you can’t rain on my parade

Good Morning! I feel like I could be a radio show today. I am happy to be at work. It’s a beautiful day might even thunderstorm later. The ride in is what I have been missing for the past two weeks. Breaks fixed. Wore my helmet and felt good about it. Smarter, like it keeps my thoughts all bunched up close together and in a jumble and now I sit here and they all flow out like waterfalls fast how I like them to.  Held my nose past the slaughterhouse, stinks bad man. Gross. NO strikers anymore. Good thing. Saw a soda pop  van covered in astro-turf grass. Breakfast Television has lost my interest but I like the news and weather of CP24. Hot today still humid. Thunderstorm would be nice. I like to ride through the puddles. Dad’s got a sewing machine for me and I’ve got heaps of fabric and vintage patterns at home. Really excited. Twestival Local is coming up September 12th 2009, mark your calendar. In Twestival Global raised over $250,000.00 for charity: water. It was really fun. Twitter has grown so much since February. I hope it rains when I bike home.

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my two mums

When I was growing up Mum had a best friend named Pat Hope. They’re still best friends. They lived around the corner from us. Pat only had one son but no daughters. To us, she was like a fairy god mother. She was our second mum. She would pick up girly things on her travels like jewelry and dresses. She always had sweet treats with her. She had a room full of bunny things. She dressed beautifully and had great style. Her house was always beautiful and decorated better than any other…for every occasion. She would host elegant dinner parties with a long list of guests. Snacks on every table.  She rules, my second mum. They came to visit Jenie and I after work. Was excited to show Mum new comp and helmet. She was really happy. Had some wine and chatted while the Y&R was on. Found out today that it was Dad that got Mum into watching it before I was born. Dad picked my name from the show. Casey was Nikki Newman’s sister, a hot doctor. It’s great having them over for a visit. Thanks for making the trip guys. Love you!

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you gotta tell yourself a couple times first

I’m so glad this work day is over. I’m dying to watch the Y&R when I get home. Sit on the couch. Give Robert kiss. Thought about him today, all alone in my room. I’m gonna bring him to work tomorrow, it’s a half day. Have a doctors appt that’s a follow up from surgery last year. I never told you about it and I’ll save it for a rainy day when it’s not as sunny. Luis is gonna come over then I am getting  a helmet.  I’ve not been on bike since last week and god I miss it. Keri is the cutest and sent me  a photo when I was away saying bike misses me. I missed it too. I find that if I tell myself enough times and write it down that I’m way more likely to actually get something done.  I wanna grow my hair back.  I’m gonna order an ipone tomorrow. Jenie got her hair done by Darren last week and is super blonde like me now. I love it. Mum said we look even more alike now. I love that too.

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bike helmet meets babe

I’ve been avoiding wearing/getting a helmet despite Mum’s efforts to convince me I need one. This is going to be hard for Mum to read the most I think… Last night at the intersection where near my house, a 34 year old woman was  hit almost killed when a car struck her while biking. She was not wearing a helmet. The streets were closed off and as I rode by and saw the lonely bike standing beside the police car, my heart dropped. I took these photos on the way to meet Saul Colt for dinner. The accident happened while I was there and 3 blocks behind me in the photo. I’m going to get a helmet within the next week. I will be photo-blogging it all the time. If you or your company wanna be my helmet head sponsor please email [email protected]

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artventure #1107009

was nice to go to the AGO. as a member i should go  more often. there’s a new surrealist exhibit and it is beautiful. have lots of old clothes and pretty dresses to see. i imagined my self stepping into the exhibit and putting them on and dancing or walking around the room. i heard about the community bike racks around the city. hadn’t seen one before. nice bikes, nice rack. nathan phillips square is taking part in the outdoor art exhibit. lots of nice things to take photos of. was feeling artistic.    sun was really hot on my skin. started to feel tired from walking around. didn’t realise it was so hot out. heading down to harbourfront now with the girls to see Broken Social Scene. awesome. night is young and warm.

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Luminato: An Unusual Degree of Enlightenment

The city was illuminated last night and full of people our for Luminato. I was at the Harbourfront for Cirque Du Soleil. Pretty amazing but kinda hard to see. I’m little and there were so many people closer to the stage. I had a blast cruising around on bikes and hanging in parks. There is an art installation in the music garden that features a toilet.  I thought it was the funniest thing to pretend to use it. I laughed so hard. Oh god, I laughed hard. I got in trouble from security but it was totally worth it. She just told me to get off . My dress is from Apt 909. My favorite store.  It’s a perfect biking dress.

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