you gotta take the time to think and breathe a bit

i took a little walk this afternoon past the place we met. it reminded me of you. i remember you saying ‘even if the coffee wasn’t so good i’d still come for the music’. the music is always good. you told your friend ‘i’m gonna go talk to that girl’. i’m glad you did. i’ve been feeling very positive and inspired despite drinking both nights this week. i managed to get to bed at a decent hour. taking a b50 complex every day helps too. sleeping with a sleep mask over my eyes keeps the sun out in the mornings. thanks Ellen for that one. i hear that people get inspired by things i do and how i look at life. i’ve learned that more this week than ever. i actually heard it from  a few people and it brightens my day to know i brought sunshine to someone elses.  i look at each day with an open mind and i see beauty in little things that people miss when they are busy, stressed, focused etcetera. i like how ‘etcetera’ looks when typed. there is a small shop in cambridge called etcetera and my second mum used to often get presents and kick-nacks there. it was beautiful and old and had glassware and picture frames and pewter stuff.  i think it’s still here. i hope it is. mexico here i come. i’m only there for about 48 hours.  i WILL NOT FORGET CAMERA and will have new laptop (Bobby) there with me. thinking about doing something cool. i’d like to ustream from the resort.  i love adventure and new airports. my friend i’m visiting is very chill and wants to relax. and that to me, sounded just right.

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boston creme donut is one of my fav’s

Was talking a little ‘break’ from my hard work day at the office. Getting shit done. I surfed some favorite blogs and checked Raymi‘s then popped over to Phil‘s. Caught this fun one he took of us at the Island.  Jenie and I always do the head throw back when we laugh really hard. haha. That was a fun day.  I miss beach living and surfing. I miss the waves. I’m taking a mini-vacay and visiting some friend in one of the oldest cities in the USA this weekend, BOSTON.  It’s my first time so I’m kinda excited. I’m excited for adventure and looking forward to airports. I love the airport. Inspires me to write and imagine stories.  If you know some stuff I should check out  or Boston hot spots, please tell me.

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an ottawa citizen

Was hotter than I thought riding in today. It said 16 but after biking in pants and long sleeves it felt like 36. My hair is always wet when I leave and dry when I get there. It’s a pleasure having low maintenance hair that dries a perfect mess every time.  Wore my retainer, forgot a bra. Last week I did an interview with a reporter from CanWest about a customer experience I had with a big brand and Twitter. I first told the story on my blog earlier this year when it happened. You can read the article in the Ottawa Citizen. She quoted me saying “It shows the power of one voice,” says Stewart, a Toronto woman who describes Twitter as having “instant-messaging with the whole world.” I hope you have a great day.

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a brief interruption

In case you were wondering, or if you weren’t, I’m gonna tell you anyways.. I’m still vibrating my eyelashes every morning with the Maybelline mascara. The mascara is really quite good. Been a while since I actually liked one for the product vs. the price. Smelling ever so sexy in Givenchy Play.  Play comes out in August and features Justin Timberlake in sexy photos. Maybe you remember my sexy ones to match? I’ve got a new pair of prescription glasses on the way from Glasses USA thank-you-very-much. Black rimmed ones like an old man but good for a young lady. Tomorrow night is #Genyto at the London Tap house downtown. I’m looking forward to seeing smiling faces like the ones in this photo of @kathrynboland,@rlangdon, @MichelSavoie & @kevrichard . There will be lots of cool kids there. It’s Rayanne’s birthday too so look the fuck out. Someone on Twitter just said I look like Toni Collette bur more bitchin’. That’s hot.

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john butler is amazing

I was biking home on Monday night and stopped to the side of the road before crossing the street. I was feeling sad that day and then double sad I didn’t have a ticket to my favorite show.  My ringer was off but I reached for my phone to have a peek. Karrera was calling that exact minute and she had an extra ticket. I’ve seen John Butler in Toronto a few times since my first time in Sydney 2004. The crowd was so into this show and we all watched with amazement while sweating our asses off.  Good vibes in the air. It’s his solo tour and I was thinking I would miss his long dreds and the stand up bass. I didn’t, he over satisfied my need for good music.  I have so many videos and photos. The opening act was Nicky Bomba, also totally wicked and Australian. Karrera is moving to BC today.  She had just gotten back that day from seeing all kinds of bands for a week at Rothbury Fest. ZAAmazing stories about Grateful Dead and Willie Nelson.  I hadn’t seen Lisa Baker in ages, I miss her. We’ve all been friend since we were kiddios. Thought of her the day before when Now & Then came on before bed. Coincidence, no. Ocean is my favorite song. I made about 5 videos while he was playing, the song is long and beautiful. There’s some more videos here. If you’ve never heard of John Butler you should seriously go to Google right now and learn. He is amazing.

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michael jackson memorial day

Post was updated as the memortial was on ok… Starts in about an hour and a half. Watching live on CNN.   They expect the MJ Fan page to go over 7 million after today.  I wanted to get in on the live stream early. Heard rumors the memorial might break the internet! Ok, it’s started now. By the looks of Twitter, it’s the only thing happening in the world right now. Good one MJ.  Nice work. By the way Totally hilarious…

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the sweet taste of kerosene

I was connecting to the lyrics this morning and fighting a wave of sadness.  Coffee, double latte. The office was freezing as I took off my sweater to cover my legs under my desk.  ‘Be productive and you’ll get distracted’ I told myself.  I listened to my blip station, starting on the second page after the Michael Jackson. Wasn’t in the mood for him today, started with Pretty Young Thing but it didn’t work like it usually does. ‘Get on your bike and ride around at lunch’, I tell myself, ‘that always works’.  It did.  I ran into a friend who joined me for a sit and chat in the park before I headed out on a  Liberty Village tour. It was lovely. My hair‘s not pink anymore, it has a peach slice in it now. I got peanut butter cookie mix and Cheerios. I hate buying groceries. I never know what to get and I always think I don’t like anything, but I do. I love cooking but hate groceries. I like to make things up with whats around the house. Creative cooking.  Had a creative weekend, enjoying the flow that comes with a new sketchbook. Came up with a good idea at lunch today. Ran into Golly on my way back. We met last year and I wrote a cover story about him in an arts  & business magazine. He’s a positive soul, cheered me right up. I’m really looking forward to the TV lineup tonight.  It’s one of those days I’m glad I have cable. Just got a call to go with Karrera and L.B. to John Butler Trio. So excited, must be my lucky day. It was sold out and I was sad I had no ticket. Love you friends. You’re the best. in the dark of…

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my name is casie and i’m a twitaholic

Twits Mag Canada is an online magazine dedicated to all Canadians on Twitter and they just did a story on ME. You can read it here: Me and Twitter: Casie Stewart – The Twitaholic.  Don’t be shy to leave comments on their site or mine. Have a great day! “She blogs, she blogs and blogs and… she works full time. She’s busy, that’s what she says, but she’s still got a lot of energy and would be bored if she wasn’t doing stuff all the time.”

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hey there batman, haven’t seen you around

I have no attention span sometimes. At home on computer listening to TV and barely watching.  I get on the computer and am Tweeting away to people then I click on a link and get distracted. I see I got  email.  The movie was over 30 minutes ago. I’m thirsty and I get some water then reach for the fridge. I open the door and close it again before walking over to the balcony with my water.  Checks phone.  Emails and a missed phone call and a text from Twitter. Look at the TV, what show  is this?  Step outside. Go back to computer and remember what I was doing. I keep cleaning up this external drive so I can fit all the new photos on it. Got lots done…check Facebook  for a break. Clicks on a  link and reads something then reaches for the water glass and then the phone. A couple years ago Jenie and I decided to have a photoshoot at the Keg Mansion while we were there. Found these tonight. We were both darker and longer in the hair. I think I should grow my hair now that its so short. I love this Batman shirt, it’s thermal-like and really soft. I hope  she as it still.

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slept in past noon for the first time in ages

Omg it felt so good to wake up in the afternoon for once. I always get up early, morning person. Often spring out of bed and wake up smiling.  Today is a beautiful day. So much talk about MJ on the tv, going on now about how he was so in debt. Who lent him all those millions? Got flowers again last night cause Jeff won another medal.  There’s a heap of rocking bodies at the track meet. It makes sense but I just didn’t realize how many until I got there! The beaches are swim at your own risk, that’s too bad. Put my rainbow bikini on first thing when I got up. I’m heading out tonight for Pride. Pretty excited. I went to the Underground, I don’t like it there. So dirty and it made me feel like I’m in College. There was a live band and they played lots of stuff for sing along which made it fun. It’s the kind of place you should expect to get beer spilled on you. There’s bras of  good little tramps all over the ceiling, nice decor. I love the Pride commercials with the mayor and the police, so gay. Wanted to hang out with Sabrina last night and was standing there wishing she would walk in the door.  Few seconds after she walked in with little Michka and we were all excited. It was perfect. At Pride in 2005 on Dyke Match Saturday, same day as today. That was one of my fav years. We may actually have had the most fun ever that day. Outside time now. GO ENJOY THE DAY. It’s beautiful.

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