if we’re doing high school again, this time i’m the teacher.

Something happened at school yesterday Mum. One of the kids posted a list of all the ‘popular’ kids and everyone started talking. Like, enough talking to make some noise.   Zach named the “Top 150 Toronto Twitter Influencers” based on Klout ranking. Here’s the top 20. Last Summer Klout published the Toronto Top 10 Influencers. The reactions reminded me of being back at PHS, I’m pretty sure a list like this was passed around there once or twice. If you’re not familiar with Klout (duh?), Klout is the Standard of Influence Online and ranks people based on their social interactions and conversations (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn). This is what the new Klout Dashboard looks like: Zach is known to stir controversy & likes to get people talking. Prime example, this tweet.  He’s also the one behind recent Canada’s Sexiest Election Candidate poll. There’s heaps of comments & reactions on his #TOTop150 post. I reckon Klout appreciates the attention, I’ve seen them get lots of it over the last year. Remember last summer when a bunch of us got free flights? That was fun. How we interact with each other on the Internet is new to everyone. I love developments in social tracking, analytics & metrics such as this. Klout has established themselves as the online standard but I reckon clout with a ‘C’ is more important in the world. Hey, there’s no ranking scale for that one, baby. Fashion people don’t care about Klout scores, some people do. Then this happened… (Up to 1,666 views at 3:33am) Uh, ohhhhhh. While this was happening I was lazing around not Tweeting. Had a real nice afternoon. Took photos of pretty flowers & coloured with rainbow Pepsi markers. Picked up my fav ever cacao quinoa cereal from Kensington. Watched Netflix. Took a nap.

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spending time with people you really like is awesome

The other night I was at Bedford Academy for dinner & drinks with some of my fav friends to celebrate Renee‘s visit from SF. Haven’t seen Renee since she moved and it was so nice to see her in IRL. WE MISS YOU RENEE! ♥ We felt it was a good idea for her to make a speech. It went something like this… Tried to take some pano shots of the crew but I’ve not mastered shooting people this way. I’m learrrrrrning still. Most of us in this group met early 2009 through events like Twestival, GenYTO, CanLit and patio Tweetups. It’s amazing to see how everyone has evolved over the last few years. We’re a passionate group of young people working with new technology in mobile, social and web.  When we started GenYTO this was our mission, to unite the “wired, creative and ambitious young people in the in the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech community.” This is me on My City Lives around this time last year talking about how my friends in the Toronto tech community have inspired me.   You might recognize a few of these awesome people 😉 I reckon it’s time to plan GenYTO Summer 2011. Ideas welcome. LMK.

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first boat ride of the summer!

Well helloooooooooooo dah’ling, welcome. This is the boat I went on, Capt. Matthew Flinders. He’s Australian & kinda special. Captain Matthew Flinders RN (16 March 1774 – 19 July 1814) was one of the most successful navigators and cartographers of his age. In a career that spanned just over twenty years, he sailed with Captain William Bligh, circumnavigated Australia and encouraged the use of that name for the continent, which had previously been known as New Holland. [wiki] I’M KING QUEEN OF THE WORLD CITY. I kid I kid, this will never stop being funny to me. I don’t even give a care what you think about it either. Ahoy, matey! Eat her dress, do it. So pretty in the sunshine she was. Who thinks we should have a party here? Say ‘ai ai’ & raise yo hand. Gamble? Mariposa Cruises went all out for this mixer. Loved it. Didn’t have any of these. This yes. And a whole lotta this. Then we met Mysterion. I wrote down a word on this paper and he had his eyes closed then HE GUESSED IT. I know, awesome & Casie go together but he didn’t even KNOW ME. Then we had round two and I drew cherries, folded it up and put it in his hand and HE DREW THE SAME THING. Fahhhh, this guy is good man. Keri drew a server and he drew a set of drawers (obvs he didn’t think of server) but STILL. Holy kaw. Our city is so beautiful. View from the water/island is dreamy. Mr. Mariposa, Jason Lambert. New BFF! HI JASON! Hey Bloggeratti! Social(ites). Few beers deep by this time. Then I are some meat. With my hands. BARBARIAN. You bet your ass I filled my purse w/ candy. Jason encouraged me, he didn’t know…

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getcha swag on baby

Oh hai, Princess Casie here with a beer. Somebody likes to have f-u-n. Yep, these are my friends. They are great. You guys remember Rightsleeve? Done a bunch of things with them over the last year. Hawaii & I, proud parents of Triangle & Eviana. If this makes no sense to you, you haven’t been paying attention to the baby saga. Thanks for a fun time Rightsleeve. You know I love ya. BTW, I also love these! So rad.

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he screwed this fork in her hand with his mind. srsly.

Hope you enjoy my audio on this 😉 Happy Friday! I heard that he has always had this ability, like since he was a kid. I dunno, this kinda magic freaks me out but I think it’s cool. I’m way more into magic that tarot cards or fortune tellers. You will NOT see me attending any of those sessions.  I had an astrology reading at Kabbalah from Tamar this lovely lady from Israel once, it was expensive & informative. That was enough for me. I know my destiny & where I’m going. I know what I gotta focus on to get there too. Magic man is Mysterion the Mindreader. He must be cool, we have like 70+ common friends on FB. haha! I tried to trick him into reading my mind over Facebook. It wasn’t successful. Moohaha, you can’t read my mind through the Internet Mysterion!!

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Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference 2011 at University of Toronto

This weekend I hosted CUTC 2011 at U of T w/ Keri. It is Canada’s largest tech conference for Uni students in Canada. I was proud to  join the awesome list of speakers in attendance. They made this name tag for me. Thanks guys 😉 Keynote speakers included Matt Flannery (Co-founder and CEO of Kiva) , Alexis Ohanian (Co-founder of reddit.com & Founder of Breadpig), and Ariel Garten (CEO of InteraXon). This room filled up fast with about 500 students! [waves hi to the crowd] My City Lives were in part of the technology fair during lunch break. I was happy to introduce two of my fav people, Adil & Keri. Reckon I like being a speaker more than a host and look forward to more speaking engagements this year. So far I’ve spoken at U of  T to Communication Culture & Information Tech students (CCIT), Centennial College to PR students (CCPR), Fashion Connect TO and been involved with some rad events.  Couple more conferences on the horizon before the year is done!  If you think I would be informative/fun to have speak at your event, school, office or conference email [email protected]. This is cue for speaker on stage to wrap it up. Felt rude holding this! haha. Beautiful out there today! Enjoy it.

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a live comedic art form

The other day I went w/ Raymi to the Yuk Yuk’s for the Great Canadian Laugh Off. I’d never been there before. Crazy eh, considering how funny I am much I like to laugh. VIP style, obviously. It was a good a show. The winner, Mark Debonis won $25k. Way to go funny guy. There were some sweet judges like Michael Cox (Talent Executive at Chelsea Lately) & Ashley Olivia (Talent Coordinator for Conan O’Brien). Hi Chelsea! Thanks to Peter Lawrent for inviting us. I’d gladly come back! Hopefully next time I go back it’s to see my girl,  Lauren O’Nizzle. She recently did her first stand up at The Rivoli. Next time she does it I will find out ahead of time so we can all go and heckle her cheer her on. Blondetourage FTW! Here’s to some good lunch time laughs. Enjoy! 🙂

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Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference – HI!

Today I’m at U of T with Keri hosting CUTC (The Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference). In a nutshell, CUTC is “passionate young students gathering to discuss and learn about the newest and coolest ways the world is changing”. Check out the speakers here (Reddit guy, Kiva founder etc.). We’re in for lots of red shirts and heaps of students. Beauty day out there though! If you’re in the audience reading this – HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CUTC is Canada’s largest, longest-running student-organized technology conference. 2011 will be its 12th year. CUTC brings together hundreds of the country’s brightest students for two days in the heart of downtown Toronto, and gives them a chance to interact with technology in ways that school can’t. This includes incredible keynote speakers, intimate breakout sessions, and a wide variety of activities and competitions bringing together students and tech. CUTC 2011 is about sharing the stories behind changes in technology, about answering the “how” and “why” more than just the “what”.

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Care about what you share about.

A My City Lives tweet inspired me yesterday morning. I was thinking about the things I share and the things others share and how much I care about what I share. This week I’ve been thingking heaps about creativity, creative thinking and large of a role it plays in my life. Had a nice chat with Mum and she said “You either have creativity or you don’t, you can’t learn it“. She reminded me I was very creative as a child in everything I did. I always liked to create my own way to do things from getting dressed to assignments in school. This one time I had to make a new paper mache bowl for my teacher art Mrs. Mack. We had an assignment to make a bowl in class and while everyone was making them, I decided to use magazine, cover it it text, laquer it up and add colorful photos. I might have painted in it too. I can’t rememeber. Anyhow, Mum came to the auction event at school to buy my bowl and my bloody teacher had hid the damn thing.  We asked the teacher as my Mum was about to throw a snap and she went and grabbed it FROM THE CLASSROOM. Mum was livid. You don’t wanna piss off Mum. Trust me. Mum made a deal that I would make a new bowl for the teacher and she handed over $5 and bought my artwork. I had forgot about this happening until Mum reminded me this week. She said “Remember how fast you made that bowl for your teacher, Casie?“. I don’t remember that well but I do remember it was really fast. I used to sit at the Kitchen table and write poems in batches. The more creativity I share, the more I…

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Went to see Morgan C. Ross play at Ballroom Bowl last night. You know Morgan is on the MuchMusic top 20 right now? Truth. SO META: Casie Stewart in Casie Stewart, Galen (Tiny Danza) in Tiny Danza. Y’know how we do. haha. Hinto made this shirt for me in 2009 for the very first Twestival. Coincidentally TODAY is my Twitter 3rd ANNIVERSARY. Gifts for 3rd anniv are leather in case you were wondering. Then I saw some Tweeps on the street. Hey guys! Then I ran into Stephen from HOT-Lanta. We met Tuesday at FITC. I was teaching him how to do gang signs. Ghetto fabulous. BLOG GANG LEADER. L-Tribe. Then I put glitter everywhere. Glitter graffiti. Remember I did sames last week @ Yuk Yuks. Funny 🙂

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