you really gotta work hard for what you want

“That’s a strange combination” was the response I got from Darius this morning on Twitter after I posted “tired.inspired.”  That’s how I feel. I told him I’d explain in a blog post and I’m quite happy to. I’m tired. I’m exhausted but I can’t seem to slow down, take a break, rest, sleep, or simply ‘do nothing’ because I am inspired. I’m excited. I want to work more and harder and pick up speed. The hardest part has now become focusing my time making the most out of each moment. It’s either working towards goals or doing things that inspire me to set new ones. It’s how entrepreneurs & inventors feel, driven.  When you bust your ass  working hard and you wanna sleep but you stay up all night to put in a few more hours because you love it. That’s how I feel. I love it. Today I am listening to Selah Sue and I did my hair like this girl with dark purple nail polish, red bandana. I checked Twitter just before posting this and Darius had just posted one of my favorite quotes… Words to live by. Have a nice humpitty hump day… * Did you see Marilyn Monroe smoking pot? It’s Britney’s birthday too, Happy Birthday once former idol. I hope this year is less train-wercky than the past few ♥ xo Casie

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wake me up before you…AGO

It’s been a while. I’ve been thinking about you. Tall walls tower over me and windows  touch the sky. Old looks from familiar faces in many rooms in many places. You stare, I stare. We stare at each other and we stare at the walls. I heard you’ve got some new guys, living there, renting spaces. Putting on shows in the stairwells. Do you miss me? Do you miss me and my sneaky flash, trying to capture your beauty. Lost in the walls of my mind. New thoughts dance in my memories. I’m a member at The Art Gallerty of Ontario (AGO) and I’d like to GO-GO. Soon, really soon. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe at lunch. I stumbled across these babies and I likey their stylio. I like the pretty pictures. 1)  My name is Niki, I get to pretend I am 23 everyday. I am from the wrong side of the tracks. 2)  I”m Cindy. I’m young and I live in a town that always rains. I can be really sarcastic sometimes. 3) Carly cut it off and it’s cotton candy tasty pink. 4)  Gaga go-g0’s on Gossip Girl “The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.” — Dennis S. Brown

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friday the 13th: me = highly excitable

I have always had this thing about threes. I make a conscious effort not to do things in threes, I stick to two and four when I notice. I used to be much worse but I’ve gotten over it a bit now. Earlier this year I got a tattoo I wanted for years. In order to change my negative thoughts about 3 or 13, I booked my much wanted tattoo on Friday the 13th. Now, I have a positive outlook every time one of those lucky days rolls around. This is me laughing at a Tweet re: a new word I learned – Twoosh. It’s when your Tweet is exactly the max allowed 140 characters. Twooshbag is when you do it alot-lot. Twitter is really fun. If you like fun, you should join and follow me so we can laugh together. Twilight New Moon cast members are at Much today for MOD. They’re got barriers set up and the crowd is gonna be huge. I’ve never seen the movie/read the books but the fact that people go ape shit over it is  pretty exciting. There’s people lined up and it’s not even 10am. I love working here. Happy Friday the 13th. Go do something that scares you.

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learn from, laugh with and love

I checked in on a friend, a  babe who blogs. We are one day apart and both get auto-tweetted horoscopes. I don’t always read my horrorscope (stupid word, usually positive when I read them) but sometimes I do. My birthday is May 8th and I am a Taurus. Did you know? Would you have guessed differently? You are ready to step into a role of service now, perhaps to help someone less fortunate than you. Maybe you are more concerned with paying back a debt to society or balancing old karma. In any case, consider what you are willing to give up in order to accomplish your altruistic goals. You won’t be of any assistance if you abandon your work midstream. Making a commitment is serious business, so think carefully about what you are going to do before you do it. Funny. Earlier today I was just getting a heart on for some social good…December #genyto. There’s lots of cool-smart people involved and you can be too. More details to come. This holiday season is gonna be the best, I’ve got lots of giving on my list. The jewelry factory has opened up for one of a kind and customs. I love making stuff. You can now see a bunch of Toronto Blog Girls all in one spot. Pretty cool. I’ve been totally excited  for many days in a row, now that I look back a month. Weirdo. Totally. Note: Is every store having massive sales? I keep getting discount emails? There’s so many sales, uh, makes me want none of it. I want iphone…soon… and ♥ Follow Friday: Alexi Wasser – blog babe from LA, she’s boy crazy, she’s cool and I like her. @imboycrazy

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have no fear she’s here, she’s here

Fearless? Who is? She is. Standing out in a crowd. That Ting Tings girl, she’s fearless too. National Fearless Day is Nov 19 and Virgin’s King Branson has a little video contest for Canada. Most fearless video wins $5000. I’m not entering. It’s for the fearless. The most fearless Canadian. You can if you’re fun and awesome. Yeah you scaredy cats.

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don’t hold back, you can fly kid, you can

Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t hold back. Just go. Just do it. Don’t stand in your way. Live. Live it out. Go all the way. Be free. Throw your arms up and over your head. Look up at the sky. Reach for it. Your dreams aren’t that far away. If you can see them you can reach them. You can achieve them. You can fly kid. You can. Stretch out those arms and soar like an eagle. “You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls.”

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