Faster than a speeding light she’s flyingggg

Lovely day for a drive. Taking Mum my PC for her trip home to NZ next month. So wish I was going. Hopefully later 2012, thinking Septemberish. Windows were frozen shut this morning. Dropped Sammy & Ross off at work. So cute. Looking forward to 2012 and all the goodness that a new year brings. It’s amazing to all that has changed for me in the last year. Setting high goals and ready to take on the world! 90’s on 9 XM is great if you don’t know already. Time to hit the open road! Have an awesome day.

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“Fate leads the willing and drags the rest.”

Mum woke me up, said she was excited. Reminds me of myself, sometimes I just can’t sleep I get so energized thinking about things happening that I spring out of bed and greet the day. She said she’s still excited from the Nutcracker and tomorrow I’m bringing her to the city with me. EXCITING! Wearing new sweater by Toronto designer Valentine K today. I was gifted it just before Christmas and have been saving it for dinner tonight with my two other sisters (Steve’s daughters). It’s cashmere and leather and so divine. See on FB here. Will take some nice photos (aka with an actual camera) when I get home from shopping. Mum always cuts out articles from the local paper for me. This one was about a guy who started an art project ‘Talent next Door’ with city hall and now is working on second and third books. The articles are always about writing, youth entrepreneurship, local designers or art. All the things I love really. She’s got inspiring messages all over the house. There’s New Zealand and Maori stuff all over the house too. These photos are from the Maori reserve in Rotorua. I’ve been there. Anyone else? I miss New Zealand and my family heaps. Had coffee & fruit salad for breakfast today. I love pineapple but fresh always hurts my tongue. You can avoid this by washing it in salt water. Posted some cute things & style on my fashion blog today. Heading out to get some stuff with mama, she’s looking for a camera, I just wanna drive around! For comedic relief and up the minute adventure diary, follow me on Twitter. Have an awesome day!

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Cruise Control: Chevy Sonic, Hot Rods, Open Roads

Woke up pretty early and drove to Dad’s. It was so beautiful out yesterday, temp was about 4 degrees and I had the sunroof open. I’m completely in love with driving the Chevy Sonic. It’s small & zippy, good pickup I feel like it’s a little rally car. This is the exact  vehicle I won in September from Chevrolet Canada live on youtube. I’ve never really needed a car, I lived with parents and the beach in Australia before moving downtown Toronto. I mostly walk, ride bikes or streetcar everywhere I go. It’s my first time using Bluetooth to connect my phone to hands free calling or get directions using OnStar.  Hellooooo convenience!! Driven a few cars over the last year and one thing I really dig about the Sonic is that your phone charges while you drive when it’s plugged into USB. A few cars have USB now but they don’t all work to charge your device.  The back seat door handles are on the window making it look like a hatchback also has extra trunk space.  Driven heaps since Wednesday and still have gas too. The drive to Dad’s is nice country-ish roads. Tiny bit of snow in the backyard. After brekky got Dad to show us the garage and three cars he’s currently working on. My Dad builds hot rods and had a chassis shop when I was growing up called “Toys for Boys”. This pink rocket was my first car ever. He built it and Mum/him used to push Jenie and I around at car shows across North America when we were little. It’s dusty and needs a clean BUT IT HAS FLAMES. This one time a well known, cool car guy (Mum who?) said “Y’know kid, you got the best car on the lot” to me. Something like…

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If you didn’t know how old you were how old would you be?

So, my sister liked her presents! Gave Jenie a bunch of goodies last week but last night I gave her a few ‘special things’. The present she is opening in this video is a lint roller she bought last week at Walmart and left at my house. I thought it was REALLY funny to give back her own crap all wrapped nice. Moohaha. Sister fun. When we were kids Jenie and I used to wrap up things from around the house. Once I gave her a can of beans and toilet paper, she wrapped up a huge package of pads for me. What a joker! Earier in the day Mum and I had some fun at Maccas with Happy Meal toys. Mum always says she is really only about eight years old. Me too 🙂 After dinner Jenie and I went with the crew to Diwan the only bar open. We smoked hookah and danced Mediterranean style. It’s tradition to meet up with Sara and the boys when we’re all home for the holidays. Wonder what will be open tonight?!

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Cannon Dolls in the Nutcracker w/ The National Ballet of Canada

Do you know the story of the Nutcracker? The little boy & girl and the Nutcracker toy, they go to sleep, the Nutcracker grows to life size and comes alive with the other toys and it’s all very magical. Almost as magical is being on stage in The Nutcraker with the National Ballet of Canada after you’ve dreamed of it your whole life. Add on having Mum, Steve & sister there to watch, double magic. We had a breif rehearsal in the studio. Watched our part, learned the plan, practiced a bit. There were ballerinas everywhere. Concentration happening here. The REAL Peter/Nutcracker, amazing dancer. Buff and masculine. (Casting deets) Sam learning where to walk on stage from dance instructor. Audience was out there. HI MUM! This was cool to me. Get ready time. This brings me back so many memories. I did ballet for 1/3 of my life, those formative years cast a long impression. It was always a dream leave the studio and go to the National Balle, also the only reason I ever fantasized about moving to Winnipeg. Backstage jitters? Nah. All good. We do not have a video of it. Kate’s sister was there and said we were great. Wearing doll cheeks is really fun. I kept them on all night. Used the new Nikon to take a bunch of these shots. Our whole part was over before we knew it and we’re ready to do it again. Time on stage was about 3.5 minutes. You can’t even see the audience with all the bright lights in your face. I love that feeling. There were over 2,000 people in the audience. It was so much fun, have I said that yet?. Mum’s told me a zillion times how great it was, said she’s “spellbound”. I didn’t know…

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Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-25

Waking up Mum's to the smell of coffee is magical. # I can hear Santa wrapping presents. # Social Media comics # Thoughts: Is It Time To Abolish The Twitter Retweet Button? via @zite # Five essential SaaS solutions no small business should be without #seriously # DIY Color Oxford #fashion #shoes #goodidea # Yayo – who names a song that? And who wants to party # Top 10 things to do in 2012 via @lonelyplanet #travel #adventure # Love bringing Mum clothes cause she does fashion show for me. It's the reverse from when I was a kid and always did that. So cute. # Together on this Christmas Eve 🙂 ILU JB! # Wow, miss this old car. It was at my house for YEARS (in the garage if you remember!). Huge Mickey Thomoson tires! # I posted a new photo to Facebook # Gosh, I love this time of year.: Been rushing like crazy the last few days. Have heaps to… # Snow! # Copies! (@ Staples) # Shopping w/ Mum. She's so cute! (@ Winners) [pic]: # I posted a new photo to Facebook # Fire sale on trees $2!! Garland $.50! (@ Zehrs Markets w/ 2 others) [pic]: # Galen influenced me. # Told Mum I will push the cart (so I can tweet!) # Thinking of you! # Merry Christmas from Van Wilder 😉 # We made them sort the Happy Meal toys so Mum could have the palm tree one and I could get the nerdy one. [pic]: # Video: Mum and I playing w/ toys at Maccas haha # Weekend Tune: “Snow” from White Christmas: Happy merry everything everyone! Tis the season…

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