interest in spying on people engaged in behaviors

So nice out yesterday. I could have let the day last forever. Today too.  I like it hot. They were talking about mozzies while we were sitting in the grass and I was like ‘no, what mosquitos? I don’t feel them’. Biggest loser. Today I’m scratchy-mc-scratcherton. The baddest bikes around. Pete was having a one night stand with this one and testing it out. Cervelo got the green jerz in Tour de France and they’re partying this week. Picture makes me giggle cause the leg looks kinda like the bike to me. I was in friend heaven last night hugging everyone so tight. I missed you guys! I haven’t seen so many favorite faces all together for a while. I met some cool new people and my purse is full of business cards. Lost my keys but my glasses have been located. Pretty much everyone in the joint tweets. I met two people that were don’t, how weird. Follow @pinkbrickroad and @dariusbashar, they’re cool kids. Patio was beau-teeeee-ful. Fun, sun, friends, beer, music, like OMG can it get any better. Then I met this guy who is nice (sorry I forgot your name) and we chatted but he had something to say, he doesn’t get my blog. Like really, what is the point? Um, well, ah….it started because I wanted to remember stuff better and I was bored and I like writing. Now, people read it and like it and some people even say I’m inspiring. How cool is THAT! Me thanks Mum and Daddio for inspiring me. My stickers are always a hit. I make stickers because I think it’s better than a business card at this kind of thing. They get stuck on peoples clothes and name tags and they wear them around proudly. You can’t wear a…

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it’s not always easy but it’s always fun

“i can’t write today somethings wrong i can’t smile today life is a sad song my heart hurts so does my foot in my shoe, today is a sad day without you. “ This is a little poem published in my book in 1996. I’m working on getting that site up so you can see all the good stuff I did when I was a teeny-bopper. It runs through my head when I get writers block, prime example…today. I hate the days when I have so many thoughts I can’t even get them down. If I have to think too much about what to write I save a draft and start something new and random then see where it goes.  I’ve composed three today. My mind is racing with excitement about projects and a few other things. I’m really looking forward to Wired Wednesday tonight. I feel like I weird Wednesday right now.  Didn’t bike today, my dress is too pretty. Dating: UK men vs Canadian men from Muireann Carey-Campbell on Vimeo. I’ve met some really rad girls in the TO blogging scene. I want to share a video of Muireann from Bangs and Bun. I watched it today and I have a crush on her accent. We’re having brunch Sunday and I’m gonna let her do most of the talking! Exploring Cycling from KeriCDN on Vimeo. Keri  is the Canadian Explorer and I love reading about her adventures. Karly writes ‘Oh, hey there‘ a Tumblr blog. The girls have all become my friends on Twitter and I enjoy reading their blogs.  Check ’em out!

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she’s young but has arthritis

oh, i love ustream now too by the way. and one more for you of my outfit… Twestival TO site Submit your charity here! Keri the Canadian Explorer

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tasty brain snack

Great sleep. Lots of rest. Following a bunch of new Tweeps. Sun is shining and it’s warm outside. I woke up thinking Zombie. I want to dress Zombie again. Did it a few times during October last year. I don’t like scary movies, blood, gore, surgery, guts, pretty much anything gross….but you put me in Zombie and I’m not even scared. Zombies eat brains.  Last year I went on my first Zombie walk. Starts in the pit at Trinity Bellwoods with hundreds of dead people then they climb out of the pit and take the streets.  Oh what fun it is to stride with all the bloody faces.  I put a bloody finger up my nose. It was sick. I’m gonna walk it again this year for sure.  I hope Karrera is back from BC. Soon as August rolls around I start thinking about Halloween. That’s my favorite day of the year. I love to dress up, I just love it.

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you can’t rain on my parade

Good Morning! I feel like I could be a radio show today. I am happy to be at work. It’s a beautiful day might even thunderstorm later. The ride in is what I have been missing for the past two weeks. Breaks fixed. Wore my helmet and felt good about it. Smarter, like it keeps my thoughts all bunched up close together and in a jumble and now I sit here and they all flow out like waterfalls fast how I like them to.  Held my nose past the slaughterhouse, stinks bad man. Gross. NO strikers anymore. Good thing. Saw a soda pop  van covered in astro-turf grass. Breakfast Television has lost my interest but I like the news and weather of CP24. Hot today still humid. Thunderstorm would be nice. I like to ride through the puddles. Dad’s got a sewing machine for me and I’ve got heaps of fabric and vintage patterns at home. Really excited. Twestival Local is coming up September 12th 2009, mark your calendar. In Twestival Global raised over $250,000.00 for charity: water. It was really fun. Twitter has grown so much since February. I hope it rains when I bike home.

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the parties are better than the condos

Last year there was a raging party for our building, the Cityplace mixer.  Last night, it happened again. It’s funny how many people live in such a small area, and how many I know. I invited my friend Keri, the Canadian Explorer to come and enjoy the free food, drinks and entertainment.  I made a friend who works for UPS but I can’t find your card so when you read this please email me. I’m taking you up on the new stickers offer so me & UPS can be BFF’s!They go all out man.  Mime, card trick guy, magician,  dancing girls, balloon makers, airbrusher,  fire spinner (friend Calen), and all kinds of carnival stuff like cotton candy, popcorn and candy apples. Fun. Food was stellar. I had dinner and filled right up. BBQ shrimp & scallop skewers, fresh made sushi and a couple beverages. The sun went down and the music went up. I loved the dancing Bollywood act. I wanna take a class. I think I said ‘I love this party’ about 48 times. There’s some more photos here. Have a good day. Happy Friday!

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i like polka dots and argyle…and tartan too

Recently I was named on the TO’s Top Bloggers. Woot! Notable TV was there last time we all hung out and they have now posted the video introducing the crew. You can check it out on Notable TV here. There’s a bunch of cool kids in there. Mum ‘s in the city with my fairy god mother her BFF. Got a doc appt and meeting them shortly. Excited to see them. Mum always brings us clothes and sometimes shoes.

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a brief interruption

In case you were wondering, or if you weren’t, I’m gonna tell you anyways.. I’m still vibrating my eyelashes every morning with the Maybelline mascara. The mascara is really quite good. Been a while since I actually liked one for the product vs. the price. Smelling ever so sexy in Givenchy Play.  Play comes out in August and features Justin Timberlake in sexy photos. Maybe you remember my sexy ones to match? I’ve got a new pair of prescription glasses on the way from Glasses USA thank-you-very-much. Black rimmed ones like an old man but good for a young lady. Tomorrow night is #Genyto at the London Tap house downtown. I’m looking forward to seeing smiling faces like the ones in this photo of @kathrynboland,@rlangdon, @MichelSavoie & @kevrichard . There will be lots of cool kids there. It’s Rayanne’s birthday too so look the fuck out. Someone on Twitter just said I look like Toni Collette bur more bitchin’. That’s hot.

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my hot date: me + internet ♥

Finished up the day with some work writing, always nice. Biked home. Changed out of the white dress, felt a raindrop on my face. Got to Wired Wednesday in time to say a few hello’s to familiar faces and get a seat close to Saul. Learned about Zoompass, BrandMentions Brand Tracker, backtweets, yoono and saw the babes form Scribblelive. Lots of cool people and good ideas. I learned stuff and I like that. Looking forward to seeing many of those beautiful faces Friday for GenYTO. A hot 12 inch sub and I sat down at the computer. Opened email, RSS reader and started reading a post from How to Make My Blog. That lead to new tabs and my internet excursion. I’m just getting in to backtype now; seeing all my comments and searching my name through the interwebs seeing what’s out there. Out There: a marketing & pr agency I made up in Entrepreneurship class in hignschool.  Got a good mark.  Mum will remember. Been thinking about L.A. lots lately, California in general. Made a new friend at the LA Times. Traveled deep into the internet on the couch finding new things and blogs last night. Didn’t stay up too late,  got a good sleep. Had a nice date with myself.

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my name is casie and i’m a twitaholic

Twits Mag Canada is an online magazine dedicated to all Canadians on Twitter and they just did a story on ME. You can read it here: Me and Twitter: Casie Stewart – The Twitaholic.  Don’t be shy to leave comments on their site or mine. Have a great day! “She blogs, she blogs and blogs and… she works full time. She’s busy, that’s what she says, but she’s still got a lot of energy and would be bored if she wasn’t doing stuff all the time.”

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something about girls on bikes

I get on my bike and go for a hike I ride through the streets, push pedals with feet. The wind in my hair, sun on skin fair, these’s something magic about it. I love.

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there’s a lot of babes that live around here

You know what’s fun? The recycled rubber they use as the ground on kids play things in parks. Had a blast jumping on that stuff last night. You should try it if you haven’t, just don’t fall. I think you’re gonna like my friend she said, her name is Jessie and she’s kinda like you. Kinda? Hmm. Red/black vs pink/white, side shave, same height, smiley and fun attitude. Yeah, just a bit.  My pink is fading, gonna get it fixed tomorrow. The bbq area on top of Sobey’s is visible to anyone over 4 floors at Cityplace and last night it was rocking. It’s kinda like being at a club just you’re not at a club and bottle service is cheaper. A private club, I like that.

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slept in past noon for the first time in ages

Omg it felt so good to wake up in the afternoon for once. I always get up early, morning person. Often spring out of bed and wake up smiling.  Today is a beautiful day. So much talk about MJ on the tv, going on now about how he was so in debt. Who lent him all those millions? Got flowers again last night cause Jeff won another medal.  There’s a heap of rocking bodies at the track meet. It makes sense but I just didn’t realize how many until I got there! The beaches are swim at your own risk, that’s too bad. Put my rainbow bikini on first thing when I got up. I’m heading out tonight for Pride. Pretty excited. I went to the Underground, I don’t like it there. So dirty and it made me feel like I’m in College. There was a live band and they played lots of stuff for sing along which made it fun. It’s the kind of place you should expect to get beer spilled on you. There’s bras of  good little tramps all over the ceiling, nice decor. I love the Pride commercials with the mayor and the police, so gay. Wanted to hang out with Sabrina last night and was standing there wishing she would walk in the door.  Few seconds after she walked in with little Michka and we were all excited. It was perfect. At Pride in 2005 on Dyke Match Saturday, same day as today. That was one of my fav years. We may actually have had the most fun ever that day. Outside time now. GO ENJOY THE DAY. It’s beautiful.

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it’s all for a notable cause

I’m giving you a heads up about a meetup for a good cause tomorrow in support of the National Kids Cancer Ride! New York Fries and Notable TV are having a massive meet-up tomorrow, June 18 at Yonge & Dundas Square. My friend and  Notable TV Founder Julian Brass set a goal to take over downtown’s busiest intersection with hundreds of fry-eating people all supporting the National Kids Cancer Ride. NY Fries will be donating $1 from every regular fries and meal sold on June 18th to the National Kids Cancer Ride. Awesome! Join the group on Facebook and I’ll see you there tomorrow!

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island adventure guy

I had a stellar weekend. It was super sunny and I made the most of it. On Saturday I went to the island with Raymi , Phil and friends. Lots happening on the island on a lovely Saturday. There were heaps of kids in interesting costumes. I wanted to get close to take their photos but didn’t bother.  I’ll just keep those memories to myself. There’s  an art installation that plays music when you bike. We found it to be quite fun. The island it really pretty. I haven’t been for ages. Next time I’ll take my bike for sure. There’s a zillion photos from the whole day. This is the art work out, good thing Raymi got it on video so you can enjoy reliving the excitement. There’s more photos Raymi’s blog. She posted yesterday. I slacked off and made a nice dinner for friends and avoided the internet. The ferry ride back to the mainland is way more fun once you’ve spent the afternoon in the sun drinking beer. We all went back to my house for some pizza and swimming. It was great.

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you’re so vain i bet you think this URL is about you

the song plays in the back of my head and the conversation starts… So, you coming out tonight? Hey, I’m not gonna make it. I have plans tonight. Really, with who? Oh, a friend. Anyone I know? Um, yeah I think you might know them, I’m sure you know their website. Cool. Who is it? Maybe then wanna come out too? No, they wanna stay in. I can come out for a bit but I wanna be back home for 11:59pm to meet them. What! They’re coming at midnight? Yeah, well kinda. Not exactly sure my plans but they will include getting my Facebook Vanity URL and celebrating @ClubSobey.

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i’m at liberty to go

Tonight is #genyto and the Liberty Village Annual Afterwork party.  Our employers are asked to grant us “liberty” to leave work early and join the Party. They shut down Fraser Avenue  and give us lots of room to have cold bevvys, good food and rad music.  Fun.

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i’m your suggested contact

Yesterday I was at MaRS for Net Change Week. I was an expert at Social Mastermind // Social Media for Social Change hosted by RedWire.  I had the opportunity to share ideas and brainstorm with the ladies from Raising the Roof Canada’s only national charity for the homeless. I really enjoyed learning about homelessness in Canada and was happy to chat about their youth initiative.   They haven’t really tapped into social media which  gave me lots of opportunity to share my ideas on how they can use social media for good. There was lots of Twitter talk!!  In the end, each group came up with a tangible strategy that they could to take back to the office and execute. It was awesome to see  friends hard at work helping charities. Prime example, these fine gentleman…@d_hock, Andrew Lane from @nitchblog and Julian Brass from @notableTV. I’m have always been very interested in youth issues. When I was in high school I was Director of PR on the City Youth Council and we started a rock festival and opened a drop-in centre for city youth.  It was rewarding and gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about PR and how to turn ideas into reality.  In the evening session I made an appearance at Wired Wednesday. Everyone was wearing name tags with a suggested contact on it…I was theirs.

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yeah, i’m totally an expert

Today I Mastermind in MaRS… Social Mastermind brings together a diverse mentor network of social media strategists, marketing specialists, advertising gurus, and public relations experts (ME) to help put together the foundations of a viable and impactful campaign. Read more here.

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added information or an observation

I recently met Sean Ward. He writes a blog, draws cartoons, raps and is one cool ass dude. After we met he checked out my blog and left a few comments. That sparked his idea about  the etiquette behind blog commenting. Especially when you just met the person or aren’t part of that blog’s community. We shared some thoughts over Facebook this week about our feelings on the topic. The conversation can be found on Sean’s awesome blog at

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a social league of awesomeness

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a new video show on the internet

Got home from the walk and started chatting about the Kangaroo thing and how silly it was. In July I got an email, then I started a Facebook thread and lots of people heard about it including blogTO. I got a call from PETA while at the LCBO on the Friday night. It was the LA office who had heard from the UK that live Kangaroos were going to be at a dirty crowded downtown club. Saturday came around and there was a statement released, Kangaroos would not be outside the club in a cage. A job well done. Rollerderby was really fun. There are some really good pix on blogTO today. I got a great video of Aeryn. I met Aeryn ‘Dust Bunny” a long time ago and had no idea she was Captain of the Gore-Gore Rollergirls. They have hot outfits. Rollerderby is a very rough sport but don’t mind watching it. I sat in the suicide seating section for the second half, it’s right on the ground. They go fast man…and go in circles. The Gore-Gore girls won and I’m not surprised, they were killer, they are the ‘Burlesque girls who rose from the dead to exact their revenge. . . on wheels.’ Hot.

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elsa taught me how to fly

Elsa got a new job as a Super Blogger and I was so happy for her.  She’s in NYC and lives the little rich girl lifestyle I dream of.  Aaah, one day! I drew this for her because I was so excited. She also mentioned something about appearing in an Net Opera. Sounds interesting & will have to inquire about that a little more. Tomorrow I have been asked to join forces with some of Toronto’s Top Social Media guru’s to be part of  the World Partnership Walk. I’m on a team called Toronto’s Legion of Social Media Super Heroes and we are fighting Global Poverty. The walk takes place in 9 cities in Canada, and is largest charity walk fighting Global poverty. The RedWire girls will be there as the RedWire Angels, Saul Colt will be there as Mr. Zoocasa, Stuart MacDonald (former founder of will come as Captain Stuman! There are so many great people coming out including Miss KarmaCake (AKA Marie Nicola), Miss Sunshine Girl! (AKA Talia Russo), Mr. DailyChallenge (AKA Darius Bashar), The Rypple (AKA Jay Goldman),Mr. Facebook! (AKA Karim Kanji) and more! Anyone can dress up as any Social Media icon they wish! I’m you think walking is cool or you just wanna hang out, come meet me at Metro Hall at 11am.  I’m the lowest on the sponsorship scale and it would make me feel cool if someone would be generous enough to sponsor me. I’d really appreciate not being a loser! (wipes tear) It’s for the kids!

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wow, you’re all so good looking

The other day I had a lovely evening with some of TO’s best bloggers.  I’m quite happy to be included in the best and would have been really pissed if I wasn’t.  Seriously.  It was really awesome to meet the other blog kids, most of whom I only know from le internet.  I was surprised to really see how different we all are. Each person brings to the mix a different perspective on life and a different creative process of putting it online through their blog. This is a pic of a few of them, you can see more of the Toronto local bloggers on Flickr. From left to right I have Vanessa from, Ted Healy from Dead Robot, Sean Ward, Lisa Charleyboy from UrbanNativeGirlStuff, Raymi The Minx, and of course yours truly. We had Julian Brass of Notable TV there documenting the evening as we build Toronto’s first Top bloggers network. There is so much opportunity for advertisers to reach Toronto’s people through our blogs that get read by thousands of cool TO people and HEAPS of others around the world. If you want to chat about opportunities don’t hesitate to leave comment or contact me.  I’m stoked about where this is heading!! My dream of being a full time blogger WILL come true! Andrew Lewis has some good pix of us all.  Nice one of me here.

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we’re obviously huge nerds

A couple weeks ago I got together with some of the organizers behind the greatness that has now become the #genyto Meetups. After one month hiatus the meetup group is ready to rock on June 11 2009 at Pogue Mahone (Bay & College). This time it’s during NetChange week and is the official Thursday afterparty. These are the times I wish I was freelance so it didn’t matter what day of the week I planned a massive drink up. Urgh… I’ll be at NetChange on June 10 speaking about PR & Social Media for Charity etc. More detauls to come. Was quite honored when the founder of Redwire asked me to participate and speak about stuff I do. Tonight I join Toronto’s finest and funnest bloggers at the Spoke Club for a special meeting. Looking forward to it the drinks and hanging with babes like Sass & Raymi.  I’m stoked to meet some of the other top 12 in this fine city!! Ok, more Florida pix. Me in car and Miami Beach…at night.

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really fun but my legs kinda hurt today

Happy I didn’t drink much last night so I can fully remember all the greatness that was #spinTO. There were so many awesome people there that above and beyond the flashing lights, bare skin and dancing the crowd was larger than life.  I spent most the night outside racing in racing suit and cheering on all the other peeps that gave ‘er a go. I raced 2x and in this video I’m Racing Kevin Joseph and he beat me. #spinTO Bike Race from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. He was fast. It’s hard to race like a mother bitch for 500 metres. My legs can feel that I worked them and they’re probably going to make me pay for it tomorrow. The lady beside me was cheering me on so hard, she thought I was kicking his ass. I wasn’t but she was so encouraging, it made me feel like I did! This was my best time and last time. #spinTO rain suit dancing guy from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I hope you have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate and drive safe please.

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i love this city and your photos

Toronto is a great place to live. There is always something to do whether its warm or cold or you have money or don’t. There are so many pockets of creativity and diversity that it makes me proud of our culture and country. 300 Toronto Panorama Images from photojunkie on Vimeo. My friend and photographer extraordinaire, Rannie aka photojuknie has taken 300 panaroaic photos of our great city and compiled them in an awesome video. Each of the he 300 photos in this set were taken with an iPhone for his entry into the Hypercube viral campaign He shared the video with me and I liked it so much I wanna share it with you too. You can vote for him here.

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