it’s not me, it’s you
Look who’s in town! Makes me feel like doing some street art of my own. Stencil & spray can tonight anyone? Tee hee. I joke. No, I’m serious. No I’m not. Yes I am. No, maybe. I need a break from computer. Mum is so sweet she said getting me a sewing machine gives me a different outlet for my creativity other than blog/computer. I love her for that. It’s true really, I’m gonna go crazy (crazier) if I don’t get off the damn computer a bit. Am I really saying this? Yes I am. I spend all day spewing content to the world through computer. There’s more to life, here’s outside. and bike rides. Good thing I can blog from my phone. I’m really looking forward to Florida at the end of the month; 5 days, no work and all sunshine. Yessss!
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