Share the Love with Me to We Artisans

Today’s video features one of my fav pieces from a company I love & support, Me to We. I’ve been following the path of Craig Kielberger, founder of Free The Children since I was 14 years old. See the entire Me to We artisans collection here  or visit Free the Children for info about how they are changing the world. See my previous posts about the company here, metowe_casie.

“Love is the mother who spends her day tending her land to support her children. Love is the daughter who walks for hours every day to collect water for her family. Love comes in all forms—friends, mothers, families, sweethearts. On February 14th, share the love not only with your loved ones, but the world.”

* BTW I have successfully added a video to my YouTube channel EVERY DAY this month. Check it out & subscribe here. Give me 20 more days and I will have the hang of this iPhone iMovie thing!!



Take a look at the moon and make your wishes. I learned that from Grandad. Venus shines extra bright tonight. They call it ‘Snow Moon’, ask We have no snow this time round. Jupiter and Venus are the brightest after moon and Sirius. Sirius, the sky’s brightest star.


Goodnight. xo


These ladies are style inspiration for ANY AGE. Someone shared this video with me yesterday when I mentioned that 73 year old fox, Haddie. They’re all from New York and somewhere between “50 and death” as one of them says. I’m not scared of getting old at all.  Life is a journey. This year I turn thirty and I’m so ready for it! I know, you thought I was younger my my youthful charm, hold the compliments 😉

In other style news, Lauren, Julio and I are in the Globe & Mail Fashion & Beauty photos of the week (from Friday’s Motion Ball Gala). Check us out!  I love the pink in my hair more every day.

Photos were taken by Steve Blackburn from YYZ events. Here’s one he put on Facebook. First time I’ve really seen my new tattoos photographed. I can’t WAIT to add to my arm/sleeve and fill it all in.

Berlin Party Time

Where did I leave off? It seemed like only the beginning of Fashion Week… yesterday. This city moves so fast you gotta catch up with it. There is no time to waste, let alone sleep. The best thing is that “fashion week” is more than just fashion. It’s about the city and the style on the streets and the parties and the people. And that’s exactly what I did.

fashion week in the u-bahn

Wednesday: Attended the invite-only VICE/Rdio party where a friend was DJing…

vice party neon

something we all adore by solomun

sky lightsdj

Lots of hipsters and the usual, but good music and good friends and good drinks and good fun. Made it home just in time for the last train. Party win!

locked out! no more trains party shoes

Thursday: Skipped out on a fashion party to attend a geeky girls dinner at a restaurant in Mitte (the middle) where I chatted about the tech side of life with girls from other startups in Berlin.

Friday: Went to a sexy club called Watergate where it was the Diynamic Nacht party, a record label based in Hamburg that specializes in sexy house music. And damn, was it hot. Danced until dawn and took the tram home (Berlin’s version of the streetcar).


Saturday: Went to a tiny tiny club, Paloma Bar
Sunday: Went to mauerpark
Monday: Picked up my friend from Osaka from the train station and he cooked me some soba noodles and 豆大福
Tuesday: Went to the Berliner Philharmonie and listened to some Brahms, Tchaikovsky
Wednesday: Boiler Room. That is all.

actually in a boiler room.

Just an average week in the living of my life.

Jessica, in Berlin


Morning! I’ve been added as a speaker to a second panel during Social Media Week and this one is probably the most personal talk I’ve even agreed to take part in. It’s about to get deep, we’re talking ANXIETY.

One of the things that gives me the most anxiety and possibly you too, is not having money. I’ve gone through lots of ups & downs in my life and I don’t come from money so all I have, is all I’ve earned. When I returned from Australia I was so skinny from living on next to nothing I looked like Nicole in her anorexic days, not by choice.

It’s hard to carve out a way to get paid for what you love doing. Especially as a creative person. Last summer I wrote a post about how you can’t pay me in chips or chocolate bars. I got sick and tired of people asking me to do work for them in return for things I don’t need. What would I do with a bunch of chips & chocolate? I go to the gym for a reason! Helloooooo. If they (whoever is asking) are getting a paycheque and are asking me to do work, I should get paid too. You wouldn’t believe some of the extreme things I get asked to to in return for ‘publicity’. I turn down way more than I accept. (That’s not to say I don’t love getting a few freebie’s along the way!)

Lauren posted this video that’s an excerpt from an upcoming documentary on Harlan Ellison, “DREAMS WITH SHARP TEETH“. He’s an excellent writer and inspiring man. I’m sure you will enjoy it.

My startup disk is full so I’ll be spending the afternoon moving TO THE CLOUD. Have a spectacular day. It’s lovely & sunny in Toronto 🙂

iworkout: wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, touchdown

Weekend Recap: Feb. 3-5, 2012

Friday night Lozzie and I went to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. Huge charity event for the Special Olympics.We danced a little, had a few drinks, and made some friends.  I didn’t win any prizes but happy to donate to a good cause.

I threw some of the Kevin Murphy pink from Doll Bar Inc. in my hair to match my purse (Betty Kiss) and pulled this old emerald gem out of my closet (H&M).


Learned a valuable lesson from coat check girly  (that I should have thought of), take a photo of your coat check ticket in case you lose it.


There was lots of nice art. Hi Gaga.


Oh hey Paul you lovely thang you. How’s The Grid?


We had a breif Skype w/ Stu in England via iPhone from the Ball.


Next stop Bloke & 4th was a total waste of time.


Met up with the rest of the crew/kids at Lau’s house. Got my fav hat back!


Snapped a dreamy pic of Sammy boy.


Saturday morning I had a dress fitting for upcoming fashion show during Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m wearing Canadian designer Rachel Sin. The dress I picked is really lovely but I’m keeping it a secret till showtime.


Spent the rest of Saturday on the coach. Finished season two & three of United States of Tara and watched a few movies. I was due for a day off. On Sunday Barbie and I cleaned the house, got groceries & went to yoga.

How was your weekend? Did you watch The Superbowl Madonna’s performance? It was so good.

God, I love her. I always have. I always will.

TBT to Dallas when I worked for Virgin America in 2010 and at  Rockstar Hotel during the Junos last year w/ these dudes. Last night was fun!

Ok bed time. Busy week ahead! 

Who’s the BOSS? #mustang

Made friends with 2012 Mustang Boss 302 last week. Sexy. I was nervous but then I just gav’er. Something magical about a really powerful engine. I’m gunning to take this babe for a spin on the streets. Wanna drive a Porsche too.

Friday I’m invited a fancy party hosted by my friends at Ford for the unveiling of the 2013 Escape, Shelby GT500, Taurus SHO, Focus ST. I really, really hope they’ll let me borrow the Shelby this summer. I grew up around cars, mostly old classics in Dad’s shop.

Weekend Tune: “Paddling Out” by Miike Snow

Happy February! As some of you may have noticed we were lacking in a Weekend Tune last week, and for this I apologize. Alas I was off in New York City celebrating my birthday! So now you must forgive me. Besides, I’ve got an awesome tune to make it up to you. It’s a basket-case of a music video backed by a good beat. It’s Miike Snow (fitting band for the recent weather eh?) with “Paddling Out”!

Their second album Happy To You comes out March 27th.
Enjoy the Swedish electro-pop insanity!

xo Kate

Daily Twitter News for 2012-02-04

live fast, die young bad girls do it well.

I’m not really bad or do I want to die young but I AM listening to this right now and liking it.This first while get ready. Managed to find the perfect dress in my ol’ closet. You’ll see it tomorrow later.

This too. I have always loved her music.

Have a good night. Keep fit & have fun 🙂

#GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21!

We are way over due for this meeting meetup. Let’s celebrate ‘carnival season’ on Fat Tuesday with some good ol’ southern BBQ, live music and a whole bunch of awesome people. Get a ticket HERE through Guestlist.

If you have never been to #GenYTO, come! If you HAVE been before, you should especially come and see your friends. WE MISS YOU. Check out some posts from previous events here.

What is GenYTO?

In January 2009  Erin BuryRenee WarrenDaniel Patricio, Dave Coleman and I started GenYTO.  A group for the wired, creative and ambitious young people in the in the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech community. We’ve done some pretty fun things since 2009 and helped out a whole bunch of local, national & international charities.  For more info visit the GenYTO tumblr.

February 2012 Charity: Breakaway Addiction Services

Located in Parkdale, Breakaway Addiction Services has a mission to provide seamless, comprehensive and effective harm reduction services and a full range of addictions treatment services. Their services are offered through community-based facilities with a focus on street and community outreach.

Come join us for good times 🙂


Sweet Dreams & Delivered Lunch

Meet my fav sleeping accessory. I take this little piece of luxury with me on all travel adventures. It’s 100% pure silk and super soft. Cilque has a promotion right now where you get a free eye mask with purchase of robe or sheets. Can someone get me the robe please? Sheets? Valentine? I would love to sleep in those every night. Check ’em out here.

For info on the tasty/fancy meals I’m testing out right now visit Below is what I had for lunch today, grilled tiger shrimp w/ garlic & lemon jasmine rice and sweet peas. It was really good. Mega convenient having everything right here. You know how much I love to hibernate & work 🙂



It’s harder than you think.

I should make a strategy. I kinda skipped that step. It’s a real ‘challenge’ to myself to make a video each day. I’m used to taking photos but video is heavier. By the time next month comes I’ll have a habit of doing it.

Today I’ve got a bunch of meetings (again) then Lozzie and I are going to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. I’m stoked. We are going to have a blast. I went last year with my sister.


I’m a model you know what I mean (part deux)

It’s heart month and I’m feeling lovely. I have heaps going on this month and next and hopefully till the end of time. I love being busy.  The most hustle in Winter means more fun for summer I reckon. On Feb. 20th I’m in a fashion show during Ottawa Fashion Week with a whole bunch of famous Canadians. Yeah, ME! Crazy, eh?

 The show is for Unicef and the other models are Gabrielle Miller (Corner Gas/Call Me Fitz), Rosey Edeh (ET Canada), Tré Armstrong (So You Think You Can Dance Canada), Erica Wark (CBC’s Steven and Chris), Leesa Butler (, Elizabeth Manley (Olympic Silver Medalist), Gail McInnes (TDot TV), Cory Lee (Degrassi), TL Rader (Professional Ballroom Dancer), and Solange Tuyishime (UNICEF Canada Ambassador).

I’m not sure who I’m wearing yet but I’m hoping for something really glamourous. We’re taking the train to our nations capital and staying at a hotel for the weekend. I’ve never taken a long train ride and I know there is wifi so like, that’s the part I’m most excited for. WHAT A NERD. Oh well! I’ve done heaps of fashion shows in my life (so far) so walking the runway for charity is a total pleasure.

I was going to post the most obvious song but I did once already so I started looking for model songs. Then I looked at models and ended up at this, which is sexy, with models, and right in time for the superbowl. I’m actually going to a real super bowl party on Sunday. I’ve never been to one before! I don’t think? No.

Do you see now why I love Valfre so much? I always hug my besties when I see them. Hugs are good. 

I must rush to a fancy steak house lunch presentation for a client which will then be followed by another lunch with a client.  Today is business time! I’m gonan dress real professional just to throw them off. Mooohaha. Follow my Tweets to be part of the adventure.



DON’T MAKE FUN OF ME. Ok, you can. I make fun of me every day.

People have been asking me ‘why don’t you make more videos?’.  I asked myself the same question and… I HAVE NO IDEA!? I’m going to make a video every day until the end of the month and then MAYBE FOREVER. Who knows? When I set my mind to something I get pretty serious about it.

Have any deep dying questions you’ve wanted to ask? Want me to teach you something? Any questions? Any idea? Bueller?! I’m sure I can find things to make videos about every day but I am giving you a chance to inspire something. My Youtube channel is HERE and you can subscribe to it here or subscribe to my blog here (get it email, RSS, fairy, letter mail). I have a team helping me get a few things in order before I got to SXSW next month and making videos is part of the plan.

It’s about to get crazy crazier. You can call me Crasie 🙂

Know who are two of my favs on the internet, these two: My Drunk Kitchen & Jenna Marbles. Enjoyyo.

Sun Day




It’s incredibly beautiful & sunny on the lake today.


Tuesday night I went to the SS 2012 preview for Mark’s. I’m always impressed with the style. I’m looking to get a few nice dress shirts & cardigans before summer (who’s growing up nowwwwww?!). There is a rose cardigan that matches my rose tattoo I must have. I’ll have some pix from the lookbook soon. Honestly though, go to a Mark’s store, you will be surprised!


Finally went into CB2 design on Queen. I was in Boston or Vegas so I missed the launch party. Beautiful shop. Love how they left the exposed brick from the Big Bop and the classic sign. I feel like it was just yesterday I was hanging out there for bands & fetish parties.


New Instagram stickers arrived from Printstagram yesterday. Thanks Bob for shipping from Boston via China. Stickers with shipping to Canada come to $20 which you can pay with PayPal. This is my second round, I simple love the little things.


Stopp by to visit my girls at Doll Bar. Have you been there before? It’s a lovely place. I really want to get extensions but my hair isn’t long enough yet. I’m having an inner conflict over do I cut it or do I grow it?


Have Confidence in Your Business

Watched this talk last night by Mike Monteiro about being a person who works in the business of being creative. He talks about relationship building and uses good language. The start is amusing and I learned a few things. I drew on iPad while he was talking.

He brings in his lawyer, who is quite insightful. Especially when it comes to how to take care of client service contracts as a small business. Sounds boring but it’s not. I watched the whole thing. Having a business lawyer like Weisblatt Law Firm can really help expand and build on your business in the best way possible with sorting out legalities.

If the person you are working with has their lawyer on the call, you should have yours.

2011/03 Mike Monteiro | F*ck You. Pay Me. from San Francisco Creative Mornings

I like when he says ” I would like designers to stop being bottoms, realize the power you have in the relationship”. (You’ll enjoy that part I’m sure.) I love listening to entrepreneurs talk. It’s like candy for your brain. At the end he says something that I say to you and myself like, errrrrrrry day.

Go do something awesome.

You’re a winner! (thought it was spam too but it’s not)

I really AM one of the top blogs in Canada!

First of all, no, I’m not going to be on Canada’s Next Top Blogger OR The Canadian Bachelor.

I rocked up third next to a mom and a gay in the Canadian Blog Awards category of Best Life Weblog (weblog is original name of blog). Next year, I’ll be a lesbian with a child and TAKE FRST PLACE.  Seriously though, I have lots planned for 2012 in content and design and I’m gunning for first.

The Ninjamatics’ 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards saw 461 nominations across 37 categories. Their 46 volunteer jurors used  ten criteria in content & design to judge each of the 461 weblogs in the first round and approximately 175 in the second round to arrive at the winners.

Best Life Weblog/Mode de vie

First: No Ordinary Rollercoaster
Second: The Kitchen Magpie
Third: Casie Stewart: This Is My Life

To celebrate here’s the Charlie Sheen ‘winning’ commercial I was in for the Comedy Network last year. I HAVE ONLY ONE GEAR, GO.


It’s contagious. I peeled myself out of bed today after a super deep sleep. Was greeted by a delicious smooth in the fridge, thanks Barbie. The sun is shining and sparkling like glitter on the lake. Turned off the news for the aquarium channel, the fish tell less depressing stories. I want to travel. I know I just got back and I know I’m going places but I just can not seem to sit still. I caught a travel bug and it’s never going away.

Had dinner with a friend last night who is off to England then Copenhagen and will be there for fashion week. (One day I will too.) She told me that she will be staying in a hotel called the Holiday Inn hotel in Kensington and it sounds amazing. She can’t wait to visit England and she’s equally excited about exploring Copenhagen too. I’m so jealous! We talked about how determined I am/we are to break out of Canada and move to a bigger ‘pond’. Canada is a wonderful country but I really want to do more international travel writing, working, and exploring. These photos are from a shoot I did with fashion photog & friend Lynsie Roberts when I signed the deal to go to New Zealand for Fashion Week in 2010. I was incredibly excited for my first international blogging adventure. I was radiant.

Three places I REALLY want to go in 2012 year are:

  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • London, England
  • Toyko, Japan

If you have any thoughts, ideas or connections to make this dream a reality. LET ME KNOW. Send a note to [email protected] or leave a comment. I’m determined to take on the world!

Life moves pretty fast sometimes, if you don’t look around, you’ll miss it” This commercial is great. Enjoy! I’m going for a run then spending the afternoon working on a creative project.

Things to do before you ___.

I can kinda speak French, but I’m much better after some wine.


I took French from grade four until I graduated from high school. It’s a share they spent so much time on conjugating verbs when we could have been talking about how to get around France or hold a conversation. Would really come in handy now!  I’m planning a trip with in the next few weeks where I’ll be spending a few days in old Quebec where it is predominantly French speaking. I downloaded some courses from iTunesU and a French language app to get more familiar.

I’ve always been inspired by my friend Aga who could speak about seven languages. I witnessed her at dinner parties and events carrying on conversations in a variety of languages, at once. It was amazing! I want that ability! I’m determined to work on my Spanish & French this year. Next time I go surfing in Costa Rica I wanna be able to hold my own.

There’s only one way to get there…


Carla said we’d be sore after yesterday’s workout and she was right. She pushed me harder than ever before this time. “I wanna see more resistance from you”, that means next day burning. My muscles feel good right now, as in, I can really feel them.

I love Jukari because it comes from Cirque du Soleil and combines resistance training with a dance like acrobatics. King West Fitness is a beautiful gym and I wish I went more often. I need a new bike. Going to the gym is not (really) part of my routein but I’m attempting to make it one. This time last year I was going to The Motion Room once a week. I got so in shape.

I turn 30 in May and I want to be the most fit of my life, ever.


Hot tub soak post workout yesterday was lovely. I’m going to hot yoga later today w/ Barbie.. I’m up for trying out any workout right now. I’m quite keen to do a martial arts workout. Y’know, a few rounds on the heavy bag. I have my green belt in Olympic style (WTF) Tae Kwon Do, did you know that? Mum is second dan black belt!

I wonder what other workouts would be fun? Aerial silks were pretty rad. Next month I start ballet on Wednesday’s at The National. I can’t wait to be back in ballet!

I’m catching up on season two of United States of Tara right now. We got US Netflix on my XBOX by changing the IP. Came across this 101 Photography tips just now, check it out, 101 of them from Improve Photography.



I want a balloon tree. I always have.

The Balloon Tree by Phoebie Gilman was one of my favourite books as a child. We used to read heaps of books. Each summer Jenie and I would join the Summer Reading Club at the Preston library. I spent so much of my childhood at that place. I was either there, the dance studio, or gymnastics. I’m pretty sure I had my first reading by Robert Munsch at the Preston library.  I remember meeting Phoebie Gilman and having my photo taken with her. Authors were my celebrities back then.  When I wrote ‘Jeans: an anthology of poetry & prose‘ in 1996 we had our book launch there. We sold over 80 books that night and one dollar from the sale of each went to the Women’s Crisis Shelter.  It was a magical night. I’l never forget how good it feels sitting there signing your own book for a lineup of people. I’ve been (slowly) working on another  book. Write more, read more, that’s what I keep telling myself.

I’m a big believer in the power of positive thought and a few things I’ve been thinking about lately are libraries and speaking. Not necessarily together but in general. The crazy thing is, I got an email from Marketing Magazine asking me to speak at an event next month and guess where it is? A LIBRARY. My favourite library in the city, Toronto Reference. We’re talking youth culture and the founder of VICE Magazine will also be there talking about The Creators Project between Vice & Intel. I’ve been a Vice fan for about ten years and have a diploma in marketing so this is all quite exciting. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN’T DO.

The Creators Project is really cool and well, CREATIVE.

“I have always imagined that Paradise

will be a kind of library.”

Jorge Luis Borges quotes (Argentinian Poet and Essayist, 1899-1986).


Here’s a little sneak peek into the dresse we’ll be wearing at Love a Heart on February 9th. The event is a date auction so if you have ever wanted to go on a date with me (or any of the other boys & girls) this is your chance! All proceeds go to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Last year’s event was a HUGE success!

Rent Frock Repeat is a Canadian owned and operated business, based in Toronto. The concept is fairly simple – rent a designer dress, wear it, send it back. Erin Bury has talked about it before so I was super keen to give it a go. The babes behind RfR, Lisa & Kristy set up a pop up shop for us with dressing tents complete with wine, treats & cupcakes.


I picked a gorgeous red silk number by Adam. So fitting for Valentines Day <3 There were so many really beautiful dresses to pick from.

I love the concept of renting a dress, it’ll be so handy come Film Fest! Raymbo & I have the devil angel thing happening here mooohahah. Who is which?









Love this dress for another time. Love the back and how it shows tattoo.

Raymi is going to be a beautiful blonde baby Björk.


For more info on Love a Heart see FB. Thanks Shannon for setting this up and the lovely ladies at Rent Frock Repeat for offering  a 10% discount on rentals with code LOVEAHEART. Go rent a dress for your Valentines date or something special and 10% will go to the Heart & Stroke Foundation.

Love ya xo CASIE


This drawing is by Valfre. I’ve never met her but I know her through her blog/twitter. She’s one of my favourites. One of my really good mates in New Zealand is blowing up the charts there and in Australia. This is new track.

Who Gives A Damn ….. by imagine this


Last night at the SAY Media party for DX3 I had the time of my life playing with a parachute. It was so fun/cool/awesome, seriously.



The band man is Rich Aucoin and here are his deets so you can follow him. Canadian and good looking too.



I was shaking the parachute with about a hundred other people. A bunch were in the middle and running from side to side as the parachute went up and down dancing the air. Charlotte from SAY emailed this photo to me after the show and I’m sure there are heaps more in cameras around. Right when photo was taken I was in this totally awesome childlike state where I swear I don’t know if I’ve ever had so much fun. It was absolute bliss.


I’ve said it before and will again, the SAY Media team really know how to throw a party. In conversations last night I learned that lots of people were learning about the company for the first time. This is pretty rad for me because I’ve been working with them for almost a year now. I’m their Canadian ‘poster child’ for social & one of their passionate people building culture. I’ve mentioned them a few times on blog before.

I think lots of old friends were surprised to see my face on their signage. “Hey look, that’s you



I fell in love with how SAY Media really ‘get it’ the first time I received an email and checked out their site. They work with Passionate Voices connecting us with brands and stuff we like. Last year when I was an Android user, I did a national campaign with HTC. SAY is the first ever real advertising I hooked up with too. Those fancy video ads in my sidebar, that’s them.

I’m heading to DX3 for day two today and will probably be hanging out in their booth when not in a session. Come stop by. Look for these faces:


Know what else was totally rad last night? Turns out Rich from the band knows of me from my old friend Ryan Brooks. Ryan and I were in Australia together years ago. Today is Australia Day! Small world after all. If you text Rich he will send you the album.


You will love this video. I have a new crush.

we are all dying to live


Walking wireless hotspot. It’s go time