why pay for school when you can educate for free

I have a confession to make and am doing it publicly for education’s sake. I went to university and college over 4.5 fun filled years. I am a big fan of education and educate myself every single day. While I was in post secondary school, I rarely bought any books. I learned most the stuff I needed to pass class online; yes from the Internet. This is the library I where I used to hang out. By doing this I saved money for other important things which I am sure you can imagine. I also chose which classes I attended very carefully; the mandatory ones with attendance and quizzes. Be careful if you choose to take this route, it can be dangerous, it involves a lot of self-motivation and self-study that other people just don’t actually ‘see’ happening. In other words, I got into a few scraps with several students over how the hell I got the grade with no books while skipping class. It takes work. That’s how I did it. My thirst for knowledge has always run strong and this carried me through school. Stay tuned into things you like, follow your passions. One of my dear friends sent me this great vid called Five Minute University. Law School sounds like an option for me I reckon. Enjoy!

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the good word? the beats are sweet

I’m definitely digging the poetic lyrical stylings of wordPEOPLE. Lead singer Missy C passed over their newest album ‘The Peoples Eatery’ for me to check out and I am impressed. I have a love for well written lyrics and lust for beats with rhyme and style. There’s a common sound between older Black Eyed Peas or Roots albums that is positive & uplifting, makes you bob your head while you listen. Missy C has a soothing voice that makes me wish I knew the lyrics so I could sing along. I also know that she has wicked style, looking forward to seeing her on stage! The emcee ape.X can rhyme the way I like, quick but clear. Makes you want to listen to it over and over. My favorite tracks are ‘Just Don’t Know, ‘People’ cause of the fat fast pace and the album title track ‘The Peoples Eatery’. The track ‘Swinga Things’ has a really light beat that’s super catchy; reminds me a bit of Lilly Allen. I love it.The sound of this entire album is kinda R&B, funk, rock, with some old school flava; an eclectic mix of music to my ears. I can see myself dancing at their next show or on a sunny summer afternoon with pints and friends (same thing). I’m looking forward to their next show. They just played in Guelph last week. I’m keen to check out the live performance for stage presence, seems like they have a lot of energy, and well, that is exactly what I like.

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put on that ruskie baby

I’m love my ruskie hat, plus, it is warm as hell. It’s winter in Toronto and the wind is once again whipping at my windows. There’s something about Russian girls and theses hats that is super hot. I keep thinking to myself ‘each day is one closer to summer’ hoping it will keep my spirits up. I usually get the S.A.D.ness this time of year and I’m tryna fight it. Taking vitamin D and B50 complex helps alot.

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the tall tower is timeless, technology takes us higher

I look out my window and stare at the tower all the time. I was thinking how crappy their website for the unit was several months ago, they must have heard me say that because they updated it. Every night at the top of the hour there is a crazy laser light show that I absolutely love. I have been studying it (its right out my window OK!!) and it seems to be getting more complex and adding more colours & designs all the time. Here are my favorite facts: Millions of colours and infinite effects Microprocessor controlled, each fixture can produce 16.7 million colours. Intelligent digital control makes the system programmable from a single computer console. Each fixture has a unique “address” that can be programmed individually to create an infinite variety of lighting effects Directional lighting Unlike conventional light sources, one of the unique benefits of LEDs is that they are directional; light output can be controlled and precisely directed. Therefore the resulting lighting will illuminate the Tower while ensuring light output does not “spill” or interfere with nearby hotels, office towers or residences. Low maintenance The LED technology installed at the CN Tower is designed to achieve excellent performance standards and with its intended use is expected to last in excess of 10 years, requiring minimal fixture replacement and maintenance. Unlike conventional lighting systems, the new system will not require frequent replacement and disposal of light bulbs. Find out more information including how you can get the lights programmed for your event by visiting the site.

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Toronto Filmmakers on Road to Sundance

Project Direct is YouTube’s annual short film competition. The object of the competition is to create a short film incorporating Moviefone’s red phone and 2 other props that represent the most memorable films from the first 25 years of Sundance. By winning this competition the director and BFF will get to go to Sundance 2009 and meet with some big shot producers, have a fancy live screening, be promoted all over the internet (YouTube) and get some fast cash. This year, two dudes from Toronto, Jake Kovnat and Ben Goldenberg are in the TOP TEN! Their movie is called “White Collar Criminals” and I think it is pretty damn good. They shot the movie in three days in Toronto. Help represent our totally rad city by watching their movie and voting for it. Today is the last day to vote. Take a minute to help make a fellow Torontonian’s career dream come true!!

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take off that dress and trade with me

My Auntie Edna was a lovely lady. She was frugal in the way you would stereotype most old school Jews to be. She made sure to make the most of what she had and use all the resources around. She used to have parties in her beautiful house often Sunday afternoons where she would invite all the ladies over to swap clothes. Today the BBC did a story about a trend sweeping the UK market that has been coined Swishing. This is exactly what Auntie Edna used to do. You can either buy, sell or swap. This is a great way to recycle, save money and have fun with friends or meet new ones. The rules are simple. Come over and one gently used item (or more) from your collection. Grab yourself a drink and shop around. Determine what item you want and where it is on the racks. Leave the racks as the Part Host counts down….3,2,1! Let the Swish begin! Grab the item you want before someone else and call it yours (depending on the predetermined buy-sell-swap arrangements). You successfully leave with a new item for the old item you arrived with. Check it out for yourself: VIDEO ON BBC NEWS UK I’ll be having a Frock Swap in the new year!Rummage through your closet ladies,its time to trade in your old jazz for new jazz!! ♥

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