you can’t start a fire without a spark

You get older every day, here’s to a new year! Exciting! Celebrate Sister! She came and helped mama clean her room. Best. Present. Ever! Oh, Tower. Love shots from this spot in the park. So fun. Thank you for the pretty flowers my friends. ILU. Special number is 8 ( 4 and 2 also). An interesting sight to see! There’s always something going on down by the bay lake. Keri is my BFF (her blog) and she is the best bff everrr. She got me a few goodies including a balloons & a water gun! Gun is for glitter water. BEWARE. Gllitter tissue paper! Weeeeee. This special guy & roll on glitter too. It’s about to get serious. Wore a vest Mum made out for dinner last night. We went to O NOIR. This crazy awesome resto where you dine in the dark. I’m talking 100% pitch black where the servers are BLIND. It was really fun. The food was good, best part was the experience. I could not see a thing.  All of a sudden your other senses became so important; touch, taste, hearing, smell. I suggest going with someone you already know/like. Start this at 1:20. So good. 8 roses for a special lady born on May 8th. Thank you 🙂 New graffiti since yesterday. Remember: You are younger today than you will ever be.

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A Little History on How I Got Here

I woke up this morning determined to find my hot pink photo album and bring back some memories. I didn’t find it but I did come across a bunch of things that made me feel fond about friends, happy about starting a new year and proud of things I’ve done. This was me at Mum’s house on my 21st birthday, eight years ago. This was me at Mum’s house on my 21st birthday, eight years ago. A few months after that photo I shipped off to Australia for university. This was right before the airport, my family. There was a time where I thought I’d never get Mum & Dad together for a photo but such is no longer the case. I grew up so much that year I was away. This was at The Moose in Kitchener (anyone from there will recognize it!) the day I got back from Aus. I was so tiny, all my friends were like “where did your boobs go?”.  I left at about 125lb and came back barely 100. Living at the beach is a great diet. I figure today, my birthday is as good of a day as any to share some memories of where I came from/how I got here. One thing that always changes, is my hairstyle. I’ve had so many colours. Teen model. That was not the end of teen modeling. Oh no, there was much more. And more. After I won this pageant I did all kinds of fashion shows. It was really fun to be honest. I got lots of practice being in front of the camera, walking on stage and it introduced me to some people at Gap where I got my first ever real job. I had braces for about two years in high school. This…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

RE: oh yeah that’s why i asked to take your mom.haha. # Photo: Audrey # Photo: You know it’s true Mum 😛 # Photo: Can I take your Mom to this tomorrow? # i miss my Mum. # love the family bday wishes coming from the future in New Zealand! <3 # Evan, cute & nerdy CEO of @likealittle at #cutc # If you are at #CUTC scan me! QR takes you to the most awesome blog evarrrrrr @cutc_team. # yay we solved all the problems forever and ever # Babe RT @KeriBlog: I’m in a tuxedo jacket, think I confused everyone at the weed march. And the cops loved me 😀 # “I like to bloooooooooooog” @keriblog # Hello hello baby you called I can’t hear a thang # Healthy. Thanks @cutc_team! # So beauty out today! Getting ready for afternoon session of #cutc # So nice to run into @mycitylives team at #CUTC # Conference going good. Nice work @cutc_team! #cutc # i really hope she’s gonna make it. #blog # #cutc (@ Cutc 2011) # Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference – HI! #blog # Care about what you share about. #blog # Lookout! Hosting this today w/ @keriblog RT @CUTC_Team: So much red! Volunteers, Team Leds, and Keith oh my! # Photo: @laurenonizzle BAT CAT prrrroooooowwwwwwwl # ooh new Firefox is sexy. # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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Care about what you share about.

A My City Lives tweet inspired me yesterday morning. I was thinking about the things I share and the things others share and how much I care about what I share. This week I’ve been thingking heaps about creativity, creative thinking and large of a role it plays in my life. Had a nice chat with Mum and she said “You either have creativity or you don’t, you can’t learn it“. She reminded me I was very creative as a child in everything I did. I always liked to create my own way to do things from getting dressed to assignments in school. This one time I had to make a new paper mache bowl for my teacher art Mrs. Mack. We had an assignment to make a bowl in class and while everyone was making them, I decided to use magazine, cover it it text, laquer it up and add colorful photos. I might have painted in it too. I can’t rememeber. Anyhow, Mum came to the auction event at school to buy my bowl and my bloody teacher had hid the damn thing.  We asked the teacher as my Mum was about to throw a snap and she went and grabbed it FROM THE CLASSROOM. Mum was livid. You don’t wanna piss off Mum. Trust me. Mum made a deal that I would make a new bowl for the teacher and she handed over $5 and bought my artwork. I had forgot about this happening until Mum reminded me this week. She said “Remember how fast you made that bowl for your teacher, Casie?“. I don’t remember that well but I do remember it was really fast. I used to sit at the Kitchen table and write poems in batches. The more creativity I share, the more I…

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i cried, over a browser commercial. you might too.

I’m a passionate Google lover and have been for many years. Google is a huge part of my life every day. My calendars, photos, emails, blogs, buzz, searches. The web really IS what you make of it. Thank you to the lovely Stephen Greenwood in LA for sharing. Mum, I think if you every day. Often when I am writing my blog,  I am writing stories to you. I hope you are happy & safe. I miss you. Have an awesome day 🙂

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

dance break. # like you mean it. #blog # bike season, babe season, bixi toronto #blog # omg April 30 & May 1 – @victornewman will be at the National Womens Show #yandr # probs not what they had in mind but then maybe they did? heh heh # have you tried this from #Dufflet pastry? got it at @sobeys # kate did her own makeup. # Pippa’s dress tonight # Photo: › have you seen this @laurenonizzle? BF is back haha[ ] vintage voter: “A young Jack Layton at the… # did i blog the notable wine thinger? #forgets [check own blog] #handy # I want to see YACHT in Toronto with @AUXTV. Like srsly. @teamyacht are awesome 🙂 # inner conflict # sometimes i wish tumblr was a real place i could just crawl into, like other than my computer. # I am Dutchess of Cityplace. #realtalk # f you leave me a VM or private msg on FB. expect a delayed response, they all are low priority. # when someone starts a message with “hey you”, it’s __________. # some people are so weird. # new official WIll & Kate site: # this kitten needs a Royal nap. # Photo: Kate! ILU. # i would love to be on the digital team for the @britishmonarchy. # bowling and bands w/ @morgan_c_ross #MAY4 #tickets #blog # this is awesome. you are awesome. great idea. promoting awesomeness is highly encouraged by me! 😀 # I like this idea. RT @ChrisSpagnuolo Every adult should go to pre-school once a month. Inspires creativity! # omg Duke & Duchess of Cambridge – I’m from Cambridge & my middle name is Diana after his Mum. we are like, SO CONNECTED. # Stoked…

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