I was connecting to the lyrics this morning and fighting a wave of sadness. Coffee, double latte. The office was freezing as I took off my sweater to cover my legs under my desk. ‘Be productive and you’ll get distracted’ I told myself. I listened to my blip station, starting on the second page after the Michael Jackson. Wasn’t in the mood for him today, started with Pretty Young Thing but it didn’t work like it usually does. ‘Get on your bike and ride around at lunch’, I tell myself, ‘that always works’. It did. I ran into a friend who joined me for a sit and chat in the park before I headed out on a Liberty Village tour. It was lovely. My hair‘s not pink anymore, it has a peach slice in it now. I got peanut butter cookie mix and Cheerios. I hate buying groceries. I never know what to get and I always think I don’t like anything, but I do. I love cooking but hate groceries. I like to make things up with whats around the house. Creative cooking. Had a creative weekend, enjoying the flow that comes with a new sketchbook. Came up with a good idea at lunch today. Ran into Golly on my way back. We met last year and I wrote a cover story about him in an arts & business magazine. He’s a positive soul, cheered me right up. I’m really looking forward to the TV lineup tonight. It’s one of those days I’m glad I have cable. Just got a call to go with Karrera and L.B. to John Butler Trio. So excited, must be my lucky day. It was sold out and I was sad I had no ticket. Love you friends. You’re the best. in the dark of…
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