Feeling Very Thankful. #ThankFALL

We had Thanksgiving up at the cottage this year and it was so great! We headed up north on Friday to spend time with Sean’s parents and family. I planned to do some work around the house on Monday but instead I slept in, relaxed, and watched Netflix. It was a holiday! Fall is a time of year we give thanks and think about what we’re grateful for. Target contacted a bunch of Canadian bloggers and asked us to share what we’re thankFALL for. Scroll down for a few of my favourite things and a chance to win a $250 gift card from Target Canada. FAMILY Sending love and hugs through the internet to my whole fam. So happy to be able to hug them or pick up the phone and give them a ring anytime. I recently went home to see my parents so I didn’t make the trek to KW this weekend but I’ll be back home to see them again soon. Much love to all my sisters and quite thankful for Facebook so I can see all my Kiwi cuzzies in New Zealand. Yay Internet! FRIENDS Lucky to have great friends around me! These are old photos of Lauren, Carly, Raymi, and Keri, our OG blog crew. We’ve had some rad times over the years! THE INTERNET I am extremely thankful for the Internet. It’s enhanced my life in SO many ways, I can’t imagine a world without it. We probably wouldn’t even know each other! I’m really happy that I’ve used the internet to document my life over the last 10 years. Hard to believe it’s been so freakin’ long!   MY LOVE Sean, this one’s for you baby! So thankful to have a wonderful boyfriend who is also my best friend. We love travelling, spending time at the cottage, or just sittin’ around watching Netflix. I…

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Rdio New Music Weekly – feat My Girl @SURY_JK!

I’ve been using Rdio since 2010. I LOVE this service. Currently listening to Lightbulbs by Fujiya & Miyagi. Have a bunch of posts tagged Rdio from the last two years here if you wanna check’ em out. Sury is in this Rdio New Music Weekly – featuring Yamantaka, Sonic Titan. The extended version will be released soon and I’ll update the vid then. Animation studio Tendril. <3 CASIE

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Win a Galapagos Adventure! #LookBEYOND

Picked up a massive package yesterday filled with new BEYOND products from Fruits & Passion’s new brand. If ya don’t know, Fruits & Passion is a Canadian-based boutique and the new BEYOND line launches today in Canada (will be available in Quebec and online soon). Scroll down for deets on a great travel contest they’re hosting. It’s about time you went on a vacation, right? CONTEST! WIN A TRIP TO GALAPAGOS ISLANDS For the month of October, Fruits & Passion is giving customers an opportunity to win the ultimate eco-adventure. Visit the fruits-passion.ca for a chance to sail the Galapagos on a voyage that encompasses the very best of the Northern Islands. You’ll encounter local wildlife including sea lions (gah!), iguanas, giant tortoises and exotic birds of all shapes and sizes doing their thang in this wild slice of paradise. The Galapagos islands should be on everyone’s bucket list! If you don’t win this competition, there are other opportunities to go on a 5 day small ship cruise which tours the island. Good luck! Products range from facial care, make-up, body and hair care. The BEYOND line is eco-friendly and features all natural beauty products from earth-conscious suppliers and manufacturers. Twitter: @Fruits_Passion #LOOKBEYOND Facebook: Fruits & Passion English Instagram: @fruits_passion #LOOKBEYOND BEYOND helps make people and the environment beautiful, together. If you win, you can TOTALLY take me. I love vacations and I’m really good at them. Check out some of my past adventures before you ask me to join! (I kid I kid). No, I’m totally serious! Enjoy the beautiful day! CASIE buy propecia buy prozac buy sildenafil buy tadalafil

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Globe Style Advisor: Fall 2013 Men’s Edition

I’ve been added to Globe & Mail’s Globe Style Advisor Blogger panel. Check out all the other peeps and our tweets for the new issue that just came out last week. Pick one up! There is heaps of great mens style in there. Thanks Globe Style Advisor! Download your own copy hurrrrrrrr 🙂 [View the story “Globe Style Advisor – Fall 2013 Men’s Edition” on Storify] Buy celebrex buy celexa buy cipro

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It’s All About Me – Global Premiere Retrospective

Last month was the Global premiere and this month the film is making the rounds at the Ottawa Film Festival. Above I’m at the VIP Reception at Hot House Cafe with Antoine Gaber, Producer/ Director of It’s All About Me. See what you missed in the short retrospective film below of the Feature Documentary ” It’s all about ME” from the world premiere screening at COMMFFEST Global Film Festival on 14 September 2013.  See all photos from the event here, some of my favs below. Jenie, Mum, Sean, and I had a blast at this together. So cute! Post by It’s All About Me – Feature Documentary. Post by It’s All About Me – Feature Documentary. I spoke on a panel with some of the lead people in the movie after the film premiere. Christianne Cruz and myself ready for the screening. Mum & sisters, love you so much! Thanks everyone for your support! <3 CASIE   Buy citalopram Buy fucidin Buy lasix Buy ventolin inhaler

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What Came First – The Chicken or the Mercedes?

Watched both of these in the last 24 hours. The LG one is funnier I reckon but both good. I love the LG one but that’s probably because of the accent and  location that remind me of the hills of beautiful New Zealand. On YouTube, the Mercedes Benz chicken is dated Sept. 23rd, 2013 on w/ 3,983,000+ views and the LG chicken is dated Sept. 27th, 2013 w/ 503,400+ views. They’ve been making news on Mashable and more. I wonder if the chickens are related or have the same agent? Mercedes Chicken LG Chicken Who are the creatives and where did they both get the divine idea to use chicken head motion to illustrate the product at the SAME TIME? Reddit probably.   I don’t even know…

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