TGIF: dear life, i love you so much. i really do.

You know the Friday roundup, it goes like this TGIF, something from Twitter, Google, Internet and Facebook I found interesting/funny/wanna tell you about from this week. This week has been really great. Twitter: This happened…OMFG. Annouced on Twitter. Talk about giant step… I want a ring like her so bad just like every single girl in the world. I’d like a right hand one personally. I’m not ready for someone to take my left hadn yet. Did you know my full name is Casie Diana Stewart and Mum picked my middle name after Princess Diana. I love her, Diana and Mum. (MISS YOU MUM!!) This is also some good advice from my friend and New Zealand hottie Isaac. Wise words babe. Google: Do you ever use your Google profile? Mine’s here. Here are some people you may want to Google: Ego Assasin– Latex Designers in Toronto: Going to the studio next week. We’re planning a sweet as Virgin inspired flight attendant outfit. SO hot. Can’t WAIT. Ostara Spa:We met on Twitter and they have graciously invited me in for a 90 minute massage. I am so looking forward to it. They are located on King Street downtown. If you wanna make an appt call them at (416) 777-9696. Internet: My friend Jay’s company Rock Parlor Clothing is doing it’s part for Movember with these rad rockin’ t’s , all proceeds going to Prostate Cancer Canada. HOLY SHIT BALLS lok at this. This is the game I’ve been playing like 8,000 hours of on my iPad. Angry Birds. Facebook: This week started with big news from Facebook that basically took over my whole entire Twitter stream for a day > Facebook is rolling out email. Full deets on Mashable or anywhere on the internet. In other FB news, they have a…

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i am going to a ballet tomorrow night.

I used to do ballet. For ten years. Sometime I hated it but I always loved it. This is me last week after Raymi’s party. Dress if from this store. Look ma’ still got it. Kinda. Not top form, by any means. I was three years old when I started dance and stopped when I was 13. I did ballet, tap and jazz. I competed in NY and SC as well as across Ontario. Sometimes I was taken out of school for competitions and I wore blue eye shadow and red lipstick. I need to find our photos. I reckon they’re all at Mum’s. We have a FB group for our old studio Meyerhopher in Cambridge. Great studio and people there. It says this on the FB group: If it doesn’t kill you, it will only make you stronger. Or you will really feel it the next day. I am going to see  “Robert Lepage’s “Eonnagata” starring Sylvie Guillem with my friend who is a wonderful photographer. There is dancing and beautiful music and famed French ballerina  Sylphie Guellieium. This is her, such beauty. Looking quite forward to it. Midway between theatre and dance, Eonnagata pits the fan against the sword, the courtesan against the swordsman. But it also explores the embodying of one sex by the other in what is more an investigation of gender than of sexuality. The work draws on Onnagata, a Kabuki theatre technique that enables actors to represent women in a highly stylized fashion, shedding new light on the Chevalier d’Éon and revealing that his enigma is perhaps the mystery of human identity itself.

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i’ll tell you in another life when we are both cats


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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Buncha babes in sequins! @raymitheminx blogtourage ftw! # Party time! @raymitheminx 10 year FTW! (@ Wrongbar) # somebody haz party dress on! # can you hear the horses cause here they comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # i love my blog. there i said it. it’s true and i’m not taking it back ever. true love <3 # if you are not making it to wrongbar for the awesome @raymitheminx party you should go see @morgan_c_ross at rivoli 🙂 # Today i tried on some great dresses at @ShopFY and the winner is…. # omg nick and sharon are getting married again. way to follow in your dad @victornewman‘s footsteps guy. # damn, i forgot to get eyelash glue. # this one’s for you miss # hai # Recognized by someone I don’t know on the street. Love when that happens 🙂 # Omg there are so many nice things here peeps. Think we found a @shopfy winner! # You will be happy to know that this morning, my room started gettin cleaned. Oh yeah. New leaf haha. # Heading to @shopfy for an outfit for @raymithemix huge bloggerama party. Look out style baby! Outfit pix coming soooooooon! #

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every day is special if you make it so!

today was a full on day. scooted out to a meeting about a new project. had lunch at this cute place called Bld on Toronto Street. like it there. oh hai, lemme take this call while i take my own photo aka work. walked by and say this guy remmebering. made me sad. i paused and thought about all the soldiers who have fought for our freedom and made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives. i thought about grandad and grandpa and my family and mum and all the things that i’m grateful for. so many things. thank you for being part of my life. this is nana and grandad and mum and my aunt & uncles. i bet grandad never thought he would be on the internet! amazing eh grandad?! love and miss you. ok onto the next stop… popped into  fashionably yours where i was most fabulously styled by jay strut for raymi’s 10 year anniversary party tonight at wrongbar. so many great finds in there. it’s located at 632 queen street west west of bathurst. go there say HI to JANET and JAY for me when you do. they are lovely and nice. oh what to wear? i tried on some seriously lovely dresses. it came down to the fuchsia betsy johnson or the little sequin french connection number. i look like a huge dork…i am. get used to it. i want to walk in your shoes, yes yes i do. one day i will have a boyfriend who can wear these shoes with style and look hot. and the winner is…SEQUINS. kinda knew it, i love sequins so. probably all the years i spent wearing them as a young ballerina from the age of three for ten years that did it. ok time to get ready for…

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the value of believing in yourself

I had this favourite book when I was little, actually, I still have it at Mum’s there’s no way she would get rid of our old books. It retells the story of Louis Pasteur, whose unwavering belief in the concept of germs led to a cure for rabies. I loved it, I’m sure I read it over a hundred times. I woke up today thinking about it and decided it’s time, I need to do a couple things I’ve been putting off: renew licence renew health card sign up for flirty girl fitness classes (have a week pass) call my trainer and get our sessions in order It’s just after 8am (damn you internet almost 9’er NOW!)  and I’m heading to get all this done this morning. I can do it. What are you doing today? Yesterday I had another date with my boyfriend Raymi. Have you noticed how I call everything my boyfriend? It helps to fill the void of not having one. I love my gadgets and my friends and they make me happy. One day I will find a nice charming tall man who loves to do nice things for me and is smart and good looking. (Bats eyelashes through the internet, hi!). Maybe when I am in Dallas, Boston, San Juan, or LA next month I will find one. Just kidding, working/friends/sister time. Who cares if I don’t I reckon I’ve not got time for that anyway. I’m waaaaay too focussed on myself and where I am going with my beautiful mind life. (Selfish much?) NO, FOCUSED TYVM. She gets me to take her photo 8,000 times. Cute when she asks. What people fail to understand is THAT IS US WORKING. She posted about resto we went to, it’s called BOOM. Good thing we were sitting…

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