oscar winning moves and style

I’m home watching the Oscars with friends and comp unit. It’s pretty fun because the Twitter community is ALSO sitting at home doing the same thing as me. It’s actually pretty funny. There were screams when Brangelina were first seen. There’s heaps of comments about the outfits. I’m following the comments of Tweeps in Toronto. I’ve attached a dance solo. My friend said I look like Waldo’s girlfriend and I think that is hot. Where is Waldo anyways? UPDATE on Award Winning Style: If you didn’t know…I’m so cool.Lady GAGA is a Waldo girl too! Lady GaGa Sells Out, Goes Corporate Posted Feb 25th 2009 2:45AM by TMZ Staff Sporting her Where’s Waldo bifocals, mother of pearl necklace and ladylike Isotoner leather gloves, dance diva Lady GaGa left her hotel in Paris looking like she was ready for the sexy secretarial pool at PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

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sick, mucus, cold, cough, gross

I’ve been fighting off a cough, cold, runny nose and all that crap all week. Today I feel like I’m getting a little but better, however, I’m totally sick.I’ve taken Buckley capsules, Benelyn, Echinacea, Halls, and lots of water. I’m listening to the new Whitest Boy Alive album called Rules thanks to my friend @EtotheZ. It’s making me feel better. Thank god. I’m always so high energy and warm spirits that being sick really gets me down. Hope to be better for Podcamp and the weekend. Dear Spring,Please get here. I’m tired of the Winter.♥ Love Casie

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he’s totally here, now, Obama

Just snagged these images from CBC & National Post Live Blogs. The National Post, CBC and Whitehouse are all covering Obama’s visit to Canada in live blog form. If you didn’t know already blogging is really cool. Twitter’s second highest trending topic today is #obamawa. In the photo below U.S. President Barack Obama walks with Canadian Governor General Michaelle Jean upon his arrival at the Ottawa International Airport in Ottawa, today. This was at thew Ottawa airport when he arrived. (CBC Live Blog)

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sharing the randomness – 25 casie facts

This has been floating around Facebook since January. I figured since I’ve been tagged by a ton of friends it is about time I shared 25 random facts about me. The rules go as follows: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Blah, blah, blah… Here we go: I was born in Canada to New Zealand parents and have dual citizenship (Canadian/New Zealand). I danced ballet, tap and jazz as a kid and completed in competitions across Ontario as well as Showstopper in NY & Myrtle Beach, SC. I was 5 with fake lashes and red lipstick! I wrote a book and became a published Canadian Author at 14. It was titled Jeans: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose. The Toronto Star wrote and article about me titled “Push Over Keats, Teen Muse Steps Ahead“. I went to Uni in Australia and lived at Bondi Beach. It was the best year because I learned the most about myself and WHO I really am. I hate scary movies. I get queezy and I don’t like to put bad images in my head. I’m crazy enough already! I still have all my Barbies and their vintage outfits. I hope to get them made in my size one day. I have a Green Belt in Tae Know Do and once knocked out a boy (Note: James Roszell) in grade 8 at school. Mum thought I’d get in trouble but I said “Mum, do you think he’s gonna tell anyone?“ I hate the number three. I don’t do anything in threes. I grew up around vintage cars and vintage clothes. My Dad…

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the people i know in a cloud

This image is a tag cloud of all my contacts on Twitter and what they do. The largest words are the ones that show up the most (in case you are unfamiliar with this kind of thing!). It is evident that the most predominate are 1. social 2. media 3. marketing. I find that the amount of new stuff I learn each day is greatly increased by following these people. The Twitsphere is an ongoing life stream of what is happening in the world around us online and offline. If you don’t use Twitter yet, get on it! You can follow me very easily and begin the learning and sharing for yourself. I find it to be the greatest social tool at my fingertips for getting smarter, staying connected and branding. Twestival is a party uniting Tweeps from around the world. It is on Thursday, February 12th. Get your tickets here.

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he’s just not that into who?

I went to see the movie this evening and, well, I get it. Guys don’t mix their signals they just give you excuses for not being into you. For example, “You’re too perfect”, “Too successful/awesome”, “I just got out of a relationship”, “I’m not emotionally mature”, “I need work on myself”, blah, blah, bullshit. I guess its being considerate and saving a girls feelings, but maybe they are just too afraid to say it. The movie was pretty good, not your average chick flick. Slight emotional roller coaster, yet realistic. Basically, if a guy doesn’t either call/text/email/facebook/myspace/twitter/PIN/voicemail you, he is not interested. In our world there are so many forms of communication, why waste your time waiting for someone to reach you? Lesson learned – if they want to talk to you, they will. It mentioned how all those magical love stories your friends tell you to make you feel better are all exceptions to the rule. Are you the rule or the exception? Finally, the site for the movie is cute and entertaining. As for Jennifer Aniston and ScarJo, they both looked great.

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so what i’m crazy, that gives me freedom

“People will laugh at you because you’re different. You will laugh at them because they’re all the same.” This quote came in Twitter post by an experienced blogger I follow on Twitter named John Chow. People have always said “You’re crazy” or as I dance by myself in the middle of the dance floor with my arms over my head “That’s Casie, she’s crazy“. For a while I thought, “Oh no, they think I’m crazy” but that was followed by thinking, “no, you are just different and they are all the same.” (Yes, I have had this conversation with myself more than once.) I would rather be seen as crazy, than ordinary any day.As soon as someone says that you are crazy, they really give you the power and freedom of expression to do whatever you want. You can transcend all boundaries of what people consider normal, because they already know you’re ‘out there’. This motivates me and gives me encouragement. Stay tuned there is always more here, it comes from somewhere in the universe..

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"Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much…"

In reference to the upcoming Twestival on Feb. 12 I posted the following message: “1 in 6 peeps on earth don’t have access 2 clean water. On Feb 12, 100+ cities around the world set out to change that. This is @Twestival via Twitter“ I received a personal message from an old friend that I have known for years who has quite an opinion on the subject. Here is what said: “Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much, maybe that 1-6 in people who don’t have fresh water, could have fresh water. The majority of the worlds fresh water is used for the use of hydro electric dams around the world and with the global demand for energy much of that fresh water is diverted from the areas needed. This whole green fad pisses me off, cause half the people who preach about this shit, spend their entire lives in front of a computer….Just some food for thought, i’m probably coming off like a dick, but I’ve spent my entire life protecting the natural environment and I get pissed off when people don’t do there homework or talk about shit they have no business talking about. In my opinion this world is worse due to Facebook, internet and everything else that goes with it, people preech about bringing the world together in unity, if you do research throughout history, it will lead to great demise…Both biologically and socially….Just think about mono cultural of plant and trees species, when one gets infected by a virus or disease the whole field goes…the whole crop or plantation is destroyed…Same goes with the human geno…Just some thoughts for you to think about….Not trying to be a dick!!…Hope your well”It’s nice to know I have friends who care more about the environment than…

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Tweeps – The Festival is Coming!

I’m excited to announce that Twestival Toronto is just around the corner. It will be hosted at Circa on February 12th. If you don’t know Twitter, seriously, get on it!! Join Toronto and 100 other cities around the world for a global party that will help save lives. All the proceeds from Tickets go to charity:water. “Over the last few years Twitter has gained popularity, function, and millions of fans around the world. More importantly its provided unprecedented accessibility and a sense of community between people who would otherwise remain strangers.” I am on the PR team to help out with the festival, if you would like to share ideas or get involved, let me know. This is a fascinating video about charity:water. If you have tips on saving water you can Tweet with the hashtag #savewater to join the discussion. Check out the PSA below and imaginewhat you would do without clean water.

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Bohemianism; Gypsy Queens

On Tuesday night I went to my friend Yossi’s event Legacy @ Bohemian Embassy. It was pretty fun. I went with Tahnee and Sabrina after work. There was food for us all and complementary bevvy’s. One of my favorites! We had a couple glasses and watched all the people. Another one of my favorite things, especially when you are there with your two BFF’s. There is one thing that needs to be mentioned – a fashion crime. There was a man who’s face I have cropped out – god, I am so kind! At first sight, he is wearing a suit, however, let your eyes wander and you will see he was wearing ADIDAS PANTS!! Omg. I had a field day with this one. Sneaking his picture while talking amongst ourselves was quite amusing. Please, do not ever do this. I don’t know how anyone would see this as appropriate attire. I have said my piece. Thank you for listening.

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