Hipster Hop: @vicecanada & @INQmobile Pheromone Party

Now this was a fun time. INQ Mobile & Vice teamed up to throw this donut party complete with bottled pheromones to turn up the temperature even hotter. Gimme pheromone pumps girl. The party was for a new phone. I didn’t really get to try it out. Open bar, good tunes and more babes with beards than I could handle. Fritz Helder & crew. (Note beards/babes ratio – told ya!) Party was at Air­ship 37, a ware­house just south of the Dis­tillery. Team Stewart happening here. Good Looks obvs run in the family. Hottest photog ever w/ Violca from Masion. I brought my business cards as you can see. Hi cuties. This babe was the art director of the party. He just flew in from France. He was very cute. He had a strong French accent. I got him with my URL too. Danced a bit to DJ’s Ryne­col­o­gist and Your Boy Brian. This is my friend Stephen. Saw a couple of the actual cool kids from MuchMTV too. Fistpump w/ Renee. It was def a lovely time. Happy Monday suckas. Make it a good one 🙂

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sharpie, please come over. i’ll cook creative stew. art.

I want that pencil. So bad. I have never wanted a pencil so. It’s like Brad Pitt and some other really hot babe got together and made a pencil. A really sexy pencil. I want it in my hands. Both hands. I will use two at once and write all over the place. Erase. Permanent love make. Get over here.

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The World’s Largest Wakeboarding Festival

I am so excited. However, I am sure that does not surprise you.  Haven’t had a weekend away with a bunch of girls in years. We’re staying at the Mountain Springs Resort (with the bands I believe), have a driver, back stage passes, media all access, Zeugari swimwear, and more good stuff we don’t even know about yet. Holyshitballs. This could be trouble. We’ll all be blogging (obviously) and we’ll have heaps of pix and all that good stuff. If there is anything you wanna see, or see us do or us to meet/interview. Lemme know cause I’ve never been to Wakestock before. Have an awesome day. The weather is BEAUTY!!

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GRAPHIC: the smirnoff experience

Monday night I had the pleasure of attendng one of TO’s most exclusive events ar ARD Events (my fav venue). It was the who’s who of social, media & fashion. Everyone was there and looking super stylish. I took the handsome Michael Nus as my date. I wore a vintage Albert Nipon that was a hit. I’ve not got so many complimentsa on one dress from so many social sites/people in a while. Good score I tell ya! This is my fav photo. Thanks to Erin Bury for snappin the pix, I forgot to bring Nancie (my camera). No one knew what to expect, the invitation was very mysterious (and creative) and the whole night was comic book themed. I loved seeing so many fmiliar faces in one place. Oh, Deadmau5 was there too so the music was epic. I’ve got more photos to upload but have to scoot to the office. First say back since Thursday. Overal, the Smirnoff Experice was awesome. I’d like the opportunity to do more parties like that and if you vote for me to be the Virgin Provocateur, I’ll be able to do it. Vote here, I thank you in advance. Have an awesome day 🙂 Party is killer. @deadmau5 @jpricchio @annavon @liztrinnear @jessegiddings @michaelnus @thejons on 12seconds.t v

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warped tour: mike albertini reporting for casie stewart

Tonight is the Toronto stop of the Vans Warped Tour and this Lady Blogga has called upon a little monster to report from the ground. I’ve  partnered with Warped Tour to give Mike Albertini two tickets, media access and back stage passes to get the dirt and have a hella good time in my place. It’s summer and I’m crazy busy so I though I’d share the fun so we don’t miss out on any of the action.   Have any questions for him or  tasks? Tweet him here and tell him I sent you! Did I mention I’m hiring an intern? If you are interested or woudl like to recommend someone. Email me. HAPPY FRIDAY ♥

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someday i will find my big, my aiden, or my love

Saw SATC2 last night with my sister. I loved it. Oh gawd, Jenie and I cackled so loud and had a gay old time. Nothing like seeing a really long SATC episode with my sis. She is srsly the best. LOVE YOU! The following things are so ugly, this: And this: HAPPY SOCIAL MEDIA DAY TO EVERYONE. S&M YEAH! ♥

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