it all started out to keep memories anyways

I started this blog in 2006 so that I could remember more stuff. I found I was always forgetting and a couple friends started to get annoyed, as did I. Now, I love this blog, I love it everyday. I look back in time and be reminded of people, places, things, and thoughts; stories from Mum, travel,  movies I saw, genius ideas, stuff about style. I’m proud of a couple girls I know who’ve been inspired to start their own blogs. Keep it up ladies, mama loves you!! They are: Cara’s Wild on Rice, Irie’s The Shnitz, & Katie’s Tales ans Snippets. I finally cleaned my room and unpacked most of my stuff last night. It was great waking up to a floor I could spin around on without falling into a bunch of boxes. I hope you all have a really great day.

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i got a penpal sanasaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Something made is just the best. When someone makes you a card and you get it, it’s like, totally amazing.  Jenie painted me a watercolor card at Christmas. It was beautiful. This is very exciting to me…meet @hillzy, my first penpal since I was a kid. She sent a survey: The Casie Stewart-vey ♥ V.1.0 CS 2009 Here’s just a few of my answers: Q1) Favorite colour: green Q4) I firmly believe: 1) you can achieve if you believe 2) in love 3) it doesn’t hurt to be easy on the eyes Q5) If  I could pack up and leave Toronto, I would go: back to Bondi Beach, Australia Q9) Things I must have in my handbag: 1) smartphone 2) pen/pencil/sharpie 3) sunnies Q10) My favorite part of the day is: when the sun shines through the clouds I got out the art box and there’s lots of goodies in there and I’m gonna send something back now. Something that nobody, nobody ON OR OFF the internet has…something I made. Art. * Side note: Hey Mum, who was my last penpal, was her name Darlene?

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wild things: i rememeber it different

I guess we all do. The book’s not many pages, some with only pictures of wild things and a rumpus. What’s is a rumpus really? We all remember the book and love it. Loved it. My mum hated it at first, not feeding the child his dinner and then the monsters. Saw Where the Wild Things Are in IMAX last night. Cruised Chapters before the movie and read the soft cover  to refresh my mind. In my memory it was a wild adventure of excitement, travel  and friendship. After twenty years, I only  remembered a feeling and not much of the storyline. The book is surprisingly short. It was better in my mind. It  it always is. I’m glad I saw it.  We didn’t stay for the whole thing. I know Max gets his dinner at the end. The voices were good, especially Kevin’s mom from Home Alone, Forest Whitaker and Chris Cooper (the weird kids Dad from American Beauty).  The wild thing kid is the is actually named Max in real life. Go see it and be gentle with criticism, it will always be better in your memory. I’m really glad it’s in a movie now and would like to own a copy. The IMAX speaker & sound intro was really fun for me., it was my first time. Keep calm and carry on wild things… Go on follow my blog with bloglovin

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gone with the windows

Nuit Blanche made me really, really miss my camera.  I can’t go on without one any LONGER! This photo is from Torontoist and by fellow top TO blogger,  Andrew Louis. Queen & Spadina was a busy, busy place at 3am when we all came back to my house. Almost everyone we went out with last year was away and the night was much less artistic in their absence. My new room is my favorite place to be right now.  There’s scattered unpacked boxes, electronic equipment and clothes. I’m watching a movie called Leaving Normal from 1992 and having a wonderful Sunday night. I purged a bunch of clothes and have a huge bag of good stuff for Mum to give to these teenage girls she knows my size. I’m snacking on plain puffed wheat Kashi and drinking hot water with fresh cut ginger. The challenge is to remember to drink it before it gets cold. I had a bath too. My oldbathroom had a stand up shower and I feel like I’ve graduated to absolute bliss! I’ve got lots to share this week. So much I had to plan it out, the blog beat’s picking up tempo…

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giving feels so good

In my house growing up, we weren’t religious. I remember be nice, share, give, say thanks.  Mum and Dad raised us to be good kids. This week was Pay it Backward Day and I did good with hundreds of others across Ontario. I’m waiting to find out the final count of just how many wonderful people participated. The Queen and John location alone had over 1,000! I got a heads up from a friend about an Ontario Tourist Attractions photo contest on Lenzr sponsored by Kanetix insurance and mortgage quotes. You send in a photo of anything in Ontario you think tourists should see. (Me?) The winner gets a $200 American Express gift card and second prize gets $100. Uh, that’s awesome. Who doesn’t love cash? This big unit is one of my favorite attractions. The lights dance every hour on the hour through the night and it’s just beautiful. Go to  Lenzr to enter.

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you know what I love?

the internet. friends. coffee. when the sun shines through the clouds. opportunity. working towards goals. self confidence. vintage anything. smiling at strangers. dancing in the rain. my laptop. floating on water. painting and drawing. toronto. halloween. writing rhymes. fresh grass cutting. remembering my childhood. self portraits. the smell of second hand book shops. my phone. bondi beach. reading in the afternoon. naps. my blog and remembering. photography. mum, dad and sister. helping others. cut and paste. dancing. my name. riding bike. twitter. beards. valentines & cinnamon hearts. extra pulp OJ. flying. snail mail. hippies. Much & MTV. daydreaming. blonde hair. random acts of kindness. selah sue. Lawn care companies California (they cut my lawn every month – they do an ace job) fresh cut grass. to name a few… and I love this too: Hey @casiestewart on in response to today’s Good Morning video. * my sister is the blonde to the left on the SNAP Magazine 🙂

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