More POTent than ever?

…now put this in your pipe and smoke it!

Here’s some interesting news from the WIRED Blog:

Modern agriculture hasn’t just made beef cows beefier and corn cornier, it’s also made pot more potty.

The potency of marijuana, measured by the presence of its (psycho)active ingredient, THC, has tripled since 1987, according to the latest figures from the Department of Justice’s National Drug Intelligence Center.

The new data from the University of Mississippi Potency Monitoring Project — which is not just a group of your college buddies talking about the differences between now and the old days — was released in the 2009 National Drug Threat Assessment.

The Department of Justice attributed the steadily rising numbers to “increased demand for higher-potency marijuana and improvements in cultivation techniques.” [more]

making artsy stuff

On the weekend I was making artsy stuff.
I painted my arm and made some drawings.

totally wired

Today I got the new issue of Wired Magazine. Yahoo!! The cover article is titles ‘The Truth About Cancer: Don’t try to cure it. Just find it.”. Looks interesting! There’s also an article about Obama & a smarter plan for tech and science. Looking forward to sitting down to read it over the holidays!

snow. wind. snow. wind. snow. wind. sunshine.

It was totally insane Friday when the snow was coming down like mad. I could barely see out of my windows. The building across the street was showing very restricted visibility despite being so close! We’ve had crazy noise from the wind! Scary when you’re out on that balconia!!

getting crafty for the holidays

I made a whole bunch of holiday cards this year. I’ve made several for people in the past including my mum’s whole set last year! I did it a little different this year using oil paints, paper and markers. They turned out pretty cool! I take custom orders. Cut and paste is one of my favorite activities overall.

bloody hangnail!!!!

Last night my sister and I were thinking how annoying it is to have a hangnail. Especially when you accidentally cut your own self with your own hang nail. The worst case scenario would be if you cut your own face. Thus, the following sketch was inspired…