new zealand composer & artist: juliet palmer #TTC

Meeting a hot babe for movie date 😉 (@ Yonge-Dundas Square) Meeting peeps (@ Spoke Club w/ 2 others) Audition for something Kiwi. #teamNZL in force here. (@ Instil Productions) this is my party right now #lovelovelove (YouTube omg looks sooooo nice. RT @unbrelievable: Mountains make me feel at home 143. Photo: this is freaking crazy dude. stop spam. read books. #captcha Photo: @40deuce no, i never get excited about anything. so true 🙂 RT @atubanos: @erin_bury You’re as bubbly and adorable as you seem in ur pics and writing:) have #smmeasure in calendar as a weekly meeting. chat is the new rt, pure engegement right there. i love seeing the conversations happen. i really like the way you handled this whoops dude RT @40deuce: whoops. last tweet should have said reach is “tough” #smmeasure omg @LadyBlogga. i honestly thought i typed @ladygaga. #srsly my mind they are same i guess 🙂 hey @meganberry lots of questions about @klout right now, can you give any insight to measurement? #smmeasure i’m all like @ladyblogga remix blastin, bikini blogging and checkin’ out #smmeasure #crazyawesome this is my party right now #lovelovelove (YouTube “tv is a dinosaur that’s going to fade away” – my mum #internet #smmeasure chat is really interesting Key things big brands need to know: 1. Size doesn’t matter. Influence does. 2. Earn it, don’t just pay for it. Four Reasons Brands Must Check in to Foursquare. Now! via @theyinspire @wakestockcanada I wanna do this next weekend ok! thanks guy #lunch whoa @google image search is different now. like, don’t like? i’m not sure. # “You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic…”…

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-29 I'm #crazyawesome Srsly # Oh: "they spend more on marketing than anything" #srsly #realtalk #universal #saw # I love @cpstyle cause she is all biz when I am all show. # Hanging out with directors of #saw No big deal. # Meet my new bestie @dbradfield. in reply to dbradfield # @ilivecpstyle and me # @ilovecpstyle w/ #iphone4 # Hanging out w/ #kijiji #paypal #ebay #fleishman. My life is pretty good right now. # I can haz #iphone4 # #topsecret (@ The Pilot) # omg. i'm gonna miss the #yandr today for a meeting. somebody please update me later, imma need my fix. # yes, @Mikealbertini tv is a web of lies. # do you like antique furniture? — i looooooove antique furniture. # what is your favorite meal that your mom would always cook for you? — bacon & egg pie + pavlova # are you enjoying the outdoor patio's this summer at all? — yeash, more than i should probably! haha # did you hit on me at a Rancho Relaxo electro show last year? coz I didn't mean to be… — omg. i have no idea. maybe? # What will you miss most about your Much/MTV PR job? — a couple cool peeps like @allisonbowsher @queensley 🙂 # Loonies or toonies? Anglais ou francais? Poutine or pho? — toonies. anglais. pho. # Who is your favorite Star Trek related twitter persona… — obviously @picard102, i would let him light me on fire… # are your parents both retired yet from the rat race? — nope. mum is taking a year off to sail to the bahamas on he… # what would you do if you won 50 million in lotto max? — throw a…

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-28

Phone is now dead. # This heat makes garbage so stinky, my walk is like a smelling adventure. # Have fun @torontofc tonight #gento peeps. Lemme know where you go after so I can join! # The dream sequence on the #yandr today is hilar. # tweeting & treading water at the same time. nbd. # afternoon pool break #funemployed # i love you guys. i really do 🙂 # you crack me up @kylerehling > a short conversation of blondes – kyle: hey hun did you want to do something… # Photos from #TweetGasmTO courtesy of @photojunkie (@tweetgasmto) via @safekidzone # i can't tell you yet but it is #crazyawesome and you will be first to know #promise # peeps! my old @muchmusic @mtvcanada job is up for grabs. i know heaps of you wanted it so go get it! #socialmedia # "And you thought you had a dead-end job?" …yesterday I met with @DeathOfAliceBlu i'm excited for her movie > # found this just now from #zombiewalk 2 years ago – warning: SCARY # remember my cute intern Kyle from @tweetgasmTO – follow & love him right here >> @kylerehling #tweetgasmTO # Thanks all you hot babes that came out to @tweetgasmto last night. What an awesome time. Get ready for multiples. # Nacho libre (@ Sneaky Dee's w/ @crystalgibson @romanswietlik @kevinseto) #

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-27

Look at this cute babe I found @tweetgasmto # I love the dj @gladstonehotel #joeblow # I give good #tweetgasmTO # Today is the best day. I love you guys #tweetgasmTO # #tweetgasmTO #goodtimes (@ Gladstone Hotel w/ @picard102 @crystalgibson @photojunkie) # that's all me 🙂 #fun RT @ItsEnzo: Great Line!!! @casiestewart "cuttin’ a rug and doing high kicks as per usual." # RE: total babeism in full effect. # RE: thanks so much honey <3 you. # i'm pretty excited about life. # You are. RT @CrystalGibson: I think you're cute. # hmmm what should i wear to @tweetgasmTO? # RE: @michaelnus TORONTO FTW! I love this city. It's nice with you in it too 😉 # RT @EYEWEEKLY An open letter from @xoxSNP to the girl at last week's Die Antwoord concert wearing a "NO MEANS YES" shirt: # whoa NUS x 2 – @michaelnus & @knussbaum #nusism #tweetgasmTO # Bahaaaa! Is that you in the costume? Please say it is? (YouTube # RE: @carlyannedotcom i am so excited for @wakestockcanada – SO MUCH FUN! # lolz. good one! RT @smichm: silence is golden. duct tape is silver. # omfg. i need a pair of these babies like STAT. RT @Magenboys: Check the new Magen Boys Swag!! # Really excited to see y'all! woot woot RT @photojunkie: Ready to mix and mingle at #tweetgasmTO tonight at the @GladstoneHotel # Wow. Do I have news for you… # wordpress mobile on android is my new #BFF wrote my post on the #TTC today 🙂 # Good morning peeps! Have an awesome day 🙂 #twerk (@ MuchMusic Studios) # Tamke me to bed or lose me forever. #night #maverick # RT @JustinStockman: Lennon and McCartney have nothing on Heidi. RT…

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-26

I'm at Nus Cabana w/ @rochlatinsky @photojunkie @alisaan @cbrooker. # I'm uptown again. Omgaga. #nuscabana # Meant to say Mum is sailing to Bahamas. # Typing writing waving mishasp tweet. # My mum has her sailboat in Toronto right now, they are sailing # That was a #twoosh (Exactly 140 chars) # looks like you are having mucho fun times 😉 RT @danadearmond: Momma likes # whoa @tweetgasmTO has 46 going so far, this is gon' be fun!!! did you RSVP? # i feel like flying to a far away land # same RT @bridgetblonde I really hate when dudes wear flip-flops…eew # or mosh pit RT @wafflesgirls: i can hear my phone vibrate in a crowded room # Anyone @ Thompson pool? Me, @irieras & @laurenboutette wanna come! # Happy Birthday to the lovely @alisaan 🙂 # 5 Tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers: /via @unmarketing # bbq w/ @laurenboutette & @irieras (@ 8 Telegram Mews Rooftop Patio) # Roof pool party! #sundayfun #

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see you saturday at the lilith fair ladies

Its Friday night and I’m in the 905. I must be crazy. So full. Hope I don’t fall asleep dans le movie! (@ Richmond Court) # Thinking of you tonight @seanward! Good luck bro lookin’ smart @torontoima! in reply to seanward love # Photo: yes, that is exactly what we did. (via #girlsgotafacelikemurder Photo: black lips coming up next (via trashionbitches) I’m on a unicorn. RT @AndrewRevesz: I’m on a horse. RT @davidcrow: I’m on vacation. hey @downwithwebster sorry i cancelled my interview for tonight, have a blast in bellville 😉 #teamchloe #yandr omgaga look who got twitter…@matthewstylist <3 good word to describe my feeds: ‘funtertainment’ via @Dan_L #THANKS DUDE Hello hello baby you called I can’t hear a thing…. mental. RT @clickflickca: Imcomplete sentence drives me god i love this#FF @LindsayInJail to have @mcdonalds or to not have #lunch “so many choices. making it easier to chose neither.” via @natasha – well said babe. was lovely to see y’all last night too <3 @SidewalkHustle @davidakermanis @joncrowley @40deuce @clickflickca @michaelnus @whats_haapanen America’s Toronto Provocateur!! yesterday was #wonderwoman today is casie kent i got DM spam from you @smichm

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