put on that ruskie baby

I’m love my ruskie hat, plus, it is warm as hell. It’s winter in Toronto and the wind is once again whipping at my windows. There’s something about Russian girls and theses hats that is super hot. I keep thinking to myself ‘each day is one closer to summer’ hoping it will keep my spirits up. I usually get the S.A.D.ness this time of year and I’m tryna fight it. Taking vitamin D and B50 complex helps alot.

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change your perspective

Have you been feeling down? Is the cold weather and season giving you a reason to frown? Have no fear for I am here and we will take that thought and toss it!! Change your perspective. Each day, hour, minute that passes is one closer to Spring, Summer and sunshine. There are a million things to be happy about. Each day is a new day and you have new thoughts and new things come into your life. Be happy about that. I never know from one day to the next what will come up in this online diary. It is exciting for me to write my thoughts down, the memories are what keeps me going. Pictures of the beach and me make me smile too.

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it’s chalottage time again!!

If you are unaware of what a Chalottage is, you can find it in the Urban Dictionary defined by yours truly. I’m looking forward to a few trips out of the city in the new year to relax at the chalottage. Last winter we had a total blast heading up north and we had even more fun once we got there! Chalottage A place you go in the winter because it’s near a ski resort, ski hill or some type of winter activity AND a place you go in the summer because it is near water or for summer relaxing. part Chalet part Cottage, Chalottage. Winter: Lets go to the Chalottage for skiing this weekend!Summer: Lets go to the Chalottage and go to the beach this weekend! Ex. Collingwood, ON: Ski at Blue Mountain & sun, sand, surf at Wasaga Beach. Source: Casie Stewart, Toronto, ON

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snow. wind. snow. wind. snow. wind. sunshine.

It was totally insane Friday when the snow was coming down like mad. I could barely see out of my windows. The building across the street was showing very restricted visibility despite being so close! We’ve had crazy noise from the wind! Scary when you’re out on that balconia!!

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winter workout

So, this winter I’ve decided to actually work out while hibernating instead of just sitting on my couch and dreaming of summer like I usually do. Fortunately I live in a condo where there are two gyms, a court, yoga studio and pool. I really haven’t any excuse to be out of shape. My goal is to be the most fit I have ever been. I used to live in Australia at Bondi Beach, known as the most famous beach in the world. When you live in a place like that, you are surrounded by babes and beauties and you force yourself to be in shape. This however, was several years ago and I was running, surfing and doing regular yoga. I’ve been going to thew gym a few weeks and am starting to see results. I hid my face because I just came from the gym and before that just came from my sleep in my bed and look tired. The muscles are on their way!!

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Oh winter, why dry?

This time of year is always the worst for dry skin. A few weeks back I received a Burt’s Bees survival filled with Burt’s bees products for me to test out. I have been using the Milk & Honey Body lotion the most. I keep it in my purse or at the office. It really leaves your skin feeling hydrated, absorbs quickly, and is not greasy. The lotion is specially formulated for normal to dry skin and includes “Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, formulated to leave rough, flaky skin soft and smooth, naturally. ” I recommend you give it a try this winter. Take care of your skin & take care of yourself!!

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