leaving on a jet plane

Good morning. Had a FREAKOUT this morning. No not because of my adventure but because my  blog was hacked. Don’t do that. Seriously. Who the fuck hacks a sunshine-rainbow-fantasty-glitter blog like mine? Looooooooosers. Panic at my disco when I got the notification. Seriously. First thought, shit, I leave for NZFW today what the hell imma do? Please don’t hack things, it’s not nice. Bad actions/vibes you put into the universe have a magnetic particles and like attracts like and they will all come back to you. Be careful. Heaps of clothes. Thanks to Canadian designers Paris Li, Andy Hall and Nella Bella for outfitting me with style. Thanks to Telus for my phone + keeping me connected. Thanks Betty Kiss for the massive suitcase &  reversible clutches.  I packed shoes galore, Doc’s, cowboys, wellies and five other pairs. It’s fashion week followed by chill time with the fams, totes necesary. My two suit cases aren’t stuffed though, need to leave room to bring home lotsa goodies & prezzies. Taking some Tim’s coffee for a cute little blogger named Hannah in NZ. Carry on bag is from Nella Bella, the red reno suede. It’s lovely! I always bring my sketchbook on the plane. I get inspired watching people, looking at the flight path, reading listening to music, flying in general really. Crispers S&V are my fav snack (just saw on sale at Shoppers for $0.99, go stock up on my christmas present!). I can plow through a bag of them easy. SO crunchy. New Wired mag arrived yesterday just in time. Might actually read it sice I’m travelling. I’ve been getting it for two years and each month I browse when it arrives then leave it sitting there to rot, spine uncracked. Packed Kabbalah meditation cards, the 72 names of God,…

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wake me up when (my) september (dream) ends

This September kicks off a bright start the the next few months. I’ve got a full calendar until Christmas!  After that, I’m thinking about a vacation but who knows where I will be  by that time.  I only ever imagine I would be where I am right now. Look up at the sky, be thankfull. The beauty of working for myself is that as long as I keep living and have internet access, I’m working. I promise myself to make the most of each day, set high goals and document it. September is a ver exciting time in Toronto as we host the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). I’ve not gotten an movie tickets and I need to get on that. I’ve been invited to some pretty neat stuff in Yorville during the day throughout the festival. Wasn’t able to attend before cause I was working for THE MAN, now, going to that stuff is my JOB! I am THE MAN. The next three months go like this (GenYTO & TweetgasmTO are in there for both Sept. & Oct. somewhere too)… Sept. 9-17: Toronto International Film Fest Sept. 18-28: New Zealand Fashion Week Sept. 30: TEXxTO Conference Sept. 30-Oct 3: Boston Friends visit TO Oct.4: Contract with TrendHunter (3 Months Oct-Dec) Dec: Go visit Mum in Bahamas on the Boat for Christmas. Working on something else cool for October that I will share next week. So many thing on the go that Google Calendar & Tasks are my new BFF.  I am so excited about things happening my head might explode. Please thing responsibly today, your thoughts become things! CIAO darlings xo P.S. VOTE FOR CASIE! I have till 7pm to STEAL THAT LEAD. Jamming to this right now.

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SWF likes surfing & long blogs by the beach

Dear Summer, How are you babe? Been thinking about you lately.  I bet your tan is glowing and muscles are pumped.  I was going through some photos of us together and was reminded how much fun we have.  Spending Christmas together was such a tease! I miss you! My tan practically  faded and froze the minute I stepped off the plane. I know you’re not that far away, but I feel like you’ve been gone for ages.  Wondering if you wanna wrap up traveling  and come here  in May? You can be here for me birthday 🙂  I’d really love that. I promise to make it up to you. Getting my hair done on Tuesday, you should see my roots right now. You’d die.  Luckily it’s  stylish to wear hats at the moment.  Remember the shave I had in Florida? I was considering going back to that but now the long is kinda growing on me. Anyhoo, hope you are well and making the most of each day.  Despite the cold here, I’m having a great time. Looking quite forward to your return in a few months.  I love you very much! xo ♥ Casie

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do before you die? i wanna live. long and hard.

Couple things on my list: Wind a beauty pageant Bikini contest serve at a soup kitchen on Christmas day go to NYC skydive bungee jump over Lake Taupo in NZ Yesterday I got to pop over to a shoot with the dudes babes from our new show The Buried Life. I watched a couple episodes in a screening and it’s a good one.  Positive, inspiring, full of adventures, achieving goals and helping people along the way. What’s on your list? What should I add to mine?

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havana good time

We were going to take a tour around Havana with our driver and check out the sights. It’s our natural city way to want to do stuff. Instead, as we should we relaxed, stayed around the hotel and hung out. We walked throughout some residential streets looking at homes and cars. Honestly, coolest cars here, so many from the 40’s and 50’s I just had to ring Dad. We found this little restaurant called Bom Appetit. It wasn’t the easiest to find but when we did it was in the back of someone house. It had a really neat wood fireplace and the pizza I had may have been the best one ever. After, I had my first tanning session at the resport pool. The water was cold, the sun was hot and the mohito’s tasted like a dream. I love the sun! They were setting up a stage for a show the next night, Christmas eve. I’m constantly amazed at the smoking indoors. It’s totally foreign to me after all the strict smoking laws in Canada. I’d like to get up early tomorrow and go for a walk in the sun. I’m so excited to be here for Christmas. We’re thinking about traveling around to Santa Clara or Trinidad. Wooooooo hooooo!

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his name was robertico, king of the plane

There’s a Cuban hot shot on my plane sitting diagonally behind us in First Class. I’m not sure what exactly he does but judging by the dated yet very high tech HD camcorder and 21” Toshiba on his lap, I imagine its something to do with film or entertainment. He’s wearing Prada glasses and sitting beside a glamour lady with heaps of gold jewelery and makeup. She is clipping his cuticles in their seats while one of the attendants dotes on him. They are first to get drinks up here. I have some type of Cuban orange pop that is $2 (even first class!). She feeds him a mixed drink with a straw while chomping on chips. A male flight attendant watches the camcorder with ear plugs and continuously laughs his head off. I’m working on interview questions for features on Techvibes and Ad Girl. They’re gonna come out just before Toronto Life’s February issue containing my photo. I know it’s going to be a good year, 2010, I can feel it in my bones. I look over, the in-flight manicure continues. He was obnoxious and we tried to guess who he was. Before exiting the place in Havana I asked an attendant, turns out, he’s a famous Cuban comedian. How funny. Not. I’ve got so many photos to upload but I don’t know the internet situation there. I prey for free wi-fi everywhere [fingers crossed]. The air is warm, the sun is setting, and I’m in Cuba for Christmas. OMG.

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