i’ll be your sunshine when skies are grey

Popped over to see Darren this morning and got a little grey-ness put into my hair. It’s on the runways this season and I really wanted to have it done before fashion week. Tonight is Twestival and I’m super excited to be surrounded by everyone tonight. Tickets are almost SOLD OUT. If you want one get it here. There’s over 400 people already attending. I’m giving away two tickets on @mtvcanada‘s Twitter today, we’ve had SO MANY RT’s! It’s awesome. Before I hit up the big part I’m stopping by Notable TV‘s launch of the brand new Samsung 3D TV with Sabrina. Booya. Stoked to see this in baby action. Ok, that’s all for now! Have an awesome day! Check this Twestival video:

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TGIF: time for a little vaaaaaaaaaaacation

This has been a really busy week. Feeling more Gah Gah than GaGa. I’m usually busy, but  seriously, this week has me totally tuckered. Go-go-go non-stop. Everyday. Mama’s tired. Quite looking forward to hibernating over the weekend. Writing, relaxing,  finishing up KC’s book. Feeling like it’s new sketchbook day.  Have these awesome neon pastels and whole new set of other colours that want me to play with them. I think it’s time. Lisa posted this pic of her, Breanna and I in her post today. So cute! We went to get our dresses fitted all together late week. That in itself, was almost as fun as wearing them to the ball. Thank you so much to everyone who came out last night. I’ve gotten heaps of positive feedback. Here’s a couple posts from Melissa, Romi and Sean. I made some vids and will get them up over the weekend. First, I need a break-ation from the interwebs and doing stuff. I’m exhauzzzzzzzzted. I realized after my talk last night that I would have no problem filling up an hour, I barely got down to detail.   Really excited to plan the next event with Carly. If you have questions or wanna chat consulting, email me casie at casiestewart dot com or contact Carly at Fairlie Agency. I’d be happy to help you or your brand. That’s all for now.  Toodalooooooooo!! Posted some hot shit on my Tumbr Blog OH CASIE. Enjoy 🙂 Happy Friday peeps!

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i always wanted to work in fashion until i did

I love this photo. I’m not sure the artist but I wish it was me. I’m polishing off the guestlist fro our FORA sneak peek tomorrow. I’m stoked. Kelly tweeted back to me @mtvcanada saying she’s might wear all pink instead of black. She always wears black.  Exciting. I dreamed of fashion, magazines,  and my job last night. It was great.  Woke up early, put on The City and made a plan to go buy Kelly’s book “If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You”. I remember I had a ‘hard ass’ boss once. It was my first job out of university,  I had always wanted to work in Toronto fashion. My boss, she was fierce. Everyone knew not to piss her off. She was strict and opinionated. I leaned a lot from her. Mostly I learned the hard way, by doing things wrong and having her yell at me. That was often preceded by me wiping tears in the bathroom and going back to my desk. It was that job that motivated me to work hard to get out of it. Now that I don’t work for her anymore, I’ve grown to love her.  I thought that working in fashion would make me so happy but really, you can always be fashionable  you should do a job you love. Ok work time. Gonna start the book after I get it tonight, looking forward to sharing it. Longer days today too, yahooo! Watch this vid, it’s lovely. I wanna wear all the dresses in the store. Peach Berserk Photo Shoot (Spring 2010) from Kirk Best on Vimeo.

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the rise of the bloggers, the revolution is coming

I see it more and more, (like every day) people brand themselves online & built a reputation are now getting the same invites and accreditation to events as traditional media. It’s really interesting to me because I always knew I wanted to be recognized for doing something well, I never knew what it was (duh, obvs cause it was like 20 years ago before blogging) but I knew it was out there. I’ve got lots to learn as media & the internet are changing public relations. I love the internet and learning about new ways to explore it. I met these guys all through blogging and actually, most of my current BFF’s all blog these days too. I’m happy to share what we’ve learned over the last few years with you. At the event blog below: (one track blog mind haha) You Will Learn: * how to get (and keep) the attention of industry peeps * how to turn your everyday life into compelling content * how to brand yourself online * what programs and applications to use to host your site, keep track of your statistics, and promote yourself & blog Click here for more information and to get a ticket. This will be good for offices & agencies who want to learn about connecting with Bloggers too. If you have any questions about it, just ask!

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the sidewalk is my runway

I love walking to work. It makes me so happy. By the time I arrive, I’ve already had fresh air and seen things I feel like writing about. I could write all day…take photos. One day I will. Harajuku babes tomorrow and serious blog work this weekend. I often pass a red carpet on my way to work. Girls on bikes. Big towers for festivals, star gazing, looking across the water. I like when the sun shines on my face. Last year I worked in Liberty Village in the West end and now I’m Central in the District of Entertainment and couldn’t be happier. This is where I should be. I really wanted it. I’m stoked about attending Fashion Week for actual shows this year, not parties. Ready for the weekend too. New pillow is making for way better sleeps. Feeling good. Have a wonderful day ♥

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so you wanna play shy with me boy

* All these pix taken with my Motorola Milestone from Telus yesterday was beautiful as is today every day is beautiful if you want it to be i went uptown and around in the sunshine all the while the tower was playing hide and sneak brunch with Jonny from Shop My Clothes gotcha Alexi interviewed Jack Osbourne the other day about what kinda girls he likes…I dig it. jacko part 1: from alexi wasser on Vimeo.

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