It Was a Very Special Factory | #Florida

I had a great weekend, this is obvious. However, there is something else…Mum I never told you I was going to this party because I didn’t want you to worry! This weekend in Florida marked the Festish Factory 14th Anniversary Weekend. It was my first time ever going to a fetish party and it just so happened to be the world’s biggest and best. I wasn’t able to bring my camera to the parties but there will eventually be some great photos that show up from the many professional photographers that were there. I can totally understand why people enjoy BDSM Dating now! Here’s one from my camera and one that my friend took of us before going out. I hung out with the cool kids known as the NYC Tribe. It was badass. Sunday night was the Fetish Ball and what a night that was! OMG. I’ll update this post as I get more pix. I met some really awesome and really hot people. I wore latex and leather and some other stuff too. If you ask me, maybe I’ll tell you. This red outfit was what I wore the first night. I didn’t want to be too crazy for my first night there. For my second night, my outfit was a bit more ‘out there’ and, I won’t tell you what, but I purchased some bits from… I’ll leave that to your imagination. I made friends with some lovely ladies from Boston & New Orleans. They have been to these parties before. I was super nervous yet excited, I had no idea what I was in for. It was amazing, I loved it. There were pool parties and afterparties all over the place and the whole hotel was full of people attending the event. You gotta go.…

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eagle preparing to fly

Before I fly I always get a little bit of anxiety. I’ve always been with someone when I’ve flown and this time I was meeting friends in Florida and flew by myself.  To make sure I was ready I put on my chain with a star and eagle feather. I added a Tiki that Dad brought me back from NZ to the chin before I left too. I’ve been working on a project called Flock of Eagles and the eagle feather makes me feel strong. I also put on bracelets from Mum that traveled all the way from New Zealand.  That way I had a little bit of family with me. I also made sure I got tanned up and toned up my muscles. The flight was smooth and I arrived to the hot sun in just over 3 hours. More posts coming soon about trip etc.

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he called it a ‘blog day afternoon’

This is my Dad with Jenie & Me. It’s in our backyard at the house I grew up in.  Mum still lives there and I love going home and sitting in my old room. I chuckle each time I see a picture of me as  kid because I make all the same little faces. The cute ones, the cheeky ones, the sad ones and all the other silly ones. Mum says I used to sit in front of the mirror for hours and chat to myself or practice making faces. Shocking, lol. Was chatting a friend on MSN and he came up with some pretty good material. twenty says: blog tied! blog jam! fucking the blog. in blog we trust? john carpenter’s    the blog? blog day afternoon.casie says:haha yeah casie says:keep going this is good material twenty says: egg blog at Christmas? casie says: you are awesome casie says: keep it up twenty says: im tited twenty says: tired twenty says: lol casie says: haha twenty says: i will give u material when u need it twenty says: u dont need it twenty says: it’s a blogs life baby! twenty says: blog day afternoon i  dont mind twenty says: its yrs twenty says: lol twenty says: if a Blog fell in the forrest.. would anyone hear it? twenty says: you’re blogging me way down twenty says: Cats N Blogs? casie says: meow… The Vice Guide to Toronto is out now. I got mine at The Beaver on Queen Street. There’s a pile in the back on the floor outside the bathroom. You can get your dirty hands on one there FYI.

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palmerston is beautiful on both sides

I’ve find that biking is toning up my beach body.  This is really nice considering I hate the gym. It gives me anxiety. I’m lucky to have these super mutant-like muscles that when I do any exercise I get almost instant results.  Yesterday I was biking to Yorkville for #wiredwedTO and took back streets. Didn’t have helmet on, sorry Mum. Will pick it up this evening just for you. I rode down Palmerston Boulevard, one the most beautiful and truly one of my favorites. Most of the houses on Palmerston Boulevard were built between 1903 and 1910. It’s a nice one to bike on and there’s hardly any cars. I like it because of the trees and the houses and because a bunch of my family live in Palmerston North, New Zealand.  ‘Young heart, easy living’ they call it.Palmy (as the Kiwi’s call it) is a very beautiful city north of the capital, Wellington, in the eastern part of the Manawatu Plains, and close to the northern bank of the Manawatu River. I love it there. They have lots of windmills and rolling hills that is absolute bliss. You can see them from the back yard at Nana’s old house where Mum grew up. It’s really pretty.

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cartoon motion

Sometimes I wish I was a cartoon. I would run up walls and jump and fly and all kinds of super things. I saw Wolverine movie last night. Hugh JACKman should be called ‘Hugh jacked man’. He’s massive. I really like the Bloor Varsity – VIP section. You can order a bevvy & food to your seat. Did some serious writing when I got home last night. The book gets closer every day. I paid my friend whose laid off to clean my room. What a surprise to come home to, a floor and closet full of clothes. An old book from the 1940’s lay on my desk from Mum. I picked up the book and as I opened the fragile cover I read “The Face is Familiar: Selected Verse by Ogden Nash“. He died on May 19, 1971 and was one of the worlds best humor poets. He inspires me to write/publish some of my quite funny ones. I like his style very much, I do.

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generation why me? urgh, gimme a break.

You may have seen the article in the Toronto Star this weekend on Saturday’s front cover entitled ‘Generation Why Me?’ It was related to recession, broken dreams and delayed ambitions. So I think 30 IS the new 20 and after reading the article, I refer to what Mum likes to call ‘poor me syndrome’. There are alot of people who are just lazy and unmotivated. This will never change, no matter what happens in the world. Sure, we’re faced with environmental/ economic/war crisis happening but we also have more access to information, more opportunity to succeed and more ways to gaining expertise for free. Hello Internet? There are things out there you just have to go and get them, the strong will survive. I ‘ve got a B.Comm in International Business & marketing diploma.  I work in the IT dept coordinating projects for an online gaming company. Before this was the fashion industry! I’ve worked in restaurants, done PR blah blah blah…I’ve never had a problem finding a job because I’ve always been determine NOT to fail. I also agree with @d_hock the most, if someone is going to complain & wah wah about ‘poor me, I’m GenY‘, I say…shut your face. Get up and do something about it! I have many more thoughts the awesomeness that is #GenyTO but I’ll save that for another day.

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