treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows

Today is Family Gay Day in Ontario, I love my family but I wil not be seeing them today in real life. Dad is tanning in Florida, Mum is rockin’ the boat in Bahamas and my sis is working. The rest of my family is in New Zealand. HI GUYS!! In parts of Canada, Family Day is a statutory holiday occurring on the third Monday in February. … respectively. This corresponds with Presidents Day in the United States. [wiki] Mum is living the dream right now, she’s in the Bahamas with her BF on their boat. I really wanna get out to visit her before May. Mum has alwasy beena big inspiration to me. She always encouraged me to be creative and embraced my unique ideas. THANKS MUM! This is my Daddio, he’s in Florida with his GF right now. Dad builds hot rods, is a good cook, and has the BEST jokes. I have no idea how he always remmber them. You are really awes  awome Dad, ILU. Wear sunscreen. When I saw the snow coming down last night I kept checking the window to see if there was a man out there with a shovel carving a message. I had a feeling I might wake up to something… I did. “treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows” This is me in that red canoe you can barely see in above photo shot by Erin Leydon this summer. She was shooting the Grammy’s last week.  I’m so looking forward to summer this year. The park beside the Canoe is real pretty, designed by Doug Coupland and pays tribute to Terry Fox. Lots of bright colours. I’m in awe with all the contest entries for the Motorola phone. Contest closes at 1pm. I totes need to think of a good…

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can you feel the energy? can you see the rainbow?

Was walking in China Town the other day. So many smells and interesting things, like this… and this… Girl was being shot by a photographer in the middle of a really dirty part of China Town. People were crowded around and she looked like a hooker. I saw like “what’s that hooker doing on the middle of the day at Spadina/Dundas? Oh, getting shot”. I’m not sure the premice of this, maybe that was the point.   I walked right past while he was shooting. Pls lemme know if I end up on a billboard in China (actually that would be AWESOME! I wanna go there!). I love this city. Street car tracks/wires make us unique. Can you see the rainbow here? I am a nerd. BTW Reebok Easytone gear is seriously 10, love my kicks and pants do wonders for the booty. Stay tuned for the real photos from yesterday’s workout at The Motion Room. It was a goody, feelin’ it today too. Look at all these people working out, awesomism. Check out this hot babe on the new flyer for TMR…recognize? It’s MA SISTA. Mmmmmmm, when I go to yoga i think about Mc Donalds and feel happy too. Suckas. This is the future home of a cheap ugly condo building. Might even be low income housing. Cue me leaving the  slums area. BUT, I do have this… Anyone wanna come by? I freaking love fooseball. I used to play all the time in highschool. We played at GENYTO during Social Media Week, remember? It’s really pretty & sunny out today. Nice that most of you will have tomorrow off from work for Family Day. What are you doing? My Mum is in Bahamas, Dad is in Florida and my sis is working. Thinking about going to the Bell…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Laptop, iPad, three androids: my five wireless devices on the couch 🙂 # I have a crush on u but cant say who i am lol.. u have to guess.. go to… — i hate guessing games. # How often do you host #GenYTO events? and what does G… — Once every two or three months. It stands for Generati… # If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, whi… — Terrace End Fish & Chips in Palmerston, New Zealand # Photo: haha # heck yes! this is so you @shawnhawaii – BMW #ultimateblogger #vote #awesome # Photo: @laurenonizzle fo you. meow. # Photo: rrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa # Photo: for the bloggers and the wannabes # Photo: yes. # Got roses 🙂 #valentine # Photo: I love this. # Love this beer. # This ones for you @keriblog @itsbrownbarbie. Love you!! # Makes a good rose holder. #vodka #pretty # ooh, installed the @klout extension for Chrome, see your scores in my @twitter feed now. # #jeopardy # this is rad. 'who is me' @downwithwebster video w/ kids in #India posted on @ZLISTcom via @carlyannedotcom # Photo: street style blogging. # the wind whipping past our windows is wild. #blog # Photo: › “Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good.” Clueless (1995) # Photo: Learning to fly (by F1X+2) # Photo: rachel bilson = hottie hot hot. nedhepburn: I just looked at my own blog and half of it looks like… # Photo: Invertebrate. # Photo: pretty deep dude # Photo: digital lifestyle via joncrowley # # at a computer store w/ @keriblog #TGIF # tell me…

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be famous before you die

CASIE ring needs bling. I want more things with my name on it. Anyone out there wanna get on that amazing opportunity? I’ll be famous before I die. I’ve always been that way. In grade six I made the ‘Casie Watch’, ‘Casie’ brand clothes in uni and all kids of other little things over the years. Hmm, would you buy it? Drink my koolaid. Have I told you how much I love my clean room? It’s like a quiet digital sanctuary lounge equipped with bed, tv, cable, ipad, monitors, phones, clothes and art. Basically heaven. Can you spot my boyfriend Ken? I love him. Rachel tweeted me  these cupcakes today. She knows how much I loooooove the Young & the Restless. My life goal is basicaly to play myself on the show before I die. BTW if you see these earrings kicking around please let me know. They’re my special (and NEW)  black Swarovski Crystal’s by @sparkleforlife and I misplaced them Saturday morning. Wahh. Did you see Gaga came out of the weed smoking closet? Should I? I dunno. No. I was a domestic diva the other day & made a Bacon & Egg pie. For those who don’t know, this is a New Zealand staple. Mum would make them all the time. Some people like it hot but I loooove it cold. Oh gawd, so yum. It’s screaming “EAT ME”. Now I haz some’tin to share with you, listen up… Do you have a blog? Wanna blog? Make your blog more popular? New eyeballs & ears? I’m a contributor to the Z-List blog, see it here. It’s a place you can share your photos, videos, blog or whatever. I’m going to be interviewing some NYC peeps and celebs for the site so get in and join the fame train.…

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this makes me very happy

My clean room is so incredibly sunny today. Can I tan through the windows? It sure feels like it. Oh summer, I miss your love. They’re back together. She got her Ken. I told you love was in the air. #swoon ♥ Happiness: Mum, a good fortune and the eight of hearts. Eights & hearts are my fav. I got a bouquet of tights from the spring line for Secret Legwear yesterday. THANK YOU!  I’ve been wearing tights Secret sent me all winter and to be honest, they have lasted, washed & worn really well. Casie stamp of awesomism! Considering I hardly EVER wear pants, getting these is HUGE for me. Shared a pair with my darling roomie @itsbrownbarbie. Things are better when shared, happiness for you, for you, for you, for EVERYONE! Was given a very special painting yesterday wrapped in this very special paper. I’m the luckiest girl in the world! Weeeeeee. Since I demolished clothes mountain and turned my once closet back into a bedroom, I’m finding all kinds of  gems that were hiding. Did you know I was nominated for a YTV Achievement Award in 1996? It was the first award show I ever went to. I saw Robyn, met Nick Lachey (w/ 98 degrees) and didn’t end up winning. It was an honour to be nominated 😉 Pretty much nothing online about them now, it was before internet was really mainstream. The reason was nominated was for that book I wrote. I found these articles in the same portfolio. My first time in the Toronto Star: Hockey Hall of Fame & NHL star Darryl Sittler came all the way to Cambridge from the big city to present this award to myself and co-author. Young Entrepreneur of the Year 1996: That very photo was in every…

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love is in the air

Mmm, chocolate cake. Happy Birthday Joelle! This one if from Joelle’s camera. And this one captures a very serious conversation…total ‘OMG’ face on me. Back to my camera for some more real talk. Uh, pardon me? Omg. Hmmm, someone taking photo with shaky hand. Bad romance. Vodka/water/strawberry, good for sipping. Light, refreshing, hydrating and will keep you from hangover given you don’t go crazy. Joelle had this gorgeous dress with a fringe on the arms, look closely. Totally in love with fringe. Fringe everything. Hearts on everything too. I have two different heart tattoo’s in case you were wondering. Both on right arm, one pink, one red. Nice surprise to see you there Simon. Goo work on the tunage and fun times. Your date was a babe. borderline the girl artistic borderline artistic borderline is borderline artistic feeling borderline artistic borderline artistic borderline her borderline borderline artistic heart artistic artistic borderline on artistic borderline artistic borderline artistic fire. All these snowflakes are full of love & light. Mum collected all these heart photos on her sailing trip to the Bahamas. She sounds so happy when I talk to her. Imagine living there on a boat right now. Bliss. When I see a heart shape in something I always think it’s a sign she’s watching out for me. For example, this sweet potato tempura heart. Yum one, Mum! The more love you give the more love you have. If you need some it’s right here for you. Ok byeeeeeeee. Valetines night get ready time. xo

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