where’s the beach?

I’m stoked that the weather is warming up, finally! The sunshine was beauty this morning as I snapped this photo of my favorite phallic structure in the world. I’ve also been getting ready for bikini season and trimmed up. I posted in January that I was getting ready to have a fit and healthy bod for summer. I got a message from TOsunshinegirl on Twitter that they would love to have me grace the pages again. I reckon I just might do it!

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whoa throw back mama

This evening I connected my trusty old external drive to find something and it’s like a time capsule. I also realize that I keep everything, take a zillion pictures and am a total loser sometimes. I’ve been through a few laptops over the years and I keep backing that ass up on the same drive and now it’s like those boxes in mum’s basement and dad’s storage filled with memories. I’ve had so many different hair colours, lengths and cuts. You may have seen this long red haired one? Crazy.I also saw this crazy streak in the sky just before the sun set tonight. I had a friend that was all about looking into conspiracy theories and she was convinced it was chemtrails. trails in the sky from me on vimeo.Vimeo is slow if you don’t upgrade.

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lovage and chocolate sweetness

Lately I’ve been listening to Lovage thanks to @jaygoldman. The tunes are a cool ass collaborative project headed by Dan the Automator, under his pseudonym “Nathaniel Merriweather” (he made up that name for Handsome Boy Modeling School).Something else I have alot of love for is my bike. I’m hoping to get the baby tuned up this week so I can get riding. This weekend’s weather is going to sweet as. Last night I made chocolate brownies with fancy icing for my roomate. She’s sweet.

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casie’s animal kingdom

Last night I went to bed early and today I woke up early. I needed that. This fluctuating weather has got my energy spent. I had the pleasure of seeing one of my favorite furry friends, Smudgey. Smudge is a friends cat and my favorite. Those that know me well are aware that I am not the biggest fan of pets. I’ve never had a dog and it’s been years since I had a cat. The thing I don’t like is when their hair and slob get on your stuff. Especially when you stop by someones place before heading out while dressed nice and slobber-dog grazes your knee with his lips. That does it for me, turns me right off having a pet at the moment. I’m sure a time will come. Until then, I give you, Smudgey to the tune of MIA’s Jimmy covered by Of Montreal. Casie’s Animal Kingdom #001 from me on vimeo.

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my most popular

Today I checked tweetstats.com to check out some of the stats about my Twitter interactions. I learned that I tweet about 22.6 times each day. I’m sure it’s quite a bit more from Monday to Friday cause I take breaks on the weekend to actually DO fun stuff to tweet about.This is a Wordle of my tweets. The biggest word is what I use the most and that is LOVE. Second biggest deal, @erin_bury.

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setting up for the world

I arrived on location at about 11am on Saturday. It was mighty windy and most of the team was already in motion. We had to make sure all was going to stay put with the wild wild wind! We successfully got the backdrop in a safe place! Ha ha wind, you are no match for a team of do-gooders. Look at @d_hock, no one can stop him.Erin & Dan were fueling the online excitement and tweeting awesome stuff like this, this and this. I was doing chalk art. I was in heaven. Nothing more fun than being part of a team when you get to do one of your favorite things ever. Did you know they have crayola spray chalk for kids now? It didn’t work that well so I stuck to the old school drawing style.

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the more we get together, the happier we’ll be

“For your friends are my fiends and my friends are your friends” and #genyTO meetup’s are a great way to get together! Yes, Raffi. It was really awesome to see many familiar and new faces. I met some tres cool people and have lots of pix that I will add to the #genyto group on FB later this weekend.This month’s meetup was at Andy Pool Hall. Must say I’m sorry that some of my stickers got ‘stuck’ on the pool hall and not just on peoples clothes etc. I won’t be going back there with this a haircut. I recieved a nasty email today from Andy’s that went something like “your f***in stickers, what the f**k “. Sheesh, sorry guise. Don’t have to be so mean about it. I had a blast dancing, it’s abviously a really classy place. I wasn’t quite having as much fun as barefoot lady. She went all out! For real. I’m really excited to be part of this growing group of wired, creative, motivated young people. Seeing the growth from the first #genyto in February to last night’s April meetup has been really cool. I’ve met some of the most inspiring & fun people ever. Hope to see heaps of you out at #pibTO today 1pm, Second Cup @ 307 Queen Street and John Street! 100% of the proceeds go to SickKids so bring your travel mug and get in line!

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#twabes in full force

Look what I got… K.Hinto a Toronto artist & designer has made me something I really wanted. #twabe shirts.Each one is handmade and unique. Some have front, some back, some neon, and all different. All #twabes are unique, so I could not imagine it any other way! I will post some pix once I have them. If you want a #twabe shirt email me and I will place order. Each one is $20 and they are all limited edition Spring 2009 by K.Hinto.

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it’s my very first time…

breaking a world record. On Saturday Toronto’s Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live on location at Second Cup at Queen & John. The Street Team will be there as you exit Second Cup to a crowd of ‘Do Gooders‘, photographers and notable Toronto celebrities. We will be be giving out $50 iTunes gift cards to every hundredth person as they make their way through the line. Canada’s professional basketball trickster, Q-Mack and North American Freestyle Soccer Champion, Eli Freeze and his Canadian Freestyle Soccer team will be sharing tricks and techniques. These athletes will be a great attraction for people of all ages! Helping out behind the Second Cup counter serving drinks will be Michael Landsberg, the host of TSN’s Off The Record, and Erica Ehm one of Canada’s most recognized television personalities & host of the Yummy Mummy Club. If you can’t make it out you can follow live, in real time, on UStream.TV, Twitter or Facebook. Looking forward to seeing you there and breaking a world record together! Yahoooooooooo!

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can i get a book please?

Today is a sunny day. I like that. Mum sends us clothes here and there and she has great style. I pulled this guy out of the closet today and rushed out the door. One of the boys in the office said would “come by my desk to check out a book“. haha. I get it. I like this dress, it has pockets. I had to cut head off here, face was wrinkled up. I’m loving the new neon units. They are SO VIBRANT. I feel like if I was a pastel, I would be neon, electric yellow or pink or purple…or one of those multicolored swirl ones. Yes, for sure.

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"…and your little blog too"

Today I got a message that was a link to the following images. At first, I thought oh cool postering, but then I looked a little closer. I noticed the borderline and then the neon and the face and the name, it’s me. “ll get you my pretty, and your little blog too.” I love it. He suprised me with this today. Toronto Posterboy is a Toronto artist. You can find him on Twitter and if you want to know more about postering his company is called WellHung. He is a smart cookie that Posterboy, I have a site called borderline artistic where I have a collection of artistic things like drawings and poems. It’s an online art gallery. He put my face in neon near the Borderline on Queen Street. Awesomism.

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The Brightest Light in My Life – Mum

On the weekend I spent a lovely day with Mum. She has just returned from New Zealand and brought back some treats. I feel quite lucky because she managed to find and bring back some of her old clothes for us. I got a great dress she made (yes, made) when she was about 15 as well as a gorgeous leather belt. She brought my sister back a pair of her old boots that are totally rad. Mum found some old photos of herself, she is so cool and has always been a stylish young lady!One of the things I really miss about NZ are the treats. There are so many wonderful things to enjoy! Mum packed up a goodie bag for us each! Yum yum!We stopped into Lahore Tikka House for lunch. The food was fantastic as usual. However, they are using Styrofoam plates and cups which I find to be wasteful and horrible for the environment. Maybe they will change this behavior? I did see the following things that I found to be amusing:Note the handwritten sign stating that you can have a “piece of history” by purchasing an Obama t-shirt. Nice. This needs no explanation except for “ha ha”. Have a great day!

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cut copy and paste my love

On Friday night I went to CiRCA for Cut Copy. It was packed. There were heaps of hipsters and cool kids crowding the stage & stairs. I ran into some cool friends and made some new ones also. There was lots of neon, sequins, and anything that might have rocked the eighties. This, I loved. I wore the shiny late night mini skirt from American Apparel in electric purple with a reversible clutch from BettyKiss. I first posted about Cut Copy last summer. They are from Australia and totally rad. I connected the boys later in the evening and snapped a few pix. The band is made up of Dan Whitford , vocals/keyboard/guitar, Tim Hoey on bass/sampler, & Mitchell Scott on drums. They were really nice guys. I’d really like to catch them at a small venue or a house party. Next time!

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where in the world is carmen sandiego?

If not for the weather, it is definitely spring judging by the amount of going out I’ve been doing over the past week! This morning I located the Elusive Carmen on Twitter and has a pretty cool site with agents and stuff. I like it. I am now following @vile, Carmen has tips on interesting things. I feel like I have so much to share! On Monday night I had drinks with the lovely Aga followed by the Raphael Saddiq show at the Phoenix with Bonga and some friends. I ran into Rahim otherwise knows as @funkstop. Then I saw this cute girl. It was a great show. As usual, I showed up fashionable & late when it was already in progress. Such is life!

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arts & culture writer = me

I wrote an article a few months back about a fascinating artist named Michael Golland. Afterwards, I found out that it was going to be the feature cover story! I was quite excited given I’m yet to have ‘write a cover story’ checked off my list. An excerpt is below. You can read the whole article here. “He wants people to be captivated, to find and immerse themselves in their flow of consciousness. Michael’s art is about finding the Zen within and connecting to its powerful energy. His paintings are unique and recognizable. Fluid lines dance across the canvas creating trajectory spaces filled with monochromatic colors. He aims to draw connections between the objects, the lines, the space, the spirit within and the essence of life itself. Michael was born in Yorkshire, England during the Second World War.” [get all the juice]

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yeah, a real green dress. that’s cool

We’ve been having quite lovely weather the last few days. The air feels like spring and resonates positivity through vibrant sunlight. I walked to and from work yesterday and thus far, am repeating again today. It makes my mind clear and body feel great. I can definitely feel the multiple hours of walking paying off already! In spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, I will be celebrating at Brazen Head Irish Pub in Liberty Village after work. They were setting up yesterday on my way to the office. I snapped this guy while getting lunch.

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you make music to my ears

Last week I had the pleasure of attending an event bridging the League of Kickass Under 30 and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. The League is ‘a social network for young leaders and influencers that are the future of their industry’ & in partnership with the League of Kickass Business People. The League (#LOKU30) had the privileged of having Music Director, Peter Oundjian and VP of Marketing & Business Development Mike Forrester speak to prior us to the performance . They both were great to listen to and spoke about the TSO, the value of the symphony in Toronto and the importance of the arts. this is my orchestra from me on vimeo. The performanceI saw is part of the New Creations Festival and featured acclaimed violinist and Deutsche Grammophon recording artist Hilary Hahn, Cellist Shauna Rolston and a beautiful work for the string orchestra by Tōru Takemitsu. There was even an afterparty post show where I mingled with musicians over cocktails. It was a truly uplifting experience. I’m really looking forward to returning. If you didn’t know the symphony was this cool, you do now. I am excited to inform you that TSO on June 20 & 21st you can see The Music of ABBA! #OMG. I wondering if it would be frowned upon to dance in the aisles? All I need is a ticket because I doubt I could stay in my chair since they are playing everything from Dancing Queen to Take a Chace on Me. Totally awesome!

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spring has sprung out!

I went for three walks today. Yes, three. Hello spring, beach body and bike riding! Walk 1. Brekky with some friends at the Old York Bar & Grill. I was in good company and we laughed our heads off at continuous random hilarity. Walk 2. Went for a beautiful stroll in the Toronto Music Garden. “The garden was built in Inspired by the pictorial element in Johann Sebastian Bach’s Suites for Unaccompanied Cello with each dance movement within the suite corresponding to a different section in the garden.” [Learn more] I’m working on a video of my Toronto Symphony experience. Will publish later today! Took some cool photos by the water & in the garden. Walk 3. My roommate and I walked down by South Beach & Marina 2. There is still ice on the water and it looked pretty neat. I did not know there was so many little places to walk around.

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steamrolled by drunkards at steam whistle

Last night I strolled over to Steam Whistle to meet some friends. I arrived late, extremely late considering they opened at 5pm to start the party and most people were already totally wasted. It was a good time! I always have fun out, unless I lose something like my phone, ipod, camera, or dignity really. I was pleasantly surprised to run into Tweeps Andrew Lane & Kurt Gooden. It’s rad to meet the Tweeps offline. Makes me feel nerdy and cute. I like it. These drunky drunky dudes below did a lovely pose for moi. Ben in the middle said he blogs too which is also rad. I was pretty happy to find a loonie as you can see. That’s like a hundred days good luck. Day #1 – right on. So far so good! Good things come to good people. Dear Kharma, Please make hundreds stick to my shoes next time. Met the band Tiny Danza. They’re big a jazz hip hop fusion band and a big deal in Korea. They are also on Twitter. This pic is for you Ben.

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3/14 1:59 & #spadinawatch

I saw on the news this morning that there was a smash up between a police car and street car last night at King & Spadina. Minor injuries to two our officers. I was news reporting last night when I started #spadinawatch. Today was a really beautiful day. I had coffee with a friend and went a walk for about two hours. around the St. Lawrence Market, Bay Street, Queen Street, Spadina. I had coffee with a friend who was off to Opera rehearsal for the COC. Pretty cool! Today is PI Day – 3/14. I stopped by Black Market on Queen, everything in the store is $10 right now. Got a couple goodies! I ran into a few peeps walking around which is always awesome. I’m enjoying all the tweets from my friends at the SXSW Interactive conference in Austin, TX. Wish I was there too!

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i had so much fun with you. #girlsnight

Last night I met up with some of my totally awesome Twitter friends for #girlsnight. We were at Rivoli on Queen Street. It was super fun as you will now see. Have you heard of Ahoka? “Akoha was founded by @AustinHill and Alex Eberts After attending the TED Conference. It’s pretty cool. It’s an online/offline game and all about doing good stuff. I dig it and am totally playing!! Are you playing Akoha? Find me and add me if you are. We had some really good laughs and chats. I let out that I rarely ever wear pants and we all have a crush on Renee. Her & Erin have great hair. Looking forward to hanging out again, and again.

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i love you barbie ♥

Today is Barbie’s 50th Birthday. I love Barbie. I still have all mine from when I was little including two corvettes, hair salon, house, TONS of clothes, accessories, shoes and much more. My favorite Barbie is Peaches & Cream. This is Hawaiian Beach Barbie wearing the Peaches & Cream Dress from 1984. She looks so great. Who’d know she was 50! I’m keeping all my Barbie clothes so I can have them made for me one day. I have heaps of gorgeous vintage dresses! Lucky for me there is now a whole line of Barbie clothing coming out. The Barbie blog has all the details and is written by Barbie. This week Jeopardy is featuring a category on Barbie TONIGHT for her birthday! Barbie is also on Twitter. Yahooo!

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a pleasure to look at

Last week I went to the opening night of VH2 – An exhibit of contemporary paintings by Venus Lukic and K. Hinto. I was excited to see the newest paintings by my dear friend K. Hinto. I am a big fan of Hinto’s work. I have two of his pieces at home and I fall for a new one every time I visit his studio. The show is on for the rest of March at Bisogno Espresso Bar (map). Most of the pieces displayed at have yet to be seen by eyes outside his studio. The photo below is one of my fav’s but it could be yours if you get it first.

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what the cool kids are doing these days

Partying! Imagine a sexy downtown loft filled with hot, young, internet innovators and cool kids. Dancing to downtown beats and raising glasses to each other…sounds good doesn’t it. Last night I had the pleasure of attending #GenyTO Meetup #2 at the Centre for Social Innovation. It was awesome. The bar was bubbling over with booze and there was even a movie premiere for Toronto’s 175 birthday (video below). This time the crowd was even larger as we joined forces with the SXSW & CanLIT groups. The #Genyto meetup/tweetup brings together some of the most creative and ambitious young people from the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech communities.For all the photos check my Flickr photo stream ♥ TO in 6 Words from Suresh on Vimeo.

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art & music: the sounds of friendship

Today it is damn ass cold again. I’m wearing the warmest unit on my head, found it in Mum’s basement. It’s a Turtle Fur headband from the 80’s! Love it. I used to wear it skiing when I was a kid. This evening I will be attending two events that are artistic and appealing. Planning on going with my sister and probably going to make a dance moves vid also. If you’d like to join us, message me on Twitter (@casiestewart). Stop #1 My friend K.Hinto, a fabulous Toronto artist has a show opening. What: VH2 – An exhibit of contemporary paintings by Venus Lukic and K. HintoWhen: Show opens Tuesday March 3rd, 6-9pm, continuing all month during Cafe hoursWhere: Bisogno Espresso Bar, 61 Sherbourne St. (just North of King St.) Stop #2 My friend Zoe Bentley, a fabulous Toronto singer/musician has a show at the Cameron House. I wrote about her before here. Tonight’s details are on FB.

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walking in the rain with a heart on

Last night Mr.Playmobil was in my room. He was looking good in his fancy work shirt and orange pants. He’s got style. He was hanging out on the top floor at Bookshelf Bistro in the Receipt’s Bar. Nice to see him again. He was alone but I know his friends hang out near there. Today it’s raining. The billboard for the new condo shows a bright scene. It doesn’t rain when you live there. They are building a bubble I think. I hoped the rain would stop as I passed it but it did not and it rained on my face. Then I walked through more puddles. walking in the rain from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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facebook camp: connect, connect, connect

Last night I went to FB Camp. There were lots of people there. I was with some of my favorites. It was interesting, I wouldn’t say I learned alot but I did find value in it. FB has an interesting yet simple competitive advantage over other social networks; everyone is on Facebook. This gives Facebook power as a marketing tool for smaller networks or businesses that want to leverage the power of FB and use that to expand their business using FB Connect.

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