eye spy with my new litte eye

Good Morning Saturday!! It’s lovely out. I got a new camera yesterday, Cannon PowerShot SD1300 I 12.1 mpx + 2 year warranty. If you have been reading this blog for more than six months, you will know exactly why I need a warranty. If you are newer than that, search camera here and you will understand. Let me show you around a little, welcome to my house… My girls – Gwen, Love, Angel, Music, Baby. Smellin good. Mum’s fav passage by Billie Jean King “there are no shortcuts to achieving your dreams” thanks Mum. Love you. Gold angel for good luck and love. They are everywhere around my house and Mum’s house. Thanks Julie, rest in peace, I love you. Tiffany’s silver bracelet from a boy, white gold diamond ring from a different boy (both who now have kids and might be married? Oh memories.) The septum piercing I took out last month, vintage earings. The gold thing is from an award my Dad won for a hot rod he built in the 80’s. Love you too Dad! Me and frog magnet. A penis magnet. Morgan & I at George Strombo‘s party, Carly, Brock & I at the Diet Coke party all during TIFF last month. I love photo booths. I’m sure that does not surprise you. Sabrina is whiping up a quiche for brekky. She really is quite a darling. Makes a wicked quiche! Imma eat you SOON! This does not need explaining, I’ve shouted from the rooftops already. My girl Barbie, one of many around the house. She is special because she has a video camera in her chect (kinda jealous) and an LCD screen in her back (not jealous) for recording videos. Thanks Mattel! Her and I need to spend more time together. Perhaps we will take…

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hello, you fool, i love you, c’mon join the joyride!

It is SO BEAUTIFUL outside today. Can you believe it is ROctober and 19 dregees! Gah. It’s gonna be 21 tomorrow. This is gonna be an awesome weekend! I’m going to a clothing swap on Saturday. I’ve got a massive travel bag of clothes I pulled from my closet. If I’ve not worn it and it’s not vintage or seasonal, it’s GONE! The mass piles in my room are shameful. I feel to good to be giving them away, all the leftover clothes to to a charity organization. On Sunday I’m this week’s guest on the Social Media Show on Perpetual Radio with Karim Kanji. We’re gonna be talking about New Twitter, the Virgin Contest and a few other exciting things. On Monday I’m filming a video with My City Lives about my favourite park in the city. So many exciting things happening!! I love you Toronto! Tomorrow is the day Virgin America picks the Provocateur. I’ve been leading the whole competition and have more votes, youube views, FB friends, Twitter followers and blog readers then my competition. He’s a nice guy but I rekon I’m exactly what Virgin America & Richard Branson are looking for! Thank you all for being such good sports and rooting for me this whole time. It’s been going since JULY! I make a great Virgin Girl, eh? Hope you all have an awesome day. If you can, go outside and enjoy the sun. Nothing like that warm glow on your face!

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The top three contestants were asked to make a video for Virgin America during Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche this past weekend. Watch my art venture in HD on my youtube channel. Big thanks to Sean at 1188 Films for editing, my sister Jenie, Sabrina, Jeremy at Trend Hunter for filming. Music is Barbra Streisand by Duck Sauce. Hair and appearance by Darren Kwik.  Catch hottie Jesse Giddings from MuchMusic and Trevor Borris in there too. Big thanks to Bob Elsasser & everyone on the internet who voted me to top three. The contest is almost over, we’re on the home stretch (I know, it’s been forever!). Lets hope Virgin America makes the right choice and picks CASIE for Toronto Provocateur. HAPPY MONDAY 🙂 This Virgin vid is pretty rad too!

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riveting talks by remarkable people…like me.

Ok so I’m not speaking at TedxTO today but I have been chosen as part of the select group to attend. You can catch the LIVE STREAM here. Naturally, I’m dressed cute as a button in a vintage 1960’s dress from a small shop in St. Kevin’s Arcade on K-Road in Auckland. I’ll be blogging (hopefully) a bit during the day and letting you know what smart things I’m learning and listening to. I need to get that infinity tattoo redone asap. Pretty to see lots of friends there today who I’ve not seen in a while. Oh, guess what else I did this morning? I went to the gym and ran 2k. I’ve been thinking I should really get off my ass and be more active and I thought about it so much that it got me out of bed and all the way downstairs to the gym. I’m proud of myself. The last time I went, was about a year ago I reckon. Peace out for now peeps. Mama needs a coffee! See you on the internet. Follow my Tweets for pix & commentary of the day!

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Fashion | Internationally speaking your style language

I’ve got heaps of photos to round up from NZFW. Recognize this fine woman above? NY fashion queen Nicole Miller with Derek and I before a show. We all had a blast hanging out this week. The internationals really stuck together. We were also often the loudest. I met so many wickkkkkked people. Got heaps of following up to do. Look out world here I come. Shirt in the below pix is from Marks. The lovely Hannah McArdle: NZ fashion rockstar Isaac: My assistant for the week was Venus Tong, she upload a whole bunch of pix to her site PARTY OF WOLVES. Check out the rest on her site here. TTYL xo

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the fruit, maturing in autumn, is green

new fav drink – Feijoa wine. i got a dress like this  red one yesterday from a wee vintage shop that isn’t online and doesn’t have a twitter. would be fun if they did. everything was really cute and well priced. i feel closer to NZ thanever. growing up oit always seemed so far away but now, the world is so small thanks to internet and how we communicate. we are  all connected, i’m a citizen of the world yo. it’s kinda chilly today and i’m wearing a long really weater from mark’s.  like this tune below by NZ artists ‘naked & famous’. have a wonderful day. i’m seeing my cousin & auntie this afternoon! yahoooooooooooo! xo CASIE

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lemme just sit now and have a cuppa tea

dailybooth.com/casiestewart didn’t tweet much yesterday. was having trouble getting on that downtown wifi when i was shopping around k road + ponsonby. like it here. so beauty. got a milky bar today, heaven in my mouth when that baby melts. there are these salsa doritos here that are so good. i am munching the whole bag right now. dailybooth.com/casiestewart yesterday on twitter this happened: hello moon – vice nz cover http://dailybooth.com/u/53r8m # thank you so much to the #nzfw crew. i have had the best time this week. hope to be back next year. lots more fun to post on le blog too 😉 # today i am cruising around auckland with a friend and might get new tattoo. # miss you peeps at home. luckily #tedxto is my first day back in canada 🙂 # eating fish & chips in my room before the HUFFER show. so freaking tasty, the F&C 🙂 i <3 #nzfw # check out this collection: http://hailwood.co.nz – Adrian Hailwood gave me some goodies & i’ll be wearing tonight! #nzfw #

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i belong to the stolen generation.

the show last night was hot. it was in a theatre, the place was packed. stylish people lined the streets in the cold. i was watching on twitter to see when they were getting started, late of course. got the driver to drop us at the door and we breezed through the  crowd. sat front row, middle beside lovelies from fashion around the world. the show was more than just fashion, it was a production. the best models from the week were in it. the clothes were my fav, it was very sexy, i got a rose from the bridal bouquet at the end. lucky me 🙂 hung out with kms on ponsonby road after the stolen girlfriend’s club after party. that party was like a night out queen street west in TO, heaps of hot hipsers. good times. having the best time this week. extremely tired though. need a rest. ok bye xo

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nicole miller at nzfw = hot

Sat with Isaac for Nicole’s show today. Loved the leather shoulders & cut outs. Krista walked and was fierce obvs. Sexy shoes in this show. Hot babe with Isaac is Laura Allard-Fleischl. 

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nzfw – day one

update 1: lovely sleep in my monster sized bed last night. caught derek on a  new zealand breakfast show then headed with him and his handler to the venue. me venus at the media breakfast onsite. tasty brekky snacks and coffee. nails done by magic tan & beauty, hair done by ghd, makeup mac. wearing andy hall blazer, vintage skirt, nella bella bag. oh hai ghd hair + mac makeup lounge venus getting hair did saw juliette hogan show this morning and now running to sera lilly. having the best time. love you xo

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