break. it down. give thanks. rest. love it. smile.

“Be careful what you wish for” Mum said to me today as I was chatting her about what I’m up to. She called via Skype from the boat on the East Coast of Canada. Been a couple days since we last taked. Before she went on her sailing trip we used to chat almost daily. I would fill her on on what I’m up to. She inspires me, always has. I miss her.  Everything I’m doing r I always wanteight now… the parties, the makeup the hair the clothes. It’s all new to me.  I always wanted to be doing this stuff. Mum says luck is where preperation meets opportunity. I feel grateful. I’ve worked my ass off the last few years. I arrived in Toronto five years ago post uni in Australia. Back then, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. I just did it. I believed in myself and I worked hard at whatever it was I was doing. When I was younger I used to say I wanted to be really well known for being good at something, I wasn’t sure what it was yet.  Maybe I still don’t? Either way, I have always been determined. When I really want to do something there is little to no stopping me. Mum will for SURE tell you that. I want to interview her one day so you can meet her.  She’s not been able to read my blog much from the boat, she usually reads it daily to see what I’m up to. She said it makes her happy. It makes me happy too. I love looking back on what I was doing previous years, same time.  Makes me dream big about what I might be doing next year. Quite looking forward to the long  flight…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#tiff10 (@ LCBO) # The cutest thing @brockmclaughlin # Branding in full force. # At the Drake w/ the best crew @brockmclaughlin @carlyannedotcom @kaponeoh @downwithwebster @matthewstylist @bucky_buck @randallchannel #tiff in reply to brockmclaughlin # Thanks for the brew @thedrakehotel Stella! # Party started! #tiff10 w/ @brockmclaughlin @carlyannedotcom woot #

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stop fighting. i do not want you to fight at this show…

do you think i’m sexy?

Isn’t this a scary thought…four of ME! I was at the penthouse of the SOHO Met yesterday afternoon. Madonna stays there. It’s the sweetest pad I’ve seen in the city ever. Three floors w/ elevator, bar, library and private roof balcony lounge. Yes please. I’m not a fighter. If you know me or almost know me you know that I’m not voilent, I like kindness. I like sharing and I like caring. Yes, I also love rainbows and unicorns too ok. Recently Lady Gaga stopped a show because some girls were fighting. Check it out: SHANA TOVA! Today is the first day of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. I’ve gotten a bunch of people finding my site looking for ‘rosh hashana’ stationary & cards etc. I used to study Kabbalah for a bunch of years and celebrated the high holidays. I really loved the spirituality and things I learned. I’m not religious, I believe in the power of positivity, the universe, energy and I like the magic when the sun shines through the clouds.  I have a tattoo in Hebrew that of a chai or hai (life) and a heart beside it on my right wrist. You read Hebrew R-L and it says ‘love life’. My friend Morgan shared this Anti-racism PSA that was released yesterday and created by his friend Karen Bliss created. It’s called The Girl With Pinhead Parents and has a bunch of Canadian cool kids including Nelly Furtado, Jully Black, Skye Sweetnam, LIGHTS, Chris Bosh, Jian Ghomeshi. The theme song is Matisyahu’s “One Day.” “One day this all will change,” he sings. “Treat people the same / Stop with the violence / Down with the hate.” I’m happy to share it with you. Mum set me this post card from PEI the other day. They…

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Jeans Publishing: Did you know I wrote a book when I was a teenager?

I was a young entrepreneur. When I was 13, in grade 8, before I had internet, I started a publishing campany called Jeans Publishing with my friend Holly and the help of our Mums. We got funding to start our business and began taking on the DIY (do it yourself) circuit around Ontario attending conferences and seimnars on evenings and weekends.  We often set up a booth to talk about what we were doing and where we wanted to go. We though it was important for young people to have their work published, we were tired of people not taking us seriously just because we were youth. So, we did it ourselves. We started a quarterly newsletter called Jeans Material where we published young peoples work and sent it out to out to over 100 subscribers across Canada. Each subscriber paid $5 for a one year subscription and we printed them all ourselves. We were official with our ISSN which allowed the identification of our serial publication. We wrote an anthology of poetry and prose called JEANS and in 1996 I became a Published Canadian Author. Our book launch was at the Preston Library Branch on November 7, 1996 and we sold 81 books that night. One dollar from the sale of each book went to the local womens crisis shelter. This is me presenting the cheque. Don’t laugh at my bangs, there were horrible back then. Jeans was an acronym that stood for Junior Education & Achivement Network System (tongue twister?). I’ve hunted around the internet to find stuff about it but it was so long ago, there’s nothing. (I’m sure newspaper archives exist.) Here’s what I have kicking around the house, most our stuff back at Mum’s tucked away. We were in heaps of papers and it makes…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

12seconds – Wedding dance: Etta James, At Last #wedding # I have the hottest date here. #wedding # I have a pretty bow in my hair. Le cutest. #wedding # My sister is the cutest thing everrrrrrrrr. # I change my mind. I want a wedding party and someone to love. # This is a really nice wedding. I would totally marry my sister, if she wasn't my sister and we were not related. Haha. Me = McLoser! # My choice from wedding buffet – prime rib, taters, veg, salad # Wedding reception w/ my sis + party (@ Golf Steak House) # Dad told me @ladygaga is dating @justinbieber. # I don't think I ever want a wedding. Today was nice but I just don't see me doing the whole hippity-hooplah thang. # At Dad's hot rod shop. He's been workin on a '68 baracuda race car today. # My sisters dress. # My dress for the wedding. #1 from the other day. # I'm at LCBO (101 Holiday Inn Dr, Cambridge). # Eye spy a Bride! # Sun came out! Wedding time 🙂 # rain rain go away, come again tomorrow ok 😉 # Fri 2 # Rainy wedding day makes the skies of marriage grey? Let's hope the sun comes out before the 2:30 ceremony 🙁 # Vintage throwback, hometown memories. # Walmart staff meeting at McDonalds, this is weird. # Mum is on the boat in Nova Scotia. Sailing trip to Bahamas halted by hurricane. BE SAFE MUM! ILU! # whoa man. jenie & i have to drive Dad to work this morning so we can use the car. haven't been up this earline in about 1,000 years! cripes. #

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i hope the rain stops before your wedding starts

It’s so fun hanging out with Dad. He’s hilarious. Wise crack city that guy. Jenie & I got up early to take Dad to the Hot Rod Shop for work so we could use the car. We’re going to a friends wedding and poor thing, it’s pouring. I’d be balling my eyes out for sure. Hopefully she’s fine with it. Marrying her best friend and all, the weather shouldn’t really matter. I’d keep telling myself that. Stopped by Value Village, the Cambridge one is a hot spot for style. It’s like a ritual to go there and S.V.D.P when we’re in town. It’s the only shopping I ever do here. There’s always something to be foud. I got new glasses. Jenie found some wicked boots x2. Everything is so cheap here too, not like at home whenre old vintage stuff is the same price as new crappy stuff. Chatted Mum last night and found our they’re in a safe spot and made friend with locals. Important because that damn hurricane is heading straight for them on the East Coast of Canada near Nova Scotia. Dear universe, please keep my Mummy safe. I love storms and thunder. I went through a stage when I was really scared of them. It was after I lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana with a BF. They have really bad nasty storms there and I used to be freaked right out. I’d have anxiety and panic, need to stay in side and away from windows. I got over it once I was back in Canada. Time to get ready for the wedding and pretend it’s not raining. Gaga time! TGIF!!!!!!!!

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