how would you describe me in 140 characters?

I’ve been included in an awesome set of photos by my friend & photographer Rannie Turrigan called 140 Characters. The concept is cool, 140 Characters and a bio for each person he shoots. You know Twitter is 140 chars by now right? Please say yes. OMG. I’ve not got a bio up for my pic yet. I found it hard to describe myself? Hmmmm….awesome? Crazy, awesome, charming, beautiful? Haha, see it aint’ that eezzzzz. I reckon it’s easier for someone else to describe you, err drscribe ME. What would you say? The photos will be on display tonight at TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone Hotel. Remember I hosted a couple Tweetgasm’s in August & September pix here.  If you’re around stop by tonight or check them out online at There’s a bunch of babes in the photo set!!

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went to the #smirnoffXchange party and all i got was…

SERVED! Big big thanks to Smirnoff Canada for hosting another great event! The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project has been travellin’ around 14 countries (Canada, USA, Great Britain, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Ireland, Lebanon, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and Venezuela). I would LOVE to go to one of the parties outside of Canada. Hellooooo nurse!!! Remember the last Smirnoff party I went to in the summer? It was called Graphic (click to see video) It was the one with the comic book theme? Shiz was off the hizzle. Check out pix from Nightlife Exchange Project on Facebook at Smirnoff Canada. I suggest giving them a ‘like’ if you wanna know about future stuff. My fav was the balloon drop from the ceiling and the music.  We  danced up a storm, threw back drinks and managed to get home before it got too cra-zay. Well, kinda… Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! roma-Roma-ma-ah! ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Katie Stewart + Jenie Stewart = babes Sequin queens ftw! Mood lighting = Rad romance Meeting this dude was crazy. We both said “my name is Casie/Casey” at the SAME TIME. That’s never happened before. My face it so totally ‘like whoa’. Whoa is me. Eva redpath, dancin’ queen! LOVE YOU BACK! Tweeps: handsome Brocklyn, darling Christine Love you sister. Prom is over. The end.

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we are all made of skulls

I will cut you. JUST KIDDING! Love this. haha. Party on Wayne! Dead disco, dead funk, dead rock’n roll! Aw, look at this little Lambchop. Play along. Play dead! Titanic – drunky let the boat sink. Whoops. Dead babies are popular. Yum. So many people for ages… Cute little guy. America’s Next Dead Model

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Friday night I had the pleasure of attending the Greta Constantine SS11 show at 161 Spadina. It was a who’s who of Toronto’s fashion. The clothes were beautiful, Coco Rocha walked the stage and I had a blast with friends. Here are some of the hot shots! For photos of the show check out Lynsie’s blog. She was back stage and on the runway getting some totally amazing shots of the collection. lynsie roberts, fashion photographer/blogger

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canada goose 2010 preview: i wanna get goosed

Last night Keri and I went to the Canada Goose 2010 preview. I’ve never owned any Goose gear. Saw heaps of peeps, checked out lots of merch and it was nice to get to know the brand a little better. How cute is this jacket? And this hat? We look good together, don’t we? Jacket is from the kids line. Loves the brightness and it felt really snug & warm. I’d love to be wearing it when I’m going around to Virgin events and  doing all kinds of cool stuff this winter. hint hint 😉 Winter is coming guys. Let shope it’s not too damn cold this year aiiight. I’m ready for hibernation station when it hits.  Actually, I don’t mind winter that much. It doesn’t get nearly as cold now as it did when we were kids. Remember how much show we used to get? Like CRAZY amounts. Canada Goose has these Goose People who brave the elements and do amazing things. I got a prety neat book about them all. I reckon I can do some pretty amazing things too? Maybe I should climb a massive mountain in my spare time. I really like way the companies/agencies are starting to get creative with event activities and take aways. Last night we each got our photo taken in Goose gear, were given it on a branded USB key, then the image was made into a snow globe. (Dad, you are getting this for Christmas. Love you! ) Spotted a couple babes, look at these dashing young men, Paul & Kevin. Twerk. These young fashion bloggers are takin’ ovah. Represent. L-R Nick Sean, Jay Strut, Julio. The shirt I’m wearing is by Andy Hall and Toronto based Canadian designer. Wore a bunch of Andy Hall stuff at NZFW and really…

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The top three contestants were asked to make a video for Virgin America during Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche this past weekend. Watch my art venture in HD on my youtube channel. Big thanks to Sean at 1188 Films for editing, my sister Jenie, Sabrina, Jeremy at Trend Hunter for filming. Music is Barbra Streisand by Duck Sauce. Hair and appearance by Darren Kwik.  Catch hottie Jesse Giddings from MuchMusic and Trevor Borris in there too. Big thanks to Bob Elsasser & everyone on the internet who voted me to top three. The contest is almost over, we’re on the home stretch (I know, it’s been forever!). Lets hope Virgin America makes the right choice and picks CASIE for Toronto Provocateur. HAPPY MONDAY 🙂 This Virgin vid is pretty rad too!

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