acting like a macro, tasks in sequence

Do you ever feel like the day is just passing by, slowly? You are going through the motions yet not really taking anything in? You smile, think, laugh even, yet you feel little to no emotion. You are not excited. You are floating and acting like a macro doing the same tasks in sequence as if you are programmed that way. Your output is routine, open your email & browse, plan the day, check Facebook, Twitter a bit, read a news article, send email, make phone call, check voicemail, get some entertainment news, walk to the kitchen, get a drink, send email, work on document, eat something; it all seems a blur.I watched this video and felt a bit lost, peaceful and weightless. It is beautiful and creative. It inspired this post.

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thanks to tweetdeck…

I’m able to Tweet the crap out of my day while multitasking and be in touch with all kinds of people. I chatted Dad about Tweet deck and he replied with something about deck building! No Dad, TWEET DECK! If you are not on Twitter yet, sheesh, get with it. I know I’m pretty hardcore Internet compared to most people, but Twitter is good for learning about things and being ‘in the know’. My friend told me last week that less than 20% of the population is blogging. This is good, less people writing = more people reading.

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the power of a post: social media with love

Want to see something amazing? I witnessed something happening tonight on Twitter. Right before my eyes. If you tune in, you can see for yourself! I follow David Armano on Twitter. He has a friend in need and decided to reach out to his community on Twitter to help her family out. Here is an excerpt from his blog post earlier this evening: “I’ve been at this blog for nearly 3 years now and have never asked for something like this—I hope I’ve earned enough trust to be able to ask something back from you. Above is a picture of Daniela and her family. Brandon, age 6, Daniela, age 9 and little Evelyn age 4. Daniela recently divorced her husband after years of physical abuse. In recent years her mortgage went unpaid and she’s lost her house.As of this moment, Daniela’s family is staying at our house and we are trying to help her find a one bedroom apartment for her family to live in. With Evelyn, her youngest having Downs Syndrome and Daniela herself being a Romanian immigrant with very little family support she literally has no one to turn to. Except us (all of us).”[read more] As I wrote this post there there were 211 MORE ReTweets in response to Armano on Twitter. His goal to help out Daniella was $5,000. There have been, at this moment 208 contributors and over $,7,000 dollars raised anonymously to help her give her children a home. I suggest you check it out for yourself.If you didn’t believe in the power of a post or social online media, now you will. UPDATE: Over $12,000 in 24 hours raised! Check it out!!

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Ridiculously Happy.

Jesus, how lovely. Looks like I make people happy. Mission accomplished: be a happy person and it will be contagious. You all know that I’m a very positive young lady, thanks to The Twitter Happiness score for myself I now have confirmation. The current Happyscore for casiestewart is: 563 “Generally, people who have followed this person on Twitterlately will perceive this person as Ridiculously Happy.”

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over capacity!! really?

It’s been a hot hot day on Twitter! I’ve sent a few updates and been monitoring it fairly close today. Seems that there are a heap of active users Tweeting on this chilly Tuesday in Toronto. I was looking for someone when I got a message that Twitter is Over capacity!! Today I started following The Toronto Star. Great source of news in real time, however, it would be really great if Canada had mobile updates. I really enjoyed getting the mobile updates of people I chose to follow on my phone. I’s a shame that in Canada we are so behind the times in technology as well as style!!

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Tweet Tweet Canada – No More SMS!

The following was posted on the Twitter Blog regarding outgonig SMS messages in Canada: Canadian SMS service “Unexpected changes in our billing have forced us into a difficult situation with our Canadian SMS service. We can’t afford to support this service given our current arrangement with our providers (where costs have been doubling for the past several months.) As a result, effective today we are no longer delivering outbound SMS over our Canadian shortcode (21212). The ability to update Twitter over SMS will still be supported over 21212. But we know that this is only part of the experience and we want to make Twitter work in the way folks want … regardless of where they live. There is a realistic, scalable SMS solution for Canada (and the rest of the world.) We’re working on that and will post more details on the Twitter blog as we make progress.”

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Tweet Tweet

I made a new Twitter profile.The many faces of me.

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