i forgot to tell you something

I loved seeing you last night. Your smile. Your laugh. Your arms. I like the way you make me feel. Happy. Your honesty is admired. I love you too much to let you just go. You make me happy and you also see right through my charade. I know you do. I like it but it scares me. More than anything. A scared-ness I like, I love. A scared that makes me love you even more because you, you are the only one who I let see the real me.  To me, you are the greatest. I wanted to tell you last night but I didn’t……I love you. Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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It Was a Very Special Factory | #Florida

I had a great weekend, this is obvious. However, there is something else…Mum I never told you I was going to this party because I didn’t want you to worry! This weekend in Florida marked the Festish Factory 14th Anniversary Weekend. It was my first time ever going to a fetish party and it just so happened to be the world’s biggest and best. I wasn’t able to bring my camera to the parties but there will eventually be some great photos that show up from the many professional photographers that were there. I can totally understand why people enjoy BDSM Dating now! Here’s one from my camera and one that my friend took of us before going out. I hung out with the cool kids known as the NYC Tribe. It was badass. Sunday night was the Fetish Ball and what a night that was! OMG. I’ll update this post as I get more pix. I met some really awesome and really hot people. I wore latex and leather and some other stuff too. If you ask me, maybe I’ll tell you. This red outfit was what I wore the first night. I didn’t want to be too crazy for my first night there. For my second night, my outfit was a bit more ‘out there’ and, I won’t tell you what, but I purchased some bits from https://loveplugs.co… I’ll leave that to your imagination. I made friends with some lovely ladies from Boston & New Orleans. They have been to these parties before. I was super nervous yet excited, I had no idea what I was in for. It was amazing, I loved it. There were pool parties and afterparties all over the place and the whole hotel was full of people attending the event. You gotta go.…

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you did me good

last night I got ma hair did. It was awesome. I love going to see Darren. I get super excited because he always does something cool to my hair and he is also cute as. Go see him. He is good.  He will take care of you babies. He’s actualy pretty shy, Darren. He is, however one of the best. Recently he was at the ABA Show (biggest hair show in Canada) and won Redken’s Fashion Magazine Cover award.  He rules. Only the best touch my head!! Technorati sanasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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i love this dress

I had Peach Beserk make me this dress my my birthday. It’s stretchy and covered with Edie and Andy. I love it hard. You can make your own dress here. Looks especially great with fishnets and a long coat. Loves it.

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quit your swining, swine baby

Rainy day again. I was watching the news about Swine Flu last night. Creepy stuff. I started thinking to myself. 1. Good thing I didn’t go to Mexico 2. Who did go to Mexico that I’ve hung out with and could contaminate me and kill me? Hopefully I’m safe. Last night I sat on the couch and and started drawing a comic strip. It’s Elsa Cohen’s Adventures in Super Blogging. I’m working on it. Here’s a first sketch for now…I also took some time to read old stuff I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. I thought all these things when I was 15. I still think it’s important to be yourself, I still love McDonald’s and you are never to old to play in leaves or snow. Have a great day! What I think (1996) from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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lovage and chocolate sweetness

Lately I’ve been listening to Lovage thanks to @jaygoldman. The tunes are a cool ass collaborative project headed by Dan the Automator, under his pseudonym “Nathaniel Merriweather” (he made up that name for Handsome Boy Modeling School).Something else I have alot of love for is my bike. I’m hoping to get the baby tuned up this week so I can get riding. This weekend’s weather is going to sweet as. Last night I made chocolate brownies with fancy icing for my roomate. She’s sweet.

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