it’s great to be alive

Watched Glee last night, ok, funny but too much singing is a no for me. I get annoyed. Watched Eastwick too. Picasa new download, face recognition through Google now. Whoa, awesome.First official day of waking up to a new view in a new house and I love it. Last time I lived this close to water, with a view (besides living on the opposite side of this building) I was in Bondi Beach, Australia. It was a very, very happy time in my life. I feel like I’m revisiting that happiness again. Made this from my bed: Day one of life on the South side on

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2000 small acts of kindness one big difference

I would like to take a minute to remind you ALL that tomorrow is Pay it Backward Day. I’ll be at the PIB headquarters as Chief Firecracker located at Second Cup, Queen & John (across from Much Music). However, if you can’t make it there, find one of the 170 locations across Ontario. Finally, if you can’t make it to Ontario, you can still take part by making a donation through the secure donation form on the Daily Challenge site. This time, our goal is to raise $10,000 for the Sick Kids Foundation in less than 12 hours.  Second Cup will donate $5.00 to the cause when you buy the person BEHIND you in line a coffee. In April, we had over 600 people take part in about four hours. I KNOW we can do this. Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live, Metro news & Notable TV will be there and MANY other cool do-gooders. Last time I got asked out on a date by a total hunk so you never know what might happen! See you tomorrow 🙂

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you know what I love?

the internet. friends. coffee. when the sun shines through the clouds. opportunity. working towards goals. self confidence. vintage anything. smiling at strangers. dancing in the rain. my laptop. floating on water. painting and drawing. toronto. halloween. writing rhymes. fresh grass cutting. remembering my childhood. self portraits. the smell of second hand book shops. my phone. bondi beach. reading in the afternoon. naps. my blog and remembering. photography. mum, dad and sister. helping others. cut and paste. dancing. my name. riding bike. twitter. beards. valentines & cinnamon hearts. extra pulp OJ. flying. snail mail. hippies. Much & MTV. daydreaming. blonde hair. random acts of kindness. selah sue. Lawn care companies California (they cut my lawn every month – they do an ace job) fresh cut grass. to name a few… and I love this too: Hey @casiestewart on in response to today’s Good Morning video. * my sister is the blonde to the left on the SNAP Magazine 🙂

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i pay it backward. do you?

Earlier this year I was part of the team behind the first Pay it Backward. I was Chief Firecracker and my job was to get everyone excited. Let me tell you, it was out-of-this-world-crazy-fun!!  We broke a Guinness World Record too. On September 30th, you can join this amazing effort in social good just by visiting one of over 170 Second Cup locations and buying the person BEHIND you in line a coffee.  Second Cup will donate all proceeds straight to the Sick Kids Foundation. How cool is that?! Imagine if everyone got involved? That a whole lotta good going on! I’m excited. I  just watched this awesome video by Notable TV and it gave me goosebumps knowing the positive the social force behind it. Enjoy. If you have a story from Pay it Backward Day I’d love to hear it 🙂

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bono sang me to sleep last night

The U2 concert was loud enough to hear distant vocals and the buzz  of the crowd cheering from my bedroom.  Took some pain medicine and passed out. It was only the second time the roof has been open for a concert ever. I taked to a guy the other day about the shape of the roof and how the sky done was built. He mentioned this really cool flat roof he was working on. I ove how rain sounds on a metal roof. The tower was lit up to match the show. Bet those were some pricey Concert Tickets to get. Some rad aerial photos from the show here.  I finally got a good sleep and woke up in less pain than the day before. The future is bright! I read an interesting post today from Erin on the Sprouter blog.  I’ve been getting emails and calls from friends not yet using this stuff saying “Casie, I need to  set up Twitter/Blog stuff  for my business.  Help me, help me”. The thing is, just setting up a Twitter account or blog is not going to generate a presence online, save your brand or make you money. Social media is more than just being online, it really is about being social. You gotta put yourself out there (and stay out there) online AND offline to get the social media results you’re looking for. Like everything else, it takes work. I apologize on behalf of Kanye the Douche, he interrupted my site yesterday. Yours too? Urgh, that guy,  SO annoying. I came in to the office to see Mum had sent me a email with a Health Warning. I assumed it was serious and then…oh Mum, so funny! p.s. Entertaining stuff on my Tumblr & Borderline Artistic blogs and my Twitter stream…

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blog in full sentence, tweet the headlines

Wake up at 6 am reach for water forgetting the pain and feel a sharp knife in my back. Take in medicine, deep breath, exhale. I lay down slowly as not to get that knife again and fall back to sleep. Wake up reach for water, the knife strikes again, twice. I take twice as long to get ready. Slowly put on underwear with out falling, I dress in comfy clothes. Dust off the running shoes and the knife strikes as the cat scurries by. I ignore the pain and I and I tie them up. Reminder to eat something before medicine and get change for street car. Off the bike for a while.  Everything is taking longer, taking longer. I wait for the streetcar, preying for a seat. Every bump or stop on the ride is amplified to me right now. Standing would be torture. I see a girl with a backpack, strangely I wish I could wear a backpack. I’d look like a highschooler in these Lulu’s and flower hoodie.  Cute boy briskly passes me on the sidewalk; I’m almost at medium pace. No head  turns. I want an iphone badly. Riding public transit is good for writing. Each car is full of stories waiting to be told.  I look like I’m aggressively texting non stop about something important. I am, my thoughts are important. The pain medicine sinks in as I swivel in my desk chair. Brief red carpet outing last night…

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