up up here we go where we stop nobody knows

jamming to this right now, play it if you got sound or you feel like jammin’ too… I was laughing in this photo. I had noticed after a couple camera snaps there was a few people looking. I saw someone turn their eyes back to the road and they were smiling. It made me smile. I love taking so many photos, I feel like a tourist every day in this awesome city. Wore my docs again today. Man, I really forgot how confortable they are. I got them in the summer from the Doc Marten store on Queen Street. They are the Triumph style and She Does the City wrote about them being the awesomest boot ever. Didn’t even know that when I got ’em. WIN! Today for the first time I noticed a street sign in Union Station for Brookfield Place. It reminded be of this legendary brand new appartment building I lived in at 15 Brickfield Street in Sydney Australia back in 2004. Well to be honest with you, it was a suberb of Sydney called Paramatta. Spent about 20 min just now Google map-walking around the streets. After Paramatta for a couple months I ditched that place and moved to Bondi Beach. It’s beautiful there…ah, memories. This made the front of all the city’s papers today I’m sure. When I saw the caption “love you forever” it only reminded me of the book by Robert Munsch and Mum reading it to me. It was my fav growing up. Miss you Mum. Nice chatting on Skype today ♥ I hardly read the Metro. It’s quite a ‘subway’ thing for me. I saw this little ditty with Tweets  about chosing a job you love.  I worked real hard to get here. That’s what it takes.  It’s not easy but…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Finally watching today's #yandr # Photo: thepulpgirls:LOVELY camper shoot! http://tumblr.com/xmj1aml9zr # loving the tweets from #ttt awesome content written for humans, that's the way to go! 🙂 # icemageddon? aaaaaaaaaaahhh RT @JesseHernick: Rain is turning to snow near Yorkdale. Ice is coming. :/ #Toronto # haha RT @noozeeland: Just poked a heap of people. #facebook #dontworry # i love when my kiwi friend say "happy wednesday" and i'm still on tuesday. time zones are like, so crayzay. # this month's @subspaceTO is 'Dexter' themed # wind beneath my wings. that's a real tear jerker. # I uploaded a YouTube video — sgt. ryan russell funeral procession http://youtu.be/DSCNsuu6hdk?a # Kea #Toronto Waitangi Day > Feb.6th http://bit.ly/gPJOsl #KIWI #NZ #hakastrength # Happy Birthday @ElsaCohen you animal. # RE: thanks for the love babe. i know i don't wanna go back! http://disq.us/yhipk # Polished but dirty http://twitpic.com/3r83ew # Behind MTCC for funeral #ryanrussell http://twitpic.com/3r7z1s # Polished my bots for the funeral. They be lookin' sharp. 12 hole Doc Martins w/ tartan interior 😉 # Photo: Need this: Stewart Tartan mini http://tumblr.com/xmj1aihyxq # Today is my sister's 25th birthday 🙂 # Fav instrument: bag pipes for sure. I wish I had a boyfriend who played them, well, i should start with a boyfriend first I guess haha. # GET OFF THE COUCH! http://goo.gl/fb/hCpXr #blog # Checkout "Toronto Community Manager Appreciation Day #CMADTO quot; http://t.co/Thf41cR via @eventbrite # "days are only getting longer now girl" good Mum advice # Morning friends! I'm on @Skype w/ Mum in Bahamas. She's talking to another boat on the radio! So neat. Way to go Mum! # yesterday on twitter, this happened: http://goo.gl/fb/Nsh9k #blog #

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dreams are in your sleep

You can hardly see the island, the snow has frosted over my entire view. Even if I had a car, I wouldn’t use it today. There’s lots of sirens I hear out there and it appears the cars are moving slower than usual. I have two perfectly good feet who enjoy waking but I doubt they grace a snowy sidewalk before sunset, if at all. I’d like a coffee, but the kitchen seems so far away from my bed. I plan to spend the day here in hopes of kicking these sick and tired feelings. I can’t operate like this, I can’t operate on slow speed. Mum rung me this morning from Bahamas, its like she knew I was missing her. I miss warm and sunshine too. Always the best advice she has “you need rest”.  She’s right. Thanks Mum ♥

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last three months of 2010: bring on the new year!

This was a very exciting time of year for me. In the past three months I’ve been in San Fran, LA, Boston, Dallas, and Puerto Rico. Last year my New Years relolution was to reavel more and I deff made that a reality. These are some of my fav things from the last three months of 2010: I was a spokesperson and got my first national gig and hosted an event in Young/Dundas Square. my friends were in contests wore a cute outfit hung out with friends another smirnoff party had my photo taken zombie nation smirnoff india party movember mum sailed to the bahamas from near toronto some of my fav things played with toys went to hohoTO was at the beach gave away LOTS of gifts made fashion toast went to Dallas w/ Virgin America, was on Boing Boing met a REAL cowboy met RICHARD BRANSON. bbbbbbbbb-badass

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all i want for christmas is you

Checked my phone first thing. Christmas messages from around the world are so awesome to wake up to. Thank you! Went upstairs and woke up my sister like I always do. She likes to sleep in. Dad made coffee. Fireplace channel was on. There’s snow outside which is nice but it doesn’t quite feel like Christmas to me. Maybe its the lack of snow? Last year I was in Cuba, hardly felt like Christmas then either. I was lazing by the pool at Hotel National in Havana eating bbq shrimp and fresh fish. I missed my family but there were so many distractions and I’m not that big on this holiday anyways. I enjoy giving presents all year. This is the first year Mum’s not been here for Christmas. Stopped by the house yesterday. I miss you Mum, more today than any other day. She makes it feel like Christmas, the many phone calls re: us coming home, who will be at dinner, what we are having, gift ideas, the tree, the decorations. It’s not the same without you Mum and I wanna make sure you know it. We’re gonna have a great day at Dad’s today. I brought Uno and last night we played Apples to Apples around the kitchen table. I’m sure the Bahamas is loving your energy Mum 🙂 Merry Christmas everyone. Have an awesome day and be thankful for all the joy in your life ♥

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Comedy night w/ @raymitheminx & friends (@ The Rivoli) http://4sq.com/frXg70 # total eclipse of the moon, moon, moon! bonnie tyler/katy perry #remix http://goo.gl/fb/Wu8rZ #blog # Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj13ldtpl # hmm news says ebergy drinks no mixey with alcohol. no jaggabombs? wah wahh. # what do i want for christmas? # "Stewart is making her carbon footprint in our digital age with true edgy-punk style. " @pinkmemo check it http://bit.ly/hW1Cch # Just found this old thang http://twitpic.com/3hv420 # omg love you @joelreilly. he just called me "Hermit the Frog" aaaahahah # MTV is the lava lamp of the 1980's. – Doug Ferrari # anyone wanna deliver me lunch? i will reward you with a jeffrey and my company. # operation don't leave the house is still going. i went out to hohoto & bizmedia and thats it in over one week. #hermit # baby you're a firework. # what makes you laugh out loud these days? — twitter peeps i follow & hipster hitler. http://4ms.me/i3IDJ2 # You're all in here > http://bit.ly/fXihAf @shopgirlsGB @marksww @nellabellabrand @moovbootcanada @joefreshstyle @dododays # it’s your lucky day, you know who you are! http://goo.gl/fb/GFEF3 #blog # i really love answering your questions. won't tweet all answers so i'm not toooooo annoying > http://formspring.com/casiestewart # Hot date with @raymitheminx before Whoreshoe for #ElectricXmas2 Look out. # most interesting party you've attended? — easy @BridalBashTO. http://4ms.me/eIU9bG # what has been your latest challenge you've succeeded at in your pe… — living and not letting that days just pass by http://4ms.me/h1wMIG # I love geeky girls! You're the cutest! There's nothing… — aw, thanks. what till you see me totally shit faced. haha http://4ms.me/e4FUaI # how do you think the toronto tech/blog/geny community … — i think it is very friendly. we'll get #genyto up and … http://4ms.me/exblRs # went…

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