Behind the Red Carpet #TIFF13 #film

Hi from my most fav park int he city, Trinity Bellwoods! Also wearing my most fav summer sunflower dress from American Apparel paired with these Jeffrey Campbell kicks from Nasty Gal. Today we wrapped the last shoot day for ‘Behind the Red Carpet’ a TIFF 2013 documentary. Pretty excited about this one. There are a couple A-List stars in it as well as a few notable Toronto people involved with the Toronto International Film Festival. I’ll share the trailer as soon as they cut it! I love being on camera. Biked to work today and found a brand new rack to lock it up. She’s lovely my lil’ bike. So jazzed about this warm September weather. Huzzah! Hope you are enjoying the day! <3 CASIE Buy Fluoxetine online Buy Levitra Professional online Buy Topamax Online Buy Wellbutrin Online

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HTC One Guest Post by Vanessa Grillone

What do you value in life or in a job? What do you want for your future? What are your goals? I’ve been trying to answer these questions as clearly as I possibly can without being influenced by others. I’m finding it tougher to be authentic in my twenties, than I did when I was younger. Your mid-twenties come with a lot of second-guessing, a lot of doubt, and many many questions. With the constant use of social media comes the pressure to conform, which is why I follow blogs that feel authentic. Blogs that aren’t solely about every single product said blogger uses. Seeing them hang their individuality proudly makes me want to be authentic, online and in person and every other way possible. That’s a huge factor in my love for You can tell that Casie doesn’t blog for the sake of blogging, she writes about things she likes and ALWAYS aims to inspire her readers to have a better day, to have a more positive outlook on life, and to LOVE their lives. She has a style all her own and an authenticity about her that shines through the screen. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to be writing on THIS IS MY LIFE. This blog has inspired me in so many ways and has lifted my spirits on even my worst mornings. I’ve been lucky enough to meet Casie and was thrilled to see that her online personality is one in the same with the woman that stood before me. I always find it interesting to attend events, meeting your Internet friends in person is quite a nerve-wracking experience. Am I the same person that they interact with online? I get a little anxious when they ask what I’m into, what I’m doing…

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September Spec Styles

If you’ve been following my adventures this summer, or longer, you’ve noticed my vast collection of sunnies and spectacles. I love glasses. They’re fashion for your face. Over the past couple years written about glasses form, see them all here. The prices are good and they ship super fast (2 days avg). Spec! My most recent selection are this tortoise shell pair by Derek Cardigan with polarized lenses. I recorded an interview with him about a year ago, check it out here. Sunglasses are a great way to transition between seasons. Whether you’re looking to shield your face from the sun (or cameras, helloo TIFF!) or just jazz things up a little, you can get all the hottest styles from Clearly Contacts. CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. WINNER ANNOUNCED TUESDAY.

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2013 Chevy Camaro Convertable in California

We had so much fun cruising around in the 2013 Chevy Camaro Convertable in California. We randomly decided to get a rental once we got to the hotel and I’m so GLAD they had this. It was $25 more per day than a compact car  from Hertz and so totally worth it! You deff need a car in LA. I can’t imagine being on vacation or living there without a car. I loved hitting the open road and driving to the beach, top down of course. I loved Venice Beach the most. It reminded me so much of where I lived in Bondi Beach in Australia. Did you know that the real Abbot Kinney was a tobacco millionaire who founded it in 1905? Oh the things you learn on Wikipedia.  

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Visit Greece at Trinity Taverna in the Beaches

Yesterday I travelled to Greece for lunch! Ok, well kinda. It was my first time at Trinity Traverna in the beaches and I went with w/ bunch of colleagues as a celebration. We sat down for a delicious, relaxing, lunch in the sun on their patio. Oh god, I love summer. Was quite impressed with how beautiful it is in there. It actually feels like you’re on vacation. Next time I am ordering one of these whole fish. These shrimp were so delicious! I really want to go to Greece though, actually. Hope day is off to a great start! LONG WEEKEND I FEEL YOU! <3 CASIE buy amoxicillin online buy amoxil online buy ampicillin online Buy celebrex online

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Over the Rainbow & Over The Moon!

Oh hey, today I am wearing a Canadian tuxedo (summer style)!  Tonight I’m heading to Over the Rainbow in Yorkville for a denim fitting.  I’m also styling two mannequins for their September back to School COOL windows as a ‘Rainbow Insider’ style influencer.  I’ll be posting a contest over the next week for a $100 gift certificate for the store and you can meet me at the Back to School event on Thursday, August 29th to pick it up. In other news, I’ve been selected by Toronto International Film Festival as 1 of 50 the city to partner with them for the festival in next month in two weeks. I’ll be first with the scoop on all things TIFF. So, in other words, stay tuned right here for constant updates on all things awesome. Invites are starting to roll out for lounges, events, and after parties.  Doing a little  press for the documentary I am in the premieres September 14th too. SO EXCITING EVERYTHING, OMG. My TIFF festival experiences from the last few years here. Took this panoramic on my way to work and check how long the streetcar is. I call this “Never-ending TTC”. Little grassy patches have popped up on around the trees on Queen Street. I like this. Adds  character to the little guys. Tonight after my shoot and styling at Over the Rainbow I’m zipping to the Thompson Roof for a Molson event then home to pack. We are off to LA at 10:30am tomorrow. No work, all fun in the sun with my BF and best friends. I am dyyyyying of excitement. Make sure you are following me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. I will be updating them ALL with Disney everything for the next six days. Hollah!!!! <3 CASIE  

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