TGIF: girls who like boys who like girls that do

I know that following the previous post with this post is……..whatever. Everyone needs a little entertainment  in their day! Twitter Last night I had a Jersey Shore finale with with a heap of best Twitter babes and buds. Thanks to unbrelievable, irieras, CrystalGibson, LaurenBoutette, carolzara, jeniestewart,  kericdn for coming over. We didn’t get a photo of us all cause we were so into watching the show each other’s conversations. We decided we wanna raise money to get Snookers to come over to my place for a party. Awesome idea. Thanks jaggabombs. Google Just checked Google Trends and ‘sleep talker blog’ was trending…so I obvs checked it out….seems Sleep Talkin’ Man blog went viral today. Wonder when that’s gonna happen to me, I mean go viral, I think a Paris Hilton style is a sure way. The guys wife records/publishes stuff her husband says while he sleeps.  Some are pretty funny ex “Well if I’m the douchebag, you’re the contents, Titfuck!” Internet Today I learned that young Swedish women are more likely to have sex with each other.  In the Sweedish study the figures for women having sex with other women were “strikingly high”. Interesting eh? Facebook We’re planning the February edition of genyTO and it will be held on Friday the 5th which is two weeks away. Join our FB group for details. This week Erin Bury wrote about the TO Tech community coming together for Haiti at blogTO.

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hump day: fashion forward and puking rainbows

I’ve been really busy at work lately.  It’s fun for me. Today, I had an awesome gathering at my desk about blog redesign. That stuff gets me really excited. haha. “talk nerdy to me”.  I also set up a MuchMusic tumblr. I got included in a big meeting recently about the olympics & social media. Cool stuff.  We’ve got another big meeting about social media plans for the Help 4 Haiti telethon. I love being part of all this stuff. One of the MOST exciting things to cross my plate is that MTV Canada is launching  a fashion/beauty magazine in March and…[drum roll please]..I’m the Editor in Cheif! Can’t share too many details yet but it’s gonna be fun. I always wanted to work for MuchMusic , dreamt of MTV and  visioned work for a fashion magazine…now I do! OMG. It’s alot of work but that means an opportunity to show I can handle it. I just feel sofuckingexcited every day,  I almost puke rainbows. Also, #GenyTO anniversary party is coming up (Feb.5)  and tomorrow night I’m having a little Jersey Shore Finale/Makeover party. Look out! Girls gonna be gettin’ Snookified! Have a  great day xo

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holiday heart on and maybe a date tomorrow

I’m feeling really happy. Like happier than usual and I’m usually a happy girl. I’m excited to see all the Tweeps at GenyTO tonight. I’m going to meet people face to face that I know from twitter. I’m dressing up like an elf and helping out all night. We’re going away for the holidays to a hot sunny place.  Also going to a friends fashion show in NY in two weeks. There are lots of things happening with my blogs and I fee like my work is starting to pay off. I’ve set new goals. My job is going well. Tuesday was one month at MuchMTV and I feel really great about it. I love the people and what I’m doing. I followed my passion and stuck at what I love and now it’s my job. I get excited thinking about what the next year will bring.  I’m letting my mind wander and aiming high! Thank you for encouraging me and reading my blog. I love going back and reading it and I love your comments. Don’t be shy, I’m certainly not 🙂

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get a heart on this holiday season

You can’t rain on my parade! It’s gonna rain all week and if you need some sunshine you can find it here. I was happy to see a Christmas Tree standing in the window of the bank on my way to work this morning. I’m not really a big Christmas-loving-person but I really love giving. This season, I’m planning to some some serious giving of my time, energy,  PRESENTS to you my readers. For the holidays, a bunch of us behind #GenyTO have launched a campaign called Heart for Holidays. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for Hospice of Canada. Our donation does directly to families affected by terminal illness and give them food and gifts to be able to enjoy what might be the last holiday season they share together. We’re having a party on December 4th and we’d all love you to come. If you can’t make it, it would be really nice of you to purchase a ticket so you can still be involved in the giving. Trust me, giving feels so good inside. If you would like to donate a prize, gift basket or some moolah to our event for Hospice of Canada. Email, Tweet, or holler at me and we’ll sort out the details. Have an awesome day! Happy Monday Tuesday!

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learn from, laugh with and love

I checked in on a friend, a  babe who blogs. We are one day apart and both get auto-tweetted horoscopes. I don’t always read my horrorscope (stupid word, usually positive when I read them) but sometimes I do. My birthday is May 8th and I am a Taurus. Did you know? Would you have guessed differently? You are ready to step into a role of service now, perhaps to help someone less fortunate than you. Maybe you are more concerned with paying back a debt to society or balancing old karma. In any case, consider what you are willing to give up in order to accomplish your altruistic goals. You won’t be of any assistance if you abandon your work midstream. Making a commitment is serious business, so think carefully about what you are going to do before you do it. Funny. Earlier today I was just getting a heart on for some social good…December #genyto. There’s lots of cool-smart people involved and you can be too. More details to come. This holiday season is gonna be the best, I’ve got lots of giving on my list. The jewelry factory has opened up for one of a kind and customs. I love making stuff. You can now see a bunch of Toronto Blog Girls all in one spot. Pretty cool. I’ve been totally excited  for many days in a row, now that I look back a month. Weirdo. Totally. Note: Is every store having massive sales? I keep getting discount emails? There’s so many sales, uh, makes me want none of it. I want iphone…soon… and ♥ Follow Friday: Alexi Wasser – blog babe from LA, she’s boy crazy, she’s cool and I like her. @imboycrazy

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quick saturday morning update:

First – GenyTO was fun. Thanks to Renee who really took the cake and made sure it went well. I left early after lots of congrats from familiar faces.  We raised a bunch for UNICEF! Thank you everyone for coming! Second – Zombie Walk is ON! No rain. I’ll be getting bloody and gross around 2pm and heading to Bellwoods to meet the other brain hungry kids for 3. Third – Will post the Harajuku Lovers contest winner after brunch.

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