Winter Doesn’t Have to Suck: How to Make Snow Paint + Some Stuff to Watch

Woke up early yesterday and made myself breakfast in bed. Spent some quality time on my computer quietly typing away and chatting with other early risers. Our roof top patio extends from the loft bedroom upstairs and the morning light is so lovely. I like making the most of a cold winter morning all cosy up in the bed reading or writing. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 7:23am PST My Lost My Marbles laptop skin is quite a hit. The Apple cutout gives your laptop a sleek and classy look. If you wanna add some marble to your gadgets (iPhone, Android, computer, tablet, gaming system) visit They don’t offer the apple cutout on designs but if you email [email protected] with your order and request it they’ll make sure you get it. TBH this design really looks better with the cutout. We got some pretty gnarly snow in the middle of the day. Thank goodness we have new tires on the truck. EmBot really wanted to go play outside with the snow paint so I put on the hot pink 80’s 2 piece I inherited from Sean’s mum and got ready to roll. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 1:27pm PST These exact paint things were a Christmas gift for her but making something like this to do with friends or kids is super easy. We used to do this heaps when I was little. How to Make Snow Paint Get some type of squirt bottle ex. old shampoo, dish detergent Mix food colouring + water (careful it WILL stain your clothes) Go outside and have a blast! Sean picked up…

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Holidays Ova, New Year Right Here!

I’m back! Miss me? You won’t skip a beat if you’ve been following me on Twitter or Instagram or checking into I’ve got RebelMouse life feed sharing everything from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, tumblr, and Pinterest. Took a few days off and lazed around the house after Christmas chilling w/my family and Sean. I’ve been watching Hostages on Netflix this weekend and it’s about an attempt to assassinate the president. After about 8 eps it started to get a bit silly with so many twists and turns but I feel I can’t stop switching now. Dylan McDermot and Toni Colette are the leads and I really love her, she’s so versatile. The guy who played Jimmy Cooper on the OC too. My sister partied with McDermot in Dominican a few years back, they were at the Maxim Mansion opening. I’ve been thinking about the last year (as one does before NYE) and I’m planning to post a few of my most treasured moments.  More on that starting Wednesday, New Years Eve. Remember: You’ll never be as young as you are today so make the most of it. 🙂  <3 CASIE

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Where You Land is Where I’m Gonna Be

Was all decked out in pastels this weekend. I really love my hair this colour. Thinking I’ll go back to blonde for spring but it’s gotta get a bit longer. Growing out your hair from a pixie takes real dedication. Slept half the weekend and feel great today.  Had some time with friends and got some Christmas shopping in. Can’t wait till see all my family on Wednesday. Mum is hosting a huge group for dinner including my Dad and his wife.  It’s gonna be great! Have you heard this song in the Walmart commercial? I love it, Paper Planes by East of Avenue. Was created by a TO agency. We kept singing it whenever the commercial came on and Sean learned to play it on guitar this weekend. Title is a line from it. Where You Land is Where I’m Gonna Be How cute is this little Christmas Mini! It’s got pressies and lights (kinda hard to see the lights but we were driving!).  I love all the lights on everything this time of year. Sean told me he’ll have the hugest display of lights when we get a bigger house/yard and I fell in love all over again. Timed to music too. What a dreamboat! Discovered a new app this weekend called Shift that allows you to create filters and it’s kinda net. Spiced up this photo of Queen West (it’s $0.99). Will be at the Gladstone Hotel tonight teaching a class on blogging in their new Get School’d series. I believe it’s sold out but if you are interested in coming, lmk. After today I’m going to really try and take a break from my phone and laptop. I doubt I’d be able to digital detox without being at a beach, I can’t go a day without my phone. I can barely go…

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Last Min Gift Idea! You Can’t Go Wrong w/ Stylish EyeWear

New glasses! You like? They’re YSL! A gift to myself from I was invited to pick out a pair from their gift guide and these new YSL babies were my choice. I absolutely LOVE great eyewear. I choose fast shipping and they arrived in 2 business days. A great gift idea if you are one of those people who leaves everything to the last minute! You have Friday, Monday, Tuesday, get on it! If you follow me on Instagram (which you should be!) or have been looking at my photos for a while, you’ll notice my vast collection of great shades. I’ve moved on from a stylish box to an entire drawer in my wardrobe, you can never have too many! If you’re still looking to treat someone special (even yourself!) check out the gift guides for women and men from Smart Buy Glasses and pick fast shipping to get them in time for Christmas. You can also order a gift card to be shipped same day. I’ll be wearing my new sunnies from now till summer. Even at night. I love them! 🙂 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! <3 CASIE  

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Artist Designed Hitsu Socks! You’re Late, Order Nate!

People need presents. You haven’t checked off your list. It’s ok. Check out or Order Nate. I’ve been a friend /fan of Nate Kogan for a long time now and I’m happy to support his latest venture, Hitsu Socks. There’s a surprise in every box! They make a great gift. I’ve gotten Sean a few pairs already. It’s ok, it wasn’t a surprise. Here’s an old snap of Nate and I as Elfster & Santa 🙂 <3 Happy Christmas & Hanukkah! All the cheer! CASIE

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Hey Ho Holidays! Wig out, Wear a Onesie, Smile!

We had Sean’s holiday party 1188 x Revolver Films X Bon Bon Mag on Thursday last week and come Friday I was so tired. This weekend I was getting ready to host a few friends over for a holiday hangout & secret Santa. We set up a photo booth and it was so much fun. Nothing like good times with great friends. I’ll have photos from both soon. Stopped into Philistine on Queen West, one of my fav stores. They burn these great cedar incense that remind me of the cottage each time I walk in. They have a huge selection of clothes, accessories, and I’ve snagged a few goodies from the sale rack. Spotted these tea cups at The Bristol at The Great Hall. Picked up meat pies for everyone at 1188 last the other day and thought they were so pretty. This art had been on the wall here for a while now. Makes me think about how much I’ve grown/changed. There’s been some neat experiences the last few years that have really shaped the person I am now. This is a bit of a ramble post. I blog to remember so it’s important I write things down, ok! Painted some pineapples and added glitter for my table display this weekend, Thanks Pinterest! Here’s a good article about Pinterest vs Real Life. It’s what happened when a woman tried to live the ‘Pinterest life’ for a week. Some learns, some fails, very exhausting. This was me at the end of the party on Sunday. Wig out, wearing a onesie with a smile. I’m pretty excited to see my family over the holidays too, Mum is hosting about 30 for Christmas dinner. It’s gonna be awesome! I went to the Shangri-La spa last week and it was amazing. Writing that post now so brb! <3 CASIE

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