Step into Spring Style with @Sherway_Gardens

Spring is my fav time of year, there’s nothing like flowers, fresh cut grass, and  fashion. I love digging out the box of summer dresses, rompers, and shorts that hide under my bed most the year.

I’ve partnered with Sherway Gardens to share my favourite spring trends and help style up a lucky person like you. Here’s three of my favourite trends this season. Contest entry details below!


Sheer – I’ve been picking up sheer items since my last trip to New Zealand for fashion week. Long skirts, drapey blouses, sleeveless shirts and anything that flows nicely in the wind. I love the way something sheer has a certain innocence while being slightly sexy.

Look for lots of bright colours & prints and have at least one skirt in rotation. You’ll find a great selection of sheer tops & bottoms at American Apparel. They have the maxi skirt in a selection of shades.

Short Shorts – I’m a big fan of short shorts because they’re fun to wear and make your legs look long when you throw on some heels.  My tip is to make sure you don’t buy them too small, try the next size up when you’re shopping. You want to be cool & comfortable not stuffed in!

I got a great pair of denim cutoffs from Victoria Secret. When you’re at Sherway Gadens try VS and American Eagle. AE has a ton of styles including drawstring and white denim.

White Lace/Chrochet – Did you notice this trend at Coachella or SXSW?  I’ve got my eye out for a cutesie white crochet number. I’ve seen this on Pinterest in  collars, bathers, blazers, tank tops and platforms. Chill out, it’s the 70’s! You’ll find this look at Guess or Costa Blanca.

All photos can be found at


Tweet the following and fill in the blank with what Spring Style YOU would buy at Sherway Gardens.

“Style me up @casiestewart! Send me to #sherwaygardens so I can get ____.”

Winner will be awarded one (1)  $100 Cadillac Fairview shop! card®. Contest is only open to GTA residents, does not include travel, cannot be redeemed for cash, and winner to be chosen at random.

Check out all the great shops and the brand new blog at Follow on Facebook and  Twitter  for deals & discounts.

Now, bring on Spring!




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The Largest (most lucrative) Blogging Competition EVER!

Ahem, pardon moi?

Quick note! A former colleague contacted me last week about this SUPER huge online lottery called The Bille (bill-eee). I was like, WHAT? An online lotto? That’s ABSURD! We used to work together in online gaming so I know there’s lots of red tape around this kinda thing but it is TOTALLY legit.  First draw is June 7th, more info at

Tonight I’m 1/10 Canadians to co-host in the Bille’s online ‘Twitter Party’, hosted by BlogWest Media. Party starts online at 10pm EST.  AKA the pants free zone where you don’t have to leave the house!

During the event they’re announcing a HUGE search for a blogger to be their full time Community Manager and there is a huge salary involved. Blogger contest is only open to Canadian’s at the moment so, if you’re not from here, you better marry a Canadian real fast.

Tonight’s online event is your opportunity to win some moolah in the form of Visa Gift cards.

What else are you doing on a Wednesday night? Oh, that’s right, you’ll be online just like me.


  • The BiLLe Lotto Canadian Twitter party
  • Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 10:00 p.m. EST
  • Follow: @TheBiLLeLotto
  • Hashtag: #TheBiLLe


  • Four (4) $100 Visa Gift Cards
  • Grand Prize: One (1) $500 Visa Gift Card


The Future Looks Bright In Your Eyes

Something pretty exciting happened today.  It’s to do with Coral TV and involves the internet and a friendly, little, blonde blogger you know. Ok, that’s all for now.

I shall leave you with this AWESOME cover of LMFAO’s Sexy and I know it. Enjoy!

Have a STELLAR day. Sending sunshine in your direction,


These Moments Are the Only Gifts We Need


Get up, put on your shoes and go outside. Hit the pavemet. Feel the sunshine. Soak it up. Let your mind wander. Sing. Smile at strangers. Breathe, let go. Be productive. Work hard. Drink water. Give thanks. Be positive. Relax. Rinse, repeat.

This is what I call productivity, Ultrabook, Macbook, iPhone, coffee. Huzzahhh!


Having my hair done this afternoon then heading to a talk for 6pm.

I send you light my friends, have an awesome day!


Style Picks for Summer Sunnies – Sixties Summer Love

Was at the beach this weekend soaking up sunshine and taking in the breeze from the lake . I’m so ready for summer to get here.  Sunnies are the best accessory a girl can have, after sunscreen. I recently picked out three styles that I totally love: cat eye, high fashion, and vintage feel. They were gifts, thanks Lumette and Clearly Contacts.   Took these photos yesterday, enjoy!

Derek Cardigan Sun 7005 – Brown Tortoiseshell – $59.00

Cat eye is so hot right now. I love pin-up girl style, they remind me of the 60’s. A fav style of Nicole Richie and designs by Tom Ford. These ones are designed by Derek Cardigan from Vancouver, I interviewed him a couple weeks ago.

Lumette, Vedrina – Storm Cloud – $220.00

Based in NY, Lumete is a fav of  Dita Von Teese. Sunglasses are handmade and the lenses are hard coated CR39 to avoid scratches. The hard clutch case is shaped like a butterfly.  These ones are so beautiful & stylish.

Perry Ellis Demi Blonde – $135.00 

These ones remind me of a vintage pair of Ferrari glasses I had years ago.  They’re a  an aviator shape with greenish grey lenses. Frame is  tortoise acetate and matte gold metal.

Top – Audrey from Bicyclette, Jeans – Cheap Monday from Peacock Parade, Converse ‘Dainty’ in Banana

♥ Make love, not war ♥



Over $100,000 Raised for @TorontoFashion Incubator

Was great to be on the comittee with this group of young ladies. Thanks to the lovely Gail McInnes for including me and for making this event a HUGE success. My dress was vintage black suede peplum from Timeless Apparel and jewellery was graciously provided by Swarovski Canada.

Best social media committee ever: @geekigirl @styleblogca @backseatstylers

@reneeswilliams @casiestewart @laurenonizzle @advera #TFI25 <3

— Gail McInnes (@gailmcinnes) May 10, 2012

Photo Credit: Société Perrier Canada &  Becca Lemire for She Does The City

“Over 700 of Canada’s fashion elite flocked to the Royal Ontario Museum this past Thursday to take part in a milestone event for the Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI). Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the TFI hosted guests at a champagne reception, VIP dinner, Barbie(R)-inspired celebrity fashion show, the annual TFI New Labels(R) fashion show competition and an after-party in the ROM’s Crystal. Thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) was awarded during the evening which was emceed by award-winning performer Jully Black and over $100,000 in net proceeds was raised for TFI. TFI25 also featured performances by award-winning student dance group the Wexford Gleeks and recording artist Anastasia A and an installation of 25 looks from the past 25 years curated by FLARE Magazine’s award-winning Fashion Director Elizabeth Cabral.” Read full release on Reuters. 

She Gives The Best Advice






Had a lovely weekend with Mum. Brekky waffles were to die for. Heading back to the city. Tomorrow is my last day cruising in this Infiniti G37. I absolutely LOVE this car.

Time to hit the open road in the sunshine!

You are the author of your own life story, make it an adventure! Have fun. Call your Mum and tell her you love her. Heck, call someone else’s Mum too while you’re at it!

Enjoy the day!


Home Town Hero






This Is Me In Grade Nine Baby


Theres a girl here and I know I went to highschool with her. She looks like the saddest girl in the world.

I don’t think she recognizes me, maybe she never did. She was older than me, popular, sexy.

I would totally say hi, but it feels so highschool.

There’s No Place Like Home

Good morning from Cambridge, Ontario! I’m up early at Mum’s to do a wee bit of work. It’s going to be a lovely day. Sun is shining bright. I’m a bit slower at using this Dell Ultrabook than Mac but it’s good. Soon as I arrived yesterday, Mum and I went cruising to all kinds of places like my old dance studio, modelling studio, visiting old friends, old work and finally through Langdon Hall Country House Hotel. Some family friends live up the street and we used to run around the back forrest and play there when we were kids. Mum had a chuckle as we left cause a young man who worked there came out and invited us inside as soon as I pulled up. It was really cute.

Check out this old photo. I was a teen model/actress many moons ago.


Dad is on his way, in a really rad car I’m sure and we’re going cruising then for brekky. I’ve got lunch with a friend in Kitchener and then heading to see a band later. If you are in the area and wanna hang out, LMK. I absolutely love driving this G37, it’s got some real attitude!

Dad just pulled up in a 1932 Ford English wide model.We think it’s the only one in Canada. GOTTA GO!


My Event Suite Launch Party @ Corus Entertainment

Huge thank you and congrats to the man, Shawn Hawaii and his team at My Event Suite. Tuesday night they threw an awesome party at Corus Entertainment for about 500 of the cities movers & shakers in media and business. It was a showcase of all the different vendors and the services you can hire at their one stop shop My Event Suite.

There were massages, food stations, a watermelon tequila station, photobooth and more.

Check us out riding the MECHANICAL BULL!



BrockMeThanks to all my friends who were there. Especially these babes 🙂

The crew.

Brock Mclaughlin



For all kinds of coverage of the event for other awesome people, check out #MESlaunch on Epilogger.


It Feels Good


To be thirty. I’m ready to embark on a new decade with even more enthusiasm than ever before.


My sister and I are sitting in the window at Factory Girl laughing and crying as we turn the pages of Dear Photograph. It came out yesterday and is the perfect gift to give your mama this weekend. Give a box of kleenex too. It will remind you that life is short and you need to make the most of ever single day because you will be old and the days will be gone before you know it.


Mum and I are on page 107.



Congrats to Taylor Jones from or all the success on this amazing venture. It started out as an idea and a blog and it’s touched so many people around the world. Happy to know you. Submit your own at

SMILE. Call someone and tell them you love them. Paint, draw, sing. Don’t let another day pass you by.

Yesterday you said tomorrow 🙂

Thank You

Feeling extremely grateful and a little overwhelmed. Thank you for all the wishes. It’s gonna be a great day and year. Updated iOS on all my devices when I woke up and had a great sleep. Heading for a drive in the new car then breakfast and probably gonna take an extended afternoon nap. - Happy Anniversary of Your 29th Birthday.

ENJOY THE DAY! May 8th is a special one 🙂



Twitpic New App for iPhone

I downloaded it last night. Here’s some screenshots. It has potential. It’s very ‘Instagrammy’ which is not surprising given it’s popularity. Facebook s adding filters to FB photos any day now. Twitpic was the first and most popular app for Twitter years ago. I have 2,697 photos at


Select photo, roll for brightness, select filters. Crop, rotate, share.  It’s all quite & easy, see time stamps.


Final product, flipped, filtered & added banner. I like the date stamp on this one.


These two are edited with Camera+ for iPhone. Good app for fixing crap photos or ones with bad lighting.



These are two of my fav photos from Instagram last night. Follow me on IG at


What are your thoughts on the Twitpic app? I think Twitpic will get a LOT of users is they beat Instragram to Blackberry. People still use Blackberry right?! haha.

Have an awesome day!

Toronto Fashion Incubator 25th Anniversary at the ROM

Thanks Spiro for this lovely shot of me & Nancy from Peacock Parade. She’s wearing Greta Constantine. My dress in vintage black suede from Timeless Apparel and jewels are from Swarovski. I love this collar, it was a hit. Sadly, I have to return them to the head office today.

I absolutely loved the jackets by Jameson Kane in the TFI New Labels show. Winner was Sid Niegum which wasn’t much of a surprise to me. Patrick L’Arrivee had some awesome avant garde style with nylon & hats. Loved it. Very gaga-esque. Runway Photos: Owen McLeod, The Style Lense. I was socializing & trying to ignore the hurt caused by my 6′ shoes.

See full coverage of the event on It’s All Style to Me.

In other fashion news, last week I was Trump Toronto for the premiere of the first short film from Greta Constantine called ‘From Sketch to Runway‘. It’s now online. watch it.

Stay stylish my friends,

In the Suburbs

What are you doing in Mississauga? Picking up a new car for a week. I can’t WAIT to drive this thing. I’ll show you later when Barbie and I go pick it up at lunch. I really miss being in an office.

I’m already 30 in New Zealand so I’m trying to get over the anxiety that is trying to hit me right now! Cousin left a cute message on Facebook. I wish I was there right now. In 30 years I’ve never had a birthday with my cuzzies.  Maybe next year 🙂


I went to America’s Next Top Model Live in Toronto and…









It was quite the ‘woman’s show’! Booths everywhere with all kinds of things from one piece pyjama rompers to nail polish to cupcakes made out of soap. 3F sponsored the social media lounge that was decked out with big comfy chairs, interactive displays and clothes from the SS 2012 line. Raymi and I walked the pink carpet and checked out all the displays.

Case on my phone was a HUGE hit. It’ made by Andrew, to order one visit and enter ‘CASIESTEWART’ for a discount. Hair is done with artist chalk. Tights are H&M & vest is  from Peacock Parade.  BTW they have a huge sale on right now. Ordered Cheap Monday jeans for $39!



Weekend: May Sunday Sunshine Brighten Your Day




Perfect day for park party or a boat ride.



Enjoy the day!

* Photos of me by Sergio @ Brunch Store Casting 


Stargazer Take Me for a Moonwalk

This is so true. I made this post of all the tabs I just had open.

My plan was to close all the tabs, get off the computer and clean my room BUT, SATC is on the W Network and I can really do it tomorrow when the sun is out. Right? I once tried on that beautiful Tibi dress from the start of SATC at Rent Frock Repeat once. I loved it.

Don’t forget to look at the moon tonight. Biggest one this year, SUPERMOON. Remember the supermoon last year. That was a very magical night.

#supermoon #toronto


SO MANY TABS.  I love this movie. Gonna go for a walk & look at the moon when it’s over. Feels incredibly nice to be at home and not out on the town! Bon nuit!

LATEX LUCHADOR LADY! Now, pour me a tequila!

Kink Engineering made me a lucky latex lucha for Cinco de Mayo! You like?

Awesome eh? I ordered mine to be pink & black to match upcoming latex bikini from Ego Assasin but there are a bunch of options available. Wearing latex is so incredibly rad. Got my real Mexican poncho in Playa del Carmen last year. I wish I was there right MEOW.

There’s a whole bunch of Lucha’s for Kink Engineering’s #LUCHADAY. See them all on their blog here. As a warning, links in this post are only kinda work safe, there’s latex & skin. Make sure your boss is on lunch when you click them! - Tonight I insist on eating authentic Mexican food while wearing a novelty sombrero


Edgewalk: Experience is the teacher of all things.

Veni, vidi, vici! Taking my Dad to do something totally exciting & exhilarating, Priceless. Thanks Mastercard.

Dad & I had a blast yesterday doing the Edgewalk yesterday. Weather was BEAUTIFUL.I have a video of the whole thing I’ll upload some time in the next few days.


Wanna do the CN Tower Edgewalk too?

Mastercard will get you the best experience just like me.



Later in the day & went back up with Michael for all the other things you can do at the Tower.





Carnegie Hall Show at Second City

Last night a friend and I caught The National Theatre of The World’s monthly presentation of the Carnegie Hall show. It was funny. The only non-funny part was when I yelled out Carly Rae Jepson when they asked for a name but they didn’t get it.The potential for LOLs was there! They had it! I love the B&W photos of all the comedians who’ve been part of Second City over the years. John Candy was my fav, what a great Canadian.




The show is made of working comedians, MATT BARAM (Second City), CHRIS GIBBS (The British one), RONALD PEDERSON (Mad TV), and NAOMI SNIECKUS (Mr. D, Second City). They’re Canadian Comedy Award winners for Best Improv Troupe three years running. Way to go guys!


Notice my name? Let me remind you the entire world, It’s Casie not Cassie. I made a cartoon about it once, remember?

Thanks heaps for great seats. We had a fun time and lots of laughs.


I was totally into the acrobatics show in the cube. She’s performing at Torture Garden this summer too.


Mokuuba leather, H&M flower top, Cheap Monday jeans, Converse, Nella Bella bag


Oh yeah baby, here we go. It’s all about do to down. (JINX!)

What do you wanna do before you die? This has been on my list since it first became a ‘thing’. I blogged about it here and here and here.

I’ll be walking the EDGE of the CN TOWER with Dad at about 10:30-11am. If you are in Toronto and can get a pic PLEASE do. I’ll add it to my video of the whole experience. Oh my gaga.

Wish me luck, I hope I don’t die!

Kingdom of Jewels – @Swarovski F/W 2012/13

Last night I went to the Swarovski FW 2012 preview and touched a zillion jewels fit for a king, fot a kingdom really!



This Hello Kitty is 1/88 that was made by hand and valued over $10,ooo. See ya later byeeee! I’ll just take this kitty home 😛





I really love the skully items in the mens collection.



Thank you Swarovski Canada for this beautful necklace. This gold/black volcanic ash setting is seen in FW 2012 on several items.



I’m at the Darrek Kwik Studio right now getting my hair done before heading home to get ready for Toronto Fashion’s 25th Anniversary gala.

Swarovski is sending some BEAUTIFUL jewellery for me to borrow, celebrity style, for tonight’s event. Can’t wait to get dressed up! If you’re heading to the Royal Ontario Museum for the festivities keep an eye out for Lauren and I. My hair is now beige.



America’s Next Top Model – Toronto, May 4-6

This weekend at MTCC there’ s a HUGE event happening and I’ve got a couple passes. The ANTM models will be in town! 3F is a sponsor of the social media lounge and I’d love to send you. I’ll be bopping around there a little bit each day this weekend. Bunch of great sponsors. There’s a few stages and a ton of stuff happening including the FCUK stage with Jay Strutt, Leesa Butler and a whole bunch of leaders in style.

Wanna go? Simple:

  1. Like & follow 3F Fashion on Twitter & Facebook (easy one click below!)
  2. Like & Follow ME on Twitter & Facebook (easy one click below!)
  3. Comment so I know how to contact you.

Winner notified Friday morning!


Smile for the Camera Little Darling

Shooting w/ Sergio from Brunch Store Casting today. Here’s a little sneak peek!





Enjoy the day!

