yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I seriously have the coolest Mum. Watched a vid of her in Bahamas on the houseboat. Despite her wishes, I will youtube 🙂 # i wouldn't kick @mrssharonnewman out of my barn either. #yandr # messaging about live events is THE FUTURE. no matter what media. twitter is just a vehicle for a message. # BBM, EMAIL PHONE, MSN ustream, tweet me RT Canada bans election-night tweeting on pain of $25K fine via @BoingBoing # #nowplaying @annacyzon 'Reputation' from @textualitymovie # have a date w/ @jeniestewart tonight. be jeals! 🙂 # looking forward to working tomorrow when most of you have the day off! i get to catch up 🙂 #joblove #bloglove # yahooooooooooooooo! bike tuneup & blog post coming soon. gonna be back on the road in no time! # inspired by @textualitymovie to make him a mixtape 🙂 <3 # JOB: P/T (Fri and Sun) Asst. photo editor at The Globe Position # i'm still in the top 5 biz stocks on @empireave, get'em while they're hot! #CASIE # via @fashionights: # y'know what i'm doing Sunday for Easter? spa date! # Drag queens & sock monkeys? # YO @shawnhawaii MUST be in the Top 10 by tomorrow. He is 11, take ONE SEC to vote for him! # Can you guess how much this D&G print t-shirt is at Harry Rosen? # Peeps – If you visited York, Durham, Markham, Ajax, or anywhere around there, here's easy $100 for you > # Asked a question on FB, would love your answers! # good date movie, good girl movie, highly relevant: #textuality #blog # late on the blogging today, duty calling. # lights & music on my mind # who can cover something for me in NY Ap.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

the #yandr is very weirdy right now. # amazing “@philmoreira: @casiestewart how does a cheerleader sound?” # what are you doing? # wah, why so chilly out today! brrrrrrrrr. # finally seeing the new @twitter homepage! # looking forward to seeing friends @harryroseninc this evening – looking at you @crystalgibson Canadian jeweller rols out regal designs > my client @shellypurdy in 24HRs today! # New contest alert: Free clothes for YOU! # my name is Kate and I love contests #blog # YPG for a PYT (@ Sense Appeal w/ @modernmod) # inside jobs: the globe & mail + the motion room, raymi the minx & me #blog # who loves having an assistant? [throws glitter up & spins around] meeeeeeeeeeeeee! # inside jobs: @globeandmail + @themotionroom @raymitheminx & me #blog # can someone help me get the html for this video? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I want them all! RT @mashable: Travel Tech: 10 Must-Pack Gadgets for Geeks on the Go – # Quick question… # You can't delete tweets on iPad Twitter eh? # Tambourine is my specialty. # Lookin' good @morgan_c_ross! #cmw (@ The Supermarket w/ @jarvisemerald) # Coloring Disney Princess #android # thanks @brentwinsor, I used to have red ones too. I'm due for a new pair. I wish someone from Hunter would send me the newest lookbook 🙂 # look out cable tv, Internet takeover. “@GuyKawasaki: Glued to the tube [infographic]” # i love the sound of ping pong balls dropping. # Whoa, just saw on CP24 that #japanquake was 8,000 times more powerful than #NZeq recently. # Jerk chicked sandwich, rice/peas oxtail gravy, patty. #soulfood (@ Ackee Tree) # This tunnell is not necessary, the ferry = fun! RT @CBCToronto: $50M airport tunnel will save 4 minutes: study # This RT @lolaaugustine: Dear hotels of the world: Internet use should be free. That is all. # Bloggers without borders. # Missing Steamwhistle party this year. # Planning for #japanquakeTO fundraiser. Lmk if interested in donations/involvement! # omg Marky Mark in Date Night, jesus. So hot. # by about 1.6 microseconds “@CTVWebEditors: Quake shifted island, sped up Earth's rotation” # I feel so bad for anyone who gets hit with natural disaster, so destructive, no one to blame and affects so many. Intense. Be thankful 🙂 # I love cleaning room, just found this motivation from itunes! 🙂 # “@joannagoddard: this is genius: RT @erinloechner RT @juliapott” # Oooh it is very snowy out there! # Whoa RT @TAYLORJONEZ: USA on..9-11-01.. and now Japan..on 3-10-11. Add the 2 dates together and you get 12-21-12. Weird? # RT @LiamLahey: Worst kept…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Laptop, iPad, three androids: my five wireless devices on the couch 🙂 # I have a crush on u but cant say who i am lol.. u have to guess.. go to… — i hate guessing games. # How often do you host #GenYTO events? and what does G… — Once every two or three months. It stands for Generati… # If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, whi… — Terrace End Fish & Chips in Palmerston, New Zealand # Photo: haha # heck yes! this is so you @shawnhawaii – BMW #ultimateblogger #vote #awesome # Photo: @laurenonizzle fo you. meow. # Photo: rrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa # Photo: for the bloggers and the wannabes # Photo: yes. # Got roses 🙂 #valentine # Photo: I love this. # Love this beer. # This ones for you @keriblog @itsbrownbarbie. Love you!! # Makes a good rose holder. #vodka #pretty # ooh, installed the @klout extension for Chrome, see your scores in my @twitter feed now. # #jeopardy # this is rad. 'who is me' @downwithwebster video w/ kids in #India posted on @ZLISTcom via @carlyannedotcom # Photo: street style blogging. # the wind whipping past our windows is wild. #blog # Photo: › “Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good.” Clueless (1995) # Photo: Learning to fly (by F1X+2) # Photo: rachel bilson = hottie hot hot. nedhepburn: I just looked at my own blog and half of it looks like… # Photo: Invertebrate. # Photo: pretty deep dude # Photo: digital lifestyle via joncrowley # # at a computer store w/ @keriblog #TGIF # tell me…

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these things shoot out from in my head, my ideas run like flow

True to my goal, I’ve been going through my old hard drives and digging up heaps of files containing essays, poerty, prose and more. Makes me feel really excited. I love writing and I’m doing more, well, more than just ‘blogging’ which has kinda taken over my time. I’ve been telling myself I want to publish another book for way too long now and I am derermined to do it. That’s why I’m telling YOU. You can be part of it by asking, reminding me, making me think about it. It’s going to be a second anthology of poetry, prose & short stories. All pieces I’ve wrtten from the last 10 years. There will be some photos and it will be nice looking. My goal is to do it because I don’t want life to pass by with all this written work locked in digtal form within a metal box. I want to have them bound together in my hand. It would be a shame if they never got to feel your eyes and touch your heart, they like the attention. The title of this post is this one: I don’t know, I don’t know? My ideas run like flow! Why these things come out my head? These things for long have been dead. The water ran so quickly then, And to life they come once again!

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OMG. best boyfriend EVER!

Oh Ken, You shouldn’t have! “I can’t stop thinking about you. … Every girl wants to be like you because of your adventurous spirit. “ “No other doll can hold a candle to your fashion sense, and I can’t think of anyone else I prefer to stand beside.” “This October I was on the lookout for you at Toronto Fashion Week with my Kentourage, but you were nowhere to be found. “ “I’ll do whatever it takes to win you back.” I won’t give up until you give me another chance. Barbie, we may be plastic but our love is real.” Rose is real too! Here’s the best part… I was tickled pink when I got this package today. Still smiling. It’s so creative and fun. Love, love, love it. I bet it was so fun putting this together! I’m a big fan of Barbie (as you know) and I’m also a huge fan of what is what Mattel is doing with Barbie & Ken online. @barbiestyle & @officialken are active on Twitter and they both have Facebook and Foursquare here & here. I googled “Kentourage” and found out that Ken is REALLY asking Barbie to get back together. There’s an event coming up Feb. 8th at the Eaton Centre and has this on it: There’s also a show on Hulu hosted by Whitney Port called Genuine Ken that I didn’t know about either. I like the idea of them togetether, Sweet Talkin’ Ken & Barbie Video Girl. I hope I find my very own Ken. Maybe he will be the is the highest bidder in the auction on Feb. 10th. Thank you Amanda for sending. You made my day 🙂

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