i’m blushing now

because he wrote this. “There is a reason I started all this gibberish, or at least there was … I had a moment today, a kinky one. Which is true, and it was a moment of pure joy to click on the Awesomest Blog Ever and find a blog void of gibberish. It was one of those moments that can change a man’s attitude about himself and his life for a while… Like the time a man first shaves his balls and realizes he just became that much closer to being just like David Lee Roth in his hey-day… Unchained! And unchained she is… Fun, Honest, Humble and Authentic are just a few of the words I can use to describe this modern artist, without even knowing her or her character. But I can say this… Her genuine nature comes through in her blog and coming from a professional Gibberish Rustler, take it as a lesson… Her words have the power to shrivel nuts of the toughest Gibberish Rustler and make them fall off the body like raisins off a bush. Lucky for me I’m not that tough…“ read it and comment, if you have feelings ♥

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they all make me happy

Urgh, I’m having trouble concentrating all I can think about is how sunny it is and how much I want to be outside. I’m really feeling the ADD today and it doesn’t make it any easier that I spend all day on computer. I’ve been asked to download one of our casino’s to check some numbers and it involves looking at a bunch of games – get it now? Makes it really difficult to get things done. My skin feels warm from my tan at lunch, I like it very much. I had a Booster Juice, there’s a new one in Liberty Village, like that very much too. Strawberry Sunshine is my favorite. Love it. Found out today that some goodies are coming my way in the mail next week.  Guess what? I really, really like that. I get everything delivered to my office so that our secretary brings over big bags and boxes and everyone wonders what I got.  Makes me feel happy. I’m going for dinner with a really awesome friend  tonight and then gonna see my sister too – very happy about that. I like to dressin fun outfits and costumes up  and I found some pictures of different things I’ve worn and well, that all makes me happy too. Ok, now that I got that out I go play games with my happy face on. Enjoy the day! ♥

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thank you for a great weekend

I had a great weekend filled with relaxing, a little partying, some shopping, pool time, sun tanning, friends and lots of fun. I’m stoked for a short week as I fly out to Miami on Friday for the weekend. I’m very excited.Good thing I got those new bikini’s, I’ll be needing them. Sabrina and I had a lovely time in the sun yesterday. It was so warm out while blocked by the wind. I’m a very lucky girl, I got new glasses again. It seems I can never have enough. I have a drawer filled with heaps of pairs. I finally tossed about five pairs that were old ugly guys or broken. I also took a tour in Kensington on Monday and paid a kid draw to a portrait of me. It cost $2.00 and this is what it looks like. I put it on the fridge, I figure if I leave it there for 20 years I might get a good return on this young artists work. ha! Celebrate creativity! His name is Chris Scriver.

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i like when the leaves come on the building

I was walking into the office this morning and it was really beautiful outside. Sabrina and I were giggling our little asses off as I proceeded to say “I like then the leaves come on the building”. Being our immature selves she replied with “I like when you come on the building”. I hope you can imagine just how funny this was. I almost peed my pants. No, I did not make an error I wore pants today. I’m heading to Spin TO tonight at the MOD Club on College. SpinTO is a fundraising project that kicks off today and celebrates the Friends for Life Bike Rally from Toronto to Montreal in support of the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation. The theme is Solid Gold and I think you should all come if you can.  Tickets are on sale for like the next two hours but you can also get ’em at the door. There’s lots of fun stuff happpening there tonight.

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the worlds greatest gift, thanks mum

When my Mum was pregnant with my sister I was 3.5 years old.  I distinctly remember laying on Mum and Dad’s  water bed and being asked ‘what should we call the baby?” I was an interesting kid, as I am an interesting character now and could only think of one name to call her, Jenie. I had a whole slew of dolls at home and each one I had was named Jenny.  I’m not quite sure why or what made me love that name so very much. A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty I love hanging out with her. It’s like we’re little kids again half the time. It’s also almost creepy how alike we are. We talk the same and say the same things at the same time all the time. We make the same hand gestures when we talk and do the same knee-slap-head-throw-back when we laugh really hard. Kills me. Having a sister is something I am so grateful for, I have someone who will always be there for me and pick me up when I’m down or tell me when I need to pick it up.  Jenie is on Twitter too if you want to follow her.  She’s not all internet/twitter obsessed like me, but she is 100% pure gold. Pure gold.

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she was happy dancing with her arms over head

Drum circle happens every week during the summer. It goes down at Cherry Beach one week than Trinity Bellwoods the next. I usually only go to TBP because it’s closer than the beaches.  I love it.  There are lots of mad hippies dancing. There are also lots of skid kids too. We moved our home-base-blanket around a few times to avoid the dirty kids from contaminating us. One time a kid puked while sitting in front of us and we picked up shop like nomads and moved in NO time. My favorite is being in the middle of the circle dancing with my arms flailing around. There is something magical about the connection between the music and the people all being brought together in an open space .  When it gets really hot out there’s more girls & boys with their shorts and shoes off dancing. There is drinking and smoking in the park  all around.  We saw a couple of kids chasing each other around with McCain pies and tossing them at each other. What are kids doing these days you ask? That I guess. There were hundreds of people there. You can hear the beating of the drums as you approach the pit in the park, I love that sound! Drum Circle #001 2009 from moi on Vimeo. this is sadie, she spins fire from me again on Vimeo. There’s fire spinning too. Some nights there is lots of fire spinning!! This girl was really good she was doing the hula-fire-hoop and poi’s at the same time. I’m not even going to try that, I’m waaaay to accident prone. Overall, stellar time. Absolutely stellar.

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