We Can Live Beside the Ocean, Leave the Fire Behind

Went to Santa Monica today. Beautiful. So chilled out. I love California so much. I miss surfing, salt water skin, and sandy hair…. Sitting on the tarmac now about to head home. Can’t wait to go through photos from this trip, I have hundreds! Back in the office tomorrow then cottage this weekend. Will be a nice calm before the storm of TIFF! With love from California, CASIE   everclear santa monica buy Bactroban cream online buy bupropion online buy cipro online Buy citalopram Online

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when amanda came home she inspired me

It had been over a year since I got back and Amanda had just returned from her year in Perth. She learned something while away that inspired her and she wrote it on this little piece of papaer that I keep sticking around as I move from place to place. It says: “The moment of reckless abandon where you lean back and laugh at the simplicity & absurdity of everything…the moment when you so fully realize it doesn’t get and better than right now” Isn’t she just the cutest thing. I like the way I feel when I read it, as if each breath and moment is to be savored and cherished before it’s gone and you move to the next. I took this video this morning on my way in. So happy I don’t have to battle any traffic. morning traffic in toronto filmed by me on Vimeo.

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hey shazza, let’s go to maccas

Just because you are in Australia, doesn’t mean you can wear your bathing suit EVERYWHERE. When we got there we thought that it was a-ok so we went all over the place dressed like this. The ferry, subway, lunch, Opera House. Really obvious that you’re a tourist if you do that. Beach walk from Bondi Beach – Coogee Beach.Pretty birds on my window.Again, in bathing suits. haha This is us getting groceries. We pushed the cart home with our umbrellas. This doesn’t make you look like a tourist, but rather an idiot. Oh, what fun we had! Opera House & Harbour Bridge from me.

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dynamically scalable and often virtualized

Darling Harbour Fountain from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.Australia has Plastic Money from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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where’s the beach?

I’m stoked that the weather is warming up, finally! The sunshine was beauty this morning as I snapped this photo of my favorite phallic structure in the world. I’ve also been getting ready for bikini season and trimmed up. I posted in January that I was getting ready to have a fit and healthy bod for summer. I got a message from TOsunshinegirl on Twitter that they would love to have me grace the pages again. I reckon I just might do it!

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thanks for snowing on my day

It’s April.It snowed last night today. I’m ready for winter to just go away! It makes me feel grumpy and grouchy and cold. It makes my bones feel old. It turns my smile upside down. The grass is looking white and brown. I used to live here and I want to go back. Get me a ticket, I’m ready to pack! Bondi I miss you, I think you miss me too ♥

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where would you like to wake up tomorrow?

I just watched this video on Fifty People One Question. I like the site concept. They have asked two questions and received nine hundred and sixty-four responses from five hundred and thirty-one cities. It was quite lovely watching this video. Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Crush + Lovely on Vimeo. My answer: I’d like to wake up at Bondi Beach on Hall Street with my sister and a few of my best friends. It is beautiful there. It’s summer, it’s over 25 degrees Celsius and the forecast says sunny all week.

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change your perspective

Have you been feeling down? Is the cold weather and season giving you a reason to frown? Have no fear for I am here and we will take that thought and toss it!! Change your perspective. Each day, hour, minute that passes is one closer to Spring, Summer and sunshine. There are a million things to be happy about. Each day is a new day and you have new thoughts and new things come into your life. Be happy about that. I never know from one day to the next what will come up in this online diary. It is exciting for me to write my thoughts down, the memories are what keeps me going. Pictures of the beach and me make me smile too.

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"don’t want all this cold cold shit "

..’sing it now’ this just came on my tunes and oh, how I love this song. “Throw off your shirt and let’s get, Hot hot hot. We’ve never been, we’ve never been to the bridge, throw off your skirt and let’s begin the rock. I’ve been to all the places on the block(you can believe it, believe it or not) i like to rock , rock! i like to rock, rock!. Jump right in and in too deep. Throw off your towel and let’s get wet wet wet. Bermuda shorts are comin back to town throw off your pants and let’s begin the dance. I’ve been to i’ve been to all the beaches on the strip and you better believe this shit. I like to dip, dip (x2)

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winter workout

So, this winter I’ve decided to actually work out while hibernating instead of just sitting on my couch and dreaming of summer like I usually do. Fortunately I live in a condo where there are two gyms, a court, yoga studio and pool. I really haven’t any excuse to be out of shape. My goal is to be the most fit I have ever been. I used to live in Australia at Bondi Beach, known as the most famous beach in the world. When you live in a place like that, you are surrounded by babes and beauties and you force yourself to be in shape. This however, was several years ago and I was running, surfing and doing regular yoga. I’ve been going to thew gym a few weeks and am starting to see results. I hid my face because I just came from the gym and before that just came from my sleep in my bed and look tired. The muscles are on their way!!

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it looks cold outside

and i remember how warm i used to be this is my old home.the life the luxury.the sun, the sand, the skin.the ocean, the waves.the boards, the boys.bondi will always have my heart.

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I look away for a second The rush of the wave Approaches my towelCausing me to spring and moveOut of the way of the ocean When I lived at the beach I wrote all the time. It was so inspiring and free to be there, I wrote this in 2004 the pic is from Aquabumps. They have the best shots from Bondi and other amazing beaches. I always miss it when I see them but i’m also reminded of how great it is.

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Board, Go!

Breathe and surfTake it inOceal pearlSandy feetSalty skinRunning back and forthFeel the sunBurning downRide it inTake Me out again!

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Fond Memories…

its cold outside and i wanna stay warm the wind is whipping at my windows winding my thoughts around whirlwind words spin Me, Bondi Beach, Aus, 2004. High.Sunrise,Over sand,Over sea.Sunshine,On my face,On my feet.Sunflower,Growing tall.Eat your seeds.Sunny day,At the beach.

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My Old Homey

I went to university in Australia and I lived at Bondi Beach. It is the most fabulous place that I ever had the chance of living. While I was there I surfed, played in the sand, and every once in a while, attended classes at my uni in Sydney. Something that really and truly made it so wonderful is the people that i was there with and the people whom I met along my travels. One morning at about 7am I was dragging my feet through the crystal clear water feeling the sun shine on my face, wrote my favorite poem. It goes a little something like this… As the waves crashed on the shore, the wind washed them away. And as I walked along the sand, I felt I could not stray. For I was walking towards the sun, and it was a brand new day.– Casie Stewart, 2004

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Thanks Blog T.O.!! Together we did it!!

Live Kangaroos in Nightclub Averted Blog TO posted the following on July 26, 2008: Tonight’s This Is Australia event at Richmond St. nightclub This Is London promises to “transform London into the outback” with DJ Chris La Roque’s outback mash-up sounds, a chance to win a trip to Australia and… live kangaroos? blogTO reader Michelle Palmer brought this event to our attention via a Facebook thread (MY NOTE!!!!) initiated by her animal-loving friends. A number of people contacted the club, organizers and animal rights groups such as PETA, protesting the planned appearance of live kangaroos, which would have been caged around the club premises. I spoke with This Is London’s Sherry Rampersaud, who confirms that “the club has reconsidered and there will be no kangaroos at tonight’s event.” Party organizers INK have not responded as of press time. Activism is not usually the main reason why people sign up on online networking sites, but it is good to know that social and ethical issues are being addressed alongside who’s poked who and who’s in an open relationship, whether the actions of the thread members and their friends were directly involved in the organizer’s final decisions or not.

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