swinging from silk ropes over you

A couple years ago I got my first taste of a Cirque show at Fashion Cares in Toronto. I was amazed by the high flying action of the performance as they twisted and turned in long silk ropes above our tables and later on stage. My first thought, I wanna be suspended like that and wrapped in silk. I’ve not seen a full live show here but I would like to. I’m amazed by the balancing and contortionists. I used to be able to put my feet behind my head in some bendy ways but I pretty much stop at the splits now! There’s a new Cirque show called Banana Shpeel, A New Twist on Vaudeville. It’s a comedy and seems like it will be right up my  (and your) alley, down to the leading little blonde saucy lady. She’s adorable and ind full of sass. I didn’t see a plan for when it comes to TO yet but I will keep and eye out for us. It’s playing soon in New York and Chicago,  so if you can, go see it and tell me all about it!  More info here.

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ride that wave right into the sunset baby

I’m proud to announce, I have Google Wave invites. I love Google and I’ve said it before. I think Google is a company that understands how humans communicate and interact and they are consistent in their efforts to make it easier for us. Also, Google stuff is very affordable so that everyone can participate making it something adopted by pretty much everyone online. I’m not exactly how it happened but I imagine it’s related to my natural socialness and all the other stuff I do involving the internet.  I announced it on Twitter and now I’ve got a bunch of people requesting and I’m not sure who to give away the last few to? I have a contest open right now to and all you have to do is tell me what you love…you can enter it here. I’ve contacted a few people and if they don’t get back shortly I’ll move down the Wave list and maybe I’ll shoot you an invite too. Comments are good luck 🙂

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cash money cash money cash money = $50,000

There’s about a week left in the Koodo Moile Build  Bash a contest. Prize is $50,000 to throw your own party. I entered all you have to do is join with Facebook Connect. I don’t ask for much . We are friends, friends don’t let other friends miss out on $50,000. Go do it now.Right HERE! Tell your friends. Omg, imagine the freedom… we can thank each other at the party! Ya!

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giving feels so good

In my house growing up, we weren’t religious. I remember be nice, share, give, say thanks.  Mum and Dad raised us to be good kids. This week was Pay it Backward Day and I did good with hundreds of others across Ontario. I’m waiting to find out the final count of just how many wonderful people participated. The Queen and John location alone had over 1,000! I got a heads up from a friend about an Ontario Tourist Attractions photo contest on Lenzr sponsored by Kanetix insurance and mortgage quotes. You send in a photo of anything in Ontario you think tourists should see. (Me?) The winner gets a $200 American Express gift card and second prize gets $100. Uh, that’s awesome. Who doesn’t love cash? This big unit is one of my favorite attractions. The lights dance every hour on the hour through the night and it’s just beautiful. Go to  Lenzr to enter.

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2000 small acts of kindness one big difference

I would like to take a minute to remind you ALL that tomorrow is Pay it Backward Day. I’ll be at the PIB headquarters as Chief Firecracker located at Second Cup, Queen & John (across from Much Music). However, if you can’t make it there, find one of the 170 locations across Ontario. Finally, if you can’t make it to Ontario, you can still take part by making a donation through the secure donation form on the Daily Challenge site. This time, our goal is to raise $10,000 for the Sick Kids Foundation in less than 12 hours.  Second Cup will donate $5.00 to the cause when you buy the person BEHIND you in line a coffee. In April, we had over 600 people take part in about four hours. I KNOW we can do this. Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live, Metro news & Notable TV will be there and MANY other cool do-gooders. Last time I got asked out on a date by a total hunk so you never know what might happen! See you tomorrow 🙂

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MuchMTV Employment post

Hi and welcome to my online profile for Digital Marketing Coordinator with the MuchMTV Group. Thanks for checking me out. Connect with Me: Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube, References: I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Casie for a little less than a year now. She’s an active blogger and all-round web content generator. She’s bright, energetic, connected, passionate and communicates well. I’ve been to several corporate events with Casie and she’s almost always the life of the party. Casie’s a blackberry addict, a twitterholic and well known as an online blogger. MTV would be lucky to have her on the digital team and I endorse her as an online bright spark.” “I have had the honour to work with Casie on many different social media events including all the GenYTO community socials, a professional organization that she helped get off the ground. (www.genyto.com).  She is an incredibly talented, outgoing, and trendy person, but more importantly she is great at creating and engaging communities. Her blog, www.casiestewart.com – This is My Life, is one of a kind.  She has a creative and witty way of making the most uneventful moments fun; the sign of a great writer and a truly imaginative mind.  Her marketing talent far surpasses many people I know.  I would highly recommend her for any social media and marketing position.” Renée Warren Social Media Facilitator www.reneewarren.com Twitter: Renee3 | [email protected] “When it comes to web 2.0 and online social media, Casie is the Queen.  I’ve watched her and worked with her steadily throughout the last year or so and what she does in the online arena is stupefying.  She ‘gets’ the Internet, loves it passionately, and people listen to her.  Fueled by that love and passion, watch Casie get the word out.  Watch her connect people.  I’ve seen what…

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bono sang me to sleep last night

The U2 concert was loud enough to hear distant vocals and the buzz  of the crowd cheering from my bedroom.  Took some pain medicine and passed out. It was only the second time the roof has been open for a concert ever. I taked to a guy the other day about the shape of the roof and how the sky done was built. He mentioned this really cool flat roof he was working on. I ove how rain sounds on a metal roof. The tower was lit up to match the show. Bet those were some pricey Concert Tickets to get. Some rad aerial photos from the show here.  I finally got a good sleep and woke up in less pain than the day before. The future is bright! I read an interesting post today from Erin on the Sprouter blog.  I’ve been getting emails and calls from friends not yet using this stuff saying “Casie, I need to  set up Twitter/Blog stuff  for my business.  Help me, help me”. The thing is, just setting up a Twitter account or blog is not going to generate a presence online, save your brand or make you money. Social media is more than just being online, it really is about being social. You gotta put yourself out there (and stay out there) online AND offline to get the social media results you’re looking for. Like everything else, it takes work. I apologize on behalf of Kanye the Douche, he interrupted my site yesterday. Yours too? Urgh, that guy,  SO annoying. I came in to the office to see Mum had sent me a email with a Health Warning. I assumed it was serious and then…oh Mum, so funny! p.s. Entertaining stuff on my Tumblr & Borderline Artistic blogs and my Twitter stream…

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attention, ladies and gentlemen of the internet…

Toronto is a city full constant excitement. I get messages once in a while saying it seems like TO is the city for me because we’ve always got something going on. This week, is NO exception, it’s one of the busiest times of the year when the city is filled with stars and red carpets. Tomorrow marks the opening of TIFF and the first day of our first TEDxTO Conference.  You’ll find me at the afterparty hosted by Notable TV at Brasaii on King Street. TED is all about ideas worth sharing and the event will be full of interesting people sharing great ideas. To RSVP head to Notable’s registration page and get your name on the list! Twestival Local is on on Saturday. What is it? Around the world cities are joining together to raise money for a local charities. Our charity is Toronto based Meal Exchange. All the proceeds go directly to Meal Exchange with a goal of raising $5000 to facilitate 178 youth leaders and over 6250 meals being distributed. Totally awesome! Just think about it, you’ll be on a boat, partying with Toronto’s social media community, hot DJs, deliecious free food and flowing drinks while cruising the harbourfront with a view of our beautiful city. When you get your tickets enter promo code CASIE for $5 off. How can you say no NOW?  YOU CAN’T! Check out the Facebook Event page. There are some badass prizes to be won including Palm Pre (that I want to win) if you dress up as your favorite celebrity. I have a feeling Toronto’s own Paris Hiton might just show up 😛

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when i put them on it’s business time

The little girl beside me is Irish and with her parents. She’s staring outside the window preying with every breath to capture a glimpse of the Jonas Brothers. She’s talking about Vanessa and their bus and I’m reminded of when I was young. I had those teen Bop posters of Joey Lawrence and Johnny Depp all over my walls. After that phase  I graduated to drawing all over my walls with quotes and thoughts and messages from friends when they came over. Mum let me do it; creative expression. Thank you. I watched the number 23 last night and he drew all over the walls too.  “The bus!” she shouts, this little girl is so cute. Where’s my little business phone? Gah, I lose it a few sometimes a day. I wear my eyeglasses to help me concentrate. It usually works. So far so good. Two cops in full uniform sat down beside me. I stare at the gun he doesn’t notice. Good. Someone else sat down and their cologne overpowers the sweet smell of coffee, not good cologne either, something cheap. They’re playing house music on Sunday afternoon. I wear my earphones to concentrate  too, although I’m not playing any music. It’s quite chilly today. This week I got prescription glasses in the mail from GlassesUSA. Thanks guys!

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she’s young but has arthritis

oh, i love ustream now too by the way. and one more for you of my outfit… Twestival TO site Submit your charity here! Keri the Canadian Explorer

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mama’s getting a new boyfriend

I’ve been through some tough times with my comp-units over the past year.  Lost, stolen, broken, wine spilled on. Yes, tragic. You may remember one of my favorite tales Me, The Men, The Machines. The time has come for me to purchase a new laptop. I want a mini guy that is PC and not MAC.  Please don’t try and convince me to switch, I’m just not that into it. I’m looking for durability and value. I’m really hard on stuff and I don’t want to spend too much because I might break/lose it and I’m likely going to replace it in a year or two anyways. If you know someone who might wanna hook a sista up with a good deal, don’t hold back AT ALL.  They will get huge perks from me like mad links and BFF status. I’m gonna be taking my new unit everywhere I go and using it for everything I do.  That’s huge value right there.

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that’s how you make a girls day!

You send her a box filled with vibrating units. Happy Friday to me! I received a box filled with vibrating mascaras. I gave one to Sabrina already, as usual. I’m looking forward to seeing what Kelly thinks of it too. I love that they sent a special one in a bigger package for me and a whole bunch to share with friends all nicely wrapped with bows. I’m one of the first peeps in Canada to get to test it out and as they say ‘share the vibe’.  It also came with a party book about style and how to have a good time with your friends. That’s up for grabs, I mastered that ages ago. Ok, I tested it out out just now. It definitely vibrates, kinda shocked me at first how much it does! I’m gonna try it again tomorrow when I have fresh lashes. I’m heading to Edgefest tomorrow and I am SO stoked to see Metric. J’adore Emily. eyegasm/vibrating mascara from me on Vimeo. One more thing, you can get a discount coupon to purchase it from here and more info on the vibrating unit here. Happy eyegasms!!

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you’re so vain i bet you think this URL is about you

the song plays in the back of my head and the conversation starts… So, you coming out tonight? Hey, I’m not gonna make it. I have plans tonight. Really, with who? Oh, a friend. Anyone I know? Um, yeah I think you might know them, I’m sure you know their website. Cool. Who is it? Maybe then wanna come out too? No, they wanna stay in. I can come out for a bit but I wanna be back home for 11:59pm to meet them. What! They’re coming at midnight? Yeah, well kinda. Not exactly sure my plans but they will include getting my Facebook Vanity URL and celebrating @ClubSobey.

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hop to it kiddios

Hopscotch on Queen Street starring Casie from Vimeo. Hopefully you’re noticed that you can now comment on blog using Facebook Connect. This allows you to leave a comment and not have to enter your information and gives you the opportunity ability to publish in your FB news feed also. This is cool. Twitter Trackbacks should be there too. I’m making lots of changes this week and moving blog to WordPress on Friday. I’m stoked. I’ve been working at this for years and it’s growing to the point where some really awesome stuff is happening. If you or someone you know wants to advertise with me or on le blog I’m taking bids. This is my blog and I only want to advertise things I like, luckily, I like lots of stuff and am open to making new friends. Have your peeps email mine: casie at casiestewart.com

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who is responsible for the red tea commercial? it’s gross

Have you seen the new commercial for Tetley Red Tea? It is not nice to watch, it is gross actually. There is only one thing that I can think of when I watch this commercial. If you are a man, you may not get it, right away. If you are female and have your period, you will get it right away. See for yourself… I know what pr agency is responsible is behind this thing? The commercial was developed at john st., Toronto, by creative directors Stephen Jurisic, Angus Tucker, art director Donald Vann, copywriter Gerald Kugler, agency producer Dale Giffen. Please note their names, it sounds like they are all men. The first time I watched it I was in shock. It’s almost as bad as thew Campbell splashing soup commercial. I highly recommend doing focus groups guys, any woman would have said ‘No, I don’t like this ad.”

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My Pearly Whites

Today I received a nice little package of Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips from my friends at Matchstick. I read the instructions and excitedly put the strip on my teeth. I am wearing it now. It tingles a bit and tastes like mint. A very ‘Listeriney ‘ (made that one up!) taste. It seem like it is kinda dissolving, it takes about 10-15 minutes. I’d like to use the strips all day and make my teeth uber white, super fast. I really need to find a Toronto Dentist now I think about it! I’m due for a visit. I remember I fell asleep with a Crest strip on once. I woke up, had a glass of water and screamed, my teeth were SOOOOOO sensitive. I surely do not recommend sleeping with white strips on. It hurts. My teeth are already pretty white so I’m not sure how the strips will work on me. Maybe my teeth will start glowing! One of my friends had her teeth whitened at a Dentist Fort Wayne so we have been sharing teeth whitening tips. Hopefully mine will be as bright as hers one day. That would be awesome. Maybe if I had kept my teeth in good condition from the start and had followed advice from my dentist in Glen Rock, perhaps I wouldn’t be in need of the strips but here we are… Now my teeth are looking a little whiter, I have been seriously contemplating treating myself to some Invisalign aligners. I have always wanted straighter teeth and therefore I think that now could be the right time to do something about it. An old colleague of mine who lives in Arizona recently had her Invisalign fitted by a Dentist in Yuma so I might have to ask her for some advice.…

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Thanks Blog T.O.!! Together we did it!!

Live Kangaroos in Nightclub Averted Blog TO posted the following on July 26, 2008: Tonight’s This Is Australia event at Richmond St. nightclub This Is London promises to “transform London into the outback” with DJ Chris La Roque’s outback mash-up sounds, a chance to win a trip to Australia and… live kangaroos? blogTO reader Michelle Palmer brought this event to our attention via a Facebook thread (MY NOTE!!!!) initiated by her animal-loving friends. A number of people contacted the club, organizers and animal rights groups such as PETA, protesting the planned appearance of live kangaroos, which would have been caged around the club premises. I spoke with This Is London’s Sherry Rampersaud, who confirms that “the club has reconsidered and there will be no kangaroos at tonight’s event.” Party organizers INK have not responded as of press time. Activism is not usually the main reason why people sign up on online networking sites, but it is good to know that social and ethical issues are being addressed alongside who’s poked who and who’s in an open relationship, whether the actions of the thread members and their friends were directly involved in the organizer’s final decisions or not.

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