the batch in new zealand. you don’t say?

I’m watching the Bachelor, well listening to it while I do things around the house. Anyhow, one of the destinations for the show that is on next episode is New Zealand. Looks to me like they are in the beautiful and warm North Island where they take a helicopter flight over the massive hill ranges followed by a bungy jump, Possibly in Taupo? I watched Dad bungy jump there when I was 12. I wanted to do it so bad. You had to be 13. I’m still upset about it. Most of my family lives in New Zealand and they are cool. I have Canadian & New Zealand citizenship which is very lucky, thanks to Mum & Dad!! If you are looking for the best trip of your life and a way to show yourself how awake and alive you are, get moving and plan a trip to the Land of Plenty!!

1996 Universal Music NZ Ltd.

oh god, giving feels so good!!

I was more than glad to help out a friend when he told me about Networking for a Cause in December 2008. Daniel and friends raised over $3,000 in only 30 days to help families in need buy Christmas presents for their family through the Hospice of Peel Charity organization. This event was the first of a tradition that he is starting and I look forward to helping out again next year. Daniel is a very inspiring individual involved in social media & networking. Daniel is sure to shine in 2009!!

for pigeons sake!!

There are PIGEONS in my office.
We have a big loft and they are flying around.

I’m more afraid of the pesky little dirt birds than I ever imagined. They are scary with their beady little black eyes and dusty, dirty feathers. OMG. I was feeling triumphant and unstoppable today…now, I feel like I’m about to have a little (or not so little) bird perch on my shoulder or even worse…on my head!!

Omg. Please don’t shit on me guys!

secret postsecret favorite mine

she was full of zeal

I’m really excited for 2009.Time to shine, feeling divine.I love how it rhymes. Shit. Did it again. Crime. Fun.

I had a wonderful day today. Spent the morning sleeping followed by a little breakfast snack and coffee. Had a great visit with the lovely Karrera. I did a little exercise in my room. Proud of myself for getting a jump on the ‘New Years I’m gonna start the gym‘ phenomenon; I feel like I’m ahead of the game and gearing up for summer! Each day that passes is one day closer to summer. I’ve also gathered up heaps of supplies for the workshop. I have designed some really rad stuff for Spring/Summer 2009. I’m going to be working in the gallery space until it opens in the Spring, inspiring! I’m also stoked because I made a plan for August to join Karrera for Shambhala. Helloooo 2009, the year of opportunity!

degrassias – what generation?

I found this little note from my first day on set at Degrassi. in 2007 I was doing a bunch of random jobs that summer including background work and PR.

I started thinking to myself as I sit here in Holding for my first day at Degrassi High…. Here I am working on a show I’ve never seen surrounded by a bunch of people whom either I’ve only met over the last six weeks or never seen before. Its great, as I hear the sound of “Its Raining Men” on the set, I’ve managed once again to avoid being used or getting on camera. It’s a total dream when you get to spend the day sitting in Holding, getting paid to do whatever it is your little heard desires until they call for lunch or “everyone on set”. I’m hoping that today I make to lunch at least. I’m hiding in the back area hoping not get get noticed or called.

Made it past lunch. Thank god. Unfortunately, I had to walk past the cast a few times on camera holding hands with Jessica as if she was my girlfriend. Someone in the cast is at a gay bar with a rich guy and from what I can tell he is barely, if even at all out of the closet to his friends on the show (or in real life.) I wish I had seen this damn show at least once.

Turns out that guy did come out of the closet and I still, to this day, have not seen the show. Something totally ‘fab’ did happen that day; I was given a pair of boots from wardrobe because I didn’t bring any heels with me. After we finished shooting for the day I was leaving the set heading to the TTC with this totally hot babe and completely forgot to return the boots. They are amazing and I still wear them. I will not describe them or show pictures in order to endure they remain mine. (imagine cheeky smile)