Last year on this day I was in Quebec City & Montreal for the first time. Was good fun and very relaxing. Makes me thingk, I feel like I could really use a get away. read something from my old guy on myspace

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It’s a little bit funny this feeling inside I’m not one of those who can easily hide

I wake up and have a quick shower before getting dressed. I wear pants today. I put on a dress shirt, the tuxedo one and a heart shaped locket without any photos in it. It’s long and silver and dangles as I gather my things and reach for my coat. Glasses, keys, phone, camera, do you have everything? I say to myself as I pick up my laptop carry case and head for the elevator. It’s not too slow today, I get to the ground and lead the herd our the door to work. I dry off my seat from the rain. I unlock and mount my bicyclette. The air is cool but warm on my face as I photograph the skyline over the lake. I steer towards the office. It’s cloudy and grey yet very beautiful. I feel free and alive and barely notice how my body aches for the first two days back on the road. It feels great. I arrive in the village greeted by the hustle and bustle of a place that thrives from nine to five. The train must have just left. There is a pleasant joy in the air; spring is here to stay. Smiling inside, I ride over the old brick road through the train tracks to the back of the factory. For the first time I dream of working in an art factory, my own. I park my bike and head inside. I arrive in ten minutes, this ten minutes glides me through the day. I’m ready to work today. I have the day off tomorrow, it’s my 27 birthday: May 8, 2009.

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closer to god

The day begins to come to an end and I find my mind wandering, wondering. I listen to CBC Classical online. I feel relaxed and look forward to riding home and the breeze in my hair. I’m picking up my Edie Sedgwick dress from Peach Beserk this evening. Made to order and tailored to fit. I always liked Andy Warhol, as long as I can remember. I was walking through this outdoor mallway over the weekend, I think it’s beautiful.Listening to this music I feel inspired to write, to read more Ogden Nash and to create things that never existed before. My coffee is warm and so is the air around me. It’s comforting and leaves me feeling safe. My shoulders are bare and the light is barely coming through the clouds. I really love the movie Closer, there is something so real about the relationships between the characters and their melancholy love tales. Natalie, Clive, Jude and Julia, good kids. I feel it in my legs, the biking from yesterday. Tomorrow there is a Billabong sample sale at 67 Mowat Avenue. Two weeks ago I wished they would have one so I could get a new bathing suit for my birthday, then I got an email a couple days later. Thank you universe, you listen to my thoughts and you bring me closer.

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cartoon motion

Sometimes I wish I was a cartoon. I would run up walls and jump and fly and all kinds of super things. I saw Wolverine movie last night. Hugh JACKman should be called ‘Hugh jacked man’. He’s massive. I really like the Bloor Varsity – VIP section. You can order a bevvy & food to your seat. Did some serious writing when I got home last night. The book gets closer every day. I paid my friend whose laid off to clean my room. What a surprise to come home to, a floor and closet full of clothes. An old book from the 1940’s lay on my desk from Mum. I picked up the book and as I opened the fragile cover I read “The Face is Familiar: Selected Verse by Ogden Nash“. He died on May 19, 1971 and was one of the worlds best humor poets. He inspires me to write/publish some of my quite funny ones. I like his style very much, I do.

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may the forth be with you

Beautiful day. Cutest puppy ever – chihuahua/pug. Totally pet that little guy. If you’re in a hurry don’t go near Fresh & Wild at Spadina. Nice and tasty but slow compared to a factory like Starbucks. Wearing the gladiators today. Feeling glad. Its May the Forth and it’s a wonderful day. Lots of birthday wishes coming my way. Heading to a HotDoc tonight, hopefully Objectified. I am a really lucky girl. I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. Birthday week is all about connecting with my friends and thanking them for being themselves. Its important to let them know. Tomorrow night is hair done with Darren Kwik and out with friends from overseas. Thursday is Opera. Friday goes to live on WordPress and its my bday. Reminder: Pick up Edie dress from Peach Beserk! I’d like a new computer. I really hate when people wear those huge earphones. Are you DJing right now? I feel like grabbing both muffs with opposite hands and pushing tight around neck into face. The thought crosses my mind each time I am witness. It will now cross yours. Have a wonderful day! I’ve never seen #starwars.

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