railroad, all the live long day

Woke up and cruised down to the urban umbrella beach to sit in the sun. Been working on stuff/tweeting all afternoon. I’m sending this via mobile cause for some lame reason WordPress is being a jackass and not performing according to my needs. Bitch better pick it up or else I’m moving platforms. Downloading the new version now and I hope that fixes it. Aside from that, day has been great. Lots of exciting things happening. Katy Perry’s new vid has been leaked, you seen it? Zomg I love her so much. Posted it on le Twitta. Enjoy the day! Its soo nice out, yahooo!

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AND…the mtv movie award for awesomism goes to ME!!

Look what I got! Omg omg! I’d like to thank my Mum, Dad & sister Jenie and all my Twitter followers on @casiestewart & @mtvcanada. I love you guys! You inspire me everyday to keep being myself and keep a positive attitude. Ok, ok, I didn’t really win a golden Popcorn Award but I WILL be tweeting the whole award show on SUNDAY at 9ET/6PT from @mtvcanada. It’s gonna be fun. I love tweeting shows, especially award shows and  I’m totes excited that it’s my J-O-B! Yahooo. See you Sunday on the interslice!

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a sexy little energy drink with rainbows & glitter

I met a bunch of awesome people this weekend that will be poppin’ to the bloggy to check’ er out. Wanna letcha  know can find me on FetLife as littlecasie, or Twitter and Facebook.  This blog is my daily diary about my life and I’ve got two other blogs of photos and pretty things on tumblr and tech related nonsense on posterous. Whoa, now there’s a mouthful. Don’t be shy to comment or lurk around a bit. ok. thx bai. love you xo

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shopping is more fun with a drink in your hand

Yesterday’s mini dress is one of my favorite purchases from Apt. 909. I’ve had it for a couple years and it was in the kiddie section! I matched with my very loved vintage cowboys I picked up at a little shop in Bondi, Australia. After work I attended the Notable TV RW & Co excluuuuuuseive opening party at the Eaton Centre. I rolled up with Carly, (Fairlie Agency) & Reggie (GotStyle Menswear). Carly and I both have fresh shaved heads, such a  great feeling and perfect for this hot hot heat. Thanks to Darren for mine! You know this handsome face – blogger & comic man Sean Ward. I always make it out to Notable TV events to support Julian and see/meet cool peeps. The party was catered by my MOST favorite Toronto catering company, The Food Dudes. They honestly make the best food out of any party I’ve been to (and that’s A LOT of parties!). I finally met Dejana Bajic (aka Shopsterium), we follow each other on the Twitter. She stopped me right away to snap a pic  and introduce herself. She got some good ones of the event you can check out on her bloggy. Enjoy the day, she’s a bloody hot one out there! 🙂

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What Women Want – SATC2 Contest Winner is …

Thanks everyone for entering the contest.  I’d love to be able to send you all, better yet, attend with you all! Cheryl, I hope you have a wonderful time. Sent you an email with the details. As for me, I’m packed & ready to ship to the dirty South for a little party action. Miami, watch out for me tonight! YEOW!

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united states of casie

Sometimes I feel like this too, heaps of blogs and twitter accounts, social profiles, multiple personalities. It ain’t easy but I can handle it. I’m crazy like that. I love this show. Toni Collette is beautiful and a totally wicked actress. The site has profiles all the characters she plays, I haven’t met them all yet, but I’m gonna. United States of Tara, good show. Part of why I love this show is John Corbett, I have been in love with him for many years. He melts my heart. I once dated someone he reminds  me of.  So handsome, both of them, heart melt sandwich. Heart melt sand wish. Heart melt. I posted his photo on tumblr, love.

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two babes are better than one

Abby and I have Degrassi a meeting this afternoon. My team is a gonna think we’re geeks, and well…they’re right! DEGRASSI FTW! You’re never too old to dress twinsies with your friends, ok. Fuck it, I’ll be like 100 partying in samesie outfits cutting up a rug on the dance floor with a bunch of girlies. You bet your ass we will. You’re only as old as you feel and today, I fee like a highschooler. tee hee I REALLY hope I win those T.Swift tickets for me & Jenie. I’m not religious but I  follow Jesus on twitter. OMG she will be soooooo happy. It’s a long weekend and I can do whatever I want cause I’ve got no set plans. Imma we bit hyper today! WOOOOOOOOOOOT! Happy Friday friends. I love you,  I really do xo ♥

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walking the streets with you & your worn-out jeans

I just entered a giveaway for tickets at work and they are for TAYLOR SWIFT this weekend.  If I win I am sooo taking my sister she loves Swifty. Pray to @jesus I get picked to go because I would be so happy that it would make you happy and we could all be happy and it would be amazing. You belong with me T.Swift, you belong with me.

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the trouble with jogging is that ice falls out of your glass

Been sleeping like a log since I got my new bed last weekend. It’s amazing what a difference it makes! Looking forward to the weekend,  she’s a long one and I’ve got nothing planned.  Might head East to the beaches to see Jenie for some sun lazing. I want to do nothing, I want to have no plans and just take each day as it comes. I’m definitely gonna pop down to the urban beach (big sand box by the lake) with my sketchbook. I’d like to sew a new bikini too. Need something really jazzy for Florida next week! Check out my mustache necklace (posted last night on tumblr) that my penpal Hillzy sent me for bday. I love her and gawd I’ve never even met her yet!! Rockin’ Mum’s old hot rod tshirt. This one if  from 1981, BEFORE I WAS BORN. I love wearing her old stuff. I’m so happy she kept so much of it. One of the reason i refuse to get rid of all my stuff is I KNOW that one day I’ll have a house big enough to manage my closet. Until then, it’s a bit of a tight squeeze! My typing has been very dyslexic lately. Frustrating when posting stuff for work,  lemme tell ya. That’s all for now. Enjoy the day. It’s beauty out there! xo Title is a quote by Martin Mull.

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i have a totally post-modern tattoo of a scalene triangle

Saw this on Carol Zara‘s FB. Baha. Hipsters, we’re all the same, uh, I mean YOU’RE all the same.

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